Sunday Selections #714

 Long ago, Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

beginning today with these small Halloween ornaments which I bought in Woolies

a beautiful fridge magnet sent to me by Elephant's Child which now lives on my fridge, there were a couple of postcards in the envelope too and they are also on my fridge. Thank you EC.

new apartments under construction in Eastwood, a suburb near mine

and a closer look at the daffodil mural on that fence

some of the roses in one of the rose gardens here

There are several of these bushes which have blooms that change colour from bud to dying

look at the beautiful orange on the newly opened blooms that will fade to pinky yellow, then eventually to almost white before the petals drop.

"no-one" is having a rush of ladybugs (ladybirds?)

on her fruit trees.

This is my TV watching set up, two 4TB hard drives, one with movies and the other with TV series, some complete, others having new episodes added as they become available

plugged into the "hub" via usb cords and accessed via options on the TV, I get to watch my favourite shows without the annoying advertisements, and I can pause them if i need to answer the phone or leave the room for any reason.

if I don't want to scroll through all the options on those hard drives, I also have movies on smaller usb sticks (thumb drives), assorted sizes, some 16GB, some 32GB, a few are 64GB and of course those hold more movies that the 16GB ones which hold about 20 movies though it does depend on the length of the movies. Older movies were often shorter, newer ones are the sort you want to begin early in the evening if you plan on going to bed before midnight.

Daddy J took the girls to the park for swings

and slides, I think this is Ana

and Gen. 

then it was home again for bathtime

and teeth brushing.


  1. Do Australians use "ladybug" rather than "ladybird"? In the states we say "ladybug," as you probably know. It's interesting if we share that linguistic change.

    A word of caution about the USB sticks -- I think they're not the best device for long-term storage. They DO go bad. (Hence my recent kerfuffle with my family's home movies.)

    1. Steve Reed; Yes, I know they can eventually "go bad" I've had a few that played normally, but eventually one or another of the movies on the wouldn't play, so I'd delete those movies and the rest would play just fine. For Now. I remember saying ladybirds when I was very young and don't know when I switched to ladybugs.

  2. Nice selection. It's good to see so many ladybirds and so many lovely roses. The twins had a good time at the park. My babies always cleaned their teeth in the bath.

    1. jabblog; the bath is a good place to clean teeth when you are very young and can't reach the basin. I loved seeing so many ladybirds, they're so often in short supply here. The roses are hanging in there but looking a bit sad from the heat.

  3. I love the idea that toddlers learn to brush their own teeth every day. In the old days, Australians had poor dental care alas, but these girls will know about looking after their teeth all their lives.

    1. hels; I remember the poor dental care of long ago, particularly for poorer people no one went to the dentist until the pain was so bad they got infections, so of course by then the tooth would have to be removed. Richer people were possibly better educated and went for check ups more often and took their kids too. I didn't take my kids for checkups often, but did teach them to brush from the day the first tooth appeared. I had a very soft baby toothbrush and would gently brush across the gums and where the new tooth was, so they were used to the feel of brushing very early.

  4. A storm bringing heavy rain arrived Halloween night, so no doubt dampened the plans of many.

    I used to stream via a Telstra box, but I now have a Smart TV and am able to stream series, movies etc., directly from it. I also have a TEAC recorder which enables me to record and retain favourites. I also have a blue ray which records. I don't use it as much, though. I still have a pile of DVD from the "old days" which are just gathering dust.

    Have a good week, cuddles to Lovely Lady Lola when she wakes up. :)

    1. Lee; no storm here though it would have been nice, a scary storm on a scary night. I have a smart TV and can stream from it if I sign up to any of the many available services, but I don't want to do that, there is far too much choice already and I fear I would never leave my chair. I also still have a dvd player but rarely use it. Lola has already had several cuddles today, if she had her way she would be glued to the table in front of me so I'd never get anything else done.

  5. Soon you'll be able to put all those movies on one mega google USB 100.0 stick.

    1. Mike; I do have a couple of 128GB sticks but can't use them, as the hub is for 2.0 and 3.0 and won't recognise a 3.1 stick which I find quite annoying since it reads the 4TB's just fine. I can use them and watch on the laptop but the screen is too small for comfort.

  6. Lovely flowers and darling little girls.

  7. In simple words I would call it: Adorable Cuteness Collection

  8. A delightful selection. Ladybirds are good to see - and are hell on apids.
    And the twins are adorable. Glad that they are onto toothbrushing so soon. And thoroughly from the look of it.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you. I wish I could see more ladybirds around here, ther aphids are fierce and setting up homesteads in the roses. In my opinion the twins are a bit late learning the toothbrushing routine. I started my kids much earlier as soon as they had the first tooth. But the important thing is they are learning.

  9. I love lady birds as I call them. Gosh the roses are beautiful.
    Gee whiz, you have a good setup to watch movies, TV Series and so on and you certainly have a lot of USB's there R.. Good on you for embracing it all, as some wouldn't have a clue.
    The girls are beautiful as always.

  10. Cute ravens! And ohhh, the magnet! Such a happy mural. Summerly pics, I think ladybugs? I haven´t seen any this "summer".
    Interesting TV-concept! I´m old-fashioned, I have DVDs - other I would have everything in German...
    And yes, those ads, I always IF I watch TV (on my PC) turn off the sound!
    LOL, your USB-sticks sure eat up less space than all my DVDs! Lucky you. But DVDs are the cheaper option over here.
    The slides are of metal??? HOT!
    Wow, have the twins grown! Have a great rest-Sunday.

    1. Iris; the ravens are old, I've shown them before, but the meerkat witch and the one holding the carved pumpkin are new. I have dvd's too. Hundreds of them, ansd originally I started putting movies on usb sticks so I could take a selection with me if I was going to be away overnight and wanted something to watch before sleeping. I don't know if the slides are metal, but J took the girls later in the day so they would have cooled. The twins surely aren't babies anymore, little girls now.

  11. Ladybugs! So special to me. I finally saw one last week, but didn't get a picture. Looks like a good day for the girls, playing in the park with Daddy, then some more playtime in the bath, between toothbrushing and washing!

    1. Val; I know! That's why I put them here. The girls love time with Daddy, he was gone for work every day from dawn to near dusk (travel time) but now he's been made redundant they're enjoying having him home until he finds something else.

  12. Replies
    1. Dora; they do love it and everything else outside is wonderful to them.

  13. I love thah your construction fences have flowery murals painted on them. And the rest are just great. Thanks.

    1. Charlotte; this particular fence is a permanent concrete one to separate the offices from the new buildings going up.


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