Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Alex J. Cavanaugh and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. pyromaniac 2. midnight 3. parrot 4. frozen 5. razor's edge 


1. anguish 2. alligator 3. taco 4. predictable 5. staple

also including Charlotte's colour of the month pearl opal green

Here is my story:

Sam sat frozen with fear as Abby used the straight razor’s edge to carefully scrape the singed beard from his face. His mental anguish knew no bounds. On his way home from the pub, he’d stopped at the newly-painted pearlised opal green taco stand for his predictable Saturday night staple, an alligator meat taco. 

As he turned with the feast in his hand, he’d spotted the midnight pyromaniac lighting one of his many fires in the park. The brightly coloured parrot pattern on his shirt was unmistakable. The pyromaniac was his own brother, Gene. Sam had rushed to him trying to put out the flames, but the fire grew quickly and Gene got away as Sam’s hair and beard caught the sparks and burned. 

He rolled on the ground to put out the flames and then sank his whole head into the nearby fishpond before hurrying home, where Abby would be waiting for her share of the midnight feast. He knew he would have to tell the police and tears poured down his cheeks as Abby continued to gently scrape the charred beard away, before starting on what was left of his hair. “I’m glad you stopped long enough to call the Fire Brigade,” she said.


  1. Oh River. This is so sad. Poor Same and his brother too.

    1. Elephant's Child; Thank you, Sam will get over his anguish eventually, his brother gets caught and gets help.

  2. That's not nice of his brother to run off like that. Gene have a problem. Good use of the prompts.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. lissa; true, but his brother didn't want to get caught lighting illegal fires. Sam helps the police catch him so he can get help for his problem.

  3. Oh, yuck. 1995 in Darwin we had an alligator-burger. It was awful, LOL. Thank you for that memory...
    Huhhh... an Aunt of mine got her hair on fire when she was 3 years old - no fun.
    Glad Ingo was a firefighter and still could (and did!) help....

    1. Iris; I haven't ever tried alligator and I won't ever. Back in the 60's my youngest brother was caught in a fire in the hay shed, he and a neighbour boy had been trying to smoke, they were 8 years old, and when the hay caught fire the boy ran home and left my brother and didn't tell his mum or anyone, and council workers out on the road heard my brother screaming and rescued him. Half of his face and one arm was just huge blisters when I saw him in the hospital later. My mum cried the whole time until he came home.

  4. Nice story, R. Lucky a pond was nearby otherwise he may have burned all of his beard and burnt his face badly.

    1. Margaret D; it was handy for the park to have a fish pond. He did roll his head and face on the grass to put out flames, the pond just helped.

  5. Fire is terrible. Your poor brother, River. My son-in-law was badly burnt when he fell in the fire when he was three years old. He had to relearn everything - walking, speaking, everything.

    1. jabblog; fire is very bad, my brother was very lucky there were council workers out on the road to hear him. I'm sorry to hear of your son-in-law, but happy he also survived.

  6. Replies
    1. Charlotte; it is sad but complete fiction. The good brother does help the police catch his pyromaniac brother and get him some help.

  7. I am impressed that you were able to weave that combination of words into a story. AND make it a story that elicits emotion from the readers. Well done!

    1. Val; thank you. I do try to write something that pulls the readers in, but usually with a happy ending.

  8. Excellent story. It's so sad when people are so full of trouble they do such things.

    1. messymimi; yes it is sad, but Sam gets help for Gene after the police catch him.


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