Sunday Selections #713

 Long ago, Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

Beginning with more views of the riverbank where the OzAsia Festival and Dragon were:

on the city side of the river, this is our Railway Station, the top half used to be posh bathrooms and other things that I can't remember, but is now our Casino. I never go there.

entrance to the railway station is a longish walk down this gently sloping ramp, easy on the way down, not so easy for old and tired legs on the way up but I do it anyway,

or you can choose the other entrance which has stairs and escalators

between the two is this set of short steps down

to the restrooms and baby change area, there is a second floor level entrance around by the stairs and escalators, for wheelchairs and people who prefer not to use steps.

going through these turnstiles will get you to the area where the suburban and country trains depart from and come into. This is just a few of them, there are over a dozen in a space that used to be completely open when I was very young and opposite these used to be a giant cafeteria where we would often get something to eat before catching a train back to Port Pirie. 

You need to tap your transport card to get through a turnstile and there are wider ones for prams and wheelchairs.

On the riverside now, this is part of our Convention Centre, the first part to be constructed,

followed a few years later by this lovely curved window bit,

and finished a few years later again by this pointy bit. It all looks quite impressive, yes?

Here is the dragon on the footbridge again

and across the bridge that huge white roof covers a large part of the seating area of our Footy Oval. On match days thousands of people stream across the bridge heading there to cheer on their teams.

much of the river bank is a grassy area where people sit and picnic or just eat lunch if they are taking a break from working, behind where I was standing there used to be a cafe and kiosk to buy foods and drinks and I was looking forward to a milkshake and some hot chips (fries) but those places are gone and the Festival theatre has been expanded into the space.

looking back towards the city, this is the Sky City Hotel next to the Casino/Railway Station, this would be where many of the Convention Centre people stay and possibly some of those who come here just for the Casino.

Further east, this huge yellow building is the Myer Centre, which runs from North Terrace through to Rundle Mall and which used to house many more shops that are now in there. Below ground level is a Food Court and the top level was an entertainment area with rides and games etc, which closed down fairly quickly after someone took a leap over a barrier and splatted onto the ground floor. A net was strung across just under that top level after that happened and I believe it is still there though the top two or three floors are now closed off with elevators/lifts and escalators no longer going up there.

Coming back to the present, this was the sunrise that greeted "no-one" when she got up early and went out to her laundry to get the washing machine going before going right back to bed because it was so cold. Her laundry is off the back porch, not inside the house.

And when I went shopping a bit later this is what I saw:

Kangaroo meat products: meatballs,

"snags" or "bangers", Australian slang for sausages,

Kebabs, great on the BBQ,

and even mini rolled roasts seasoned with garlic and herbs, there were steaks too, but I must have forgotten to photograph them,

thought I did photograph the Venison steaks right next to them. Any tips on how to cook with Venison? I'd like to give that a try.

Finally, the twins' cat, Azriel, with her very fine whiskers. She is used to the place now and leaps over safety barriers and couches like a gazelle. Knows all the good hiding places too. 


  1. The dragon on the bridge is very cool. The sunrise photo is beautiful. The kangaroo meat? Totally unexpected. I had no idea people ate kangaroo. What does that taste like??? We eat a lot of beef and chicken and fish over here. What foods are you surprised American's eat? I'm so curious about kangaroo meat now!

    1. Magical Mystical Mimi; the dragon is gone now, she was there for the annual OzAsia Festival which goes for about a month and finished about ten days ago. Kangaroo meat used to be popular as dog food, though in older times before white men came to Australia, the indigenous peoples ate it along with wallaby and snake, the larger lizards too. The taste is a little stronger than beef, but very lean, so much lower in cholesterol. I used to buy kangaroo mince to mix with the beef mince to make it go further, when it first appeared for sale as people food it was much, much cheaper, but now it's a bit more expensive though I haven't compared the price to beef yet. We eat a lot of beef, chicken and fish too, though I suspect many still favour the Lamb which was always a staple part of a family meals, usually lamb chops which were very cheap but now cost far too much in my opinion, and of course there was always the Sunday roast, a leg of lamb baked in the oven and surrounded by potatoes, carrots and pumpkin also baking.
      I don't know much at all about American foods, though I do see bacon and bread with just about everything else. I've heard of something called Succotash and looked it up and decided that was never going to be on my plate.

  2. Lots to enjoy this week. Thank you. Aziel is a beauty - and so is that sunrise. Our laundry is just off the back deck too.
    Your convention centre looks interesting.
    These days I have trouble with escalators. I will take the stairs (slowly) or look for a lift.
    I think we are the only country that eats the animals on its coat of arms.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you. Azriel is a rescue who has had several homes and is well used to children though it took her a few weeks to get used to the house and find her hidey-holes.
      The Convention Center is a nice looking building for which I thank the architect. I am still good with escalators and stairs too, so I often take the stairs if that's an option, to remind my knees and hips what they were made for.
      I don't know any other countries that have animals on their coat of arms. And I don't eat Emu. "No-one" tried it once, also camel and said they weren't so nice.

  3. Posh toilets? Remember when at least ladies' toilets in the City used to have a cleaning lady :)

    1. hels; that upstairs area was carpeted and the toilets were much bigger rooms than the downstairs ones, with seating and mirrors and a hush hush atmosphere, like an expensive hotel. There may have been proper dining rooms, though I could be wrong about that, most people swarmed off the trains and went straight to the big noisy cafeteria like we did. Our city toilets still have cleaners.

  4. I had to enlarge the picture of the Sky City Hotel to get a good look at it. The smaller picture makes it look like it was a burned out disaster.

    1. Mike; I hope it looked better enlarged, it is a very dark colour.

  5. The convention centre looks well designed
    I've never eaten kangaroo - maybe it's a bit like beef? Venison is lovely - a 'soft' meat

    1. jabblog; good to know about the venison. The kangaroo is a bit stronger tasting than beef and very lean, probably best on a barbecue where it will cook quickly, roasting or stewing will just dry it out. The Convention Centre does look lovely doesn't it?

  6. Here are a couple of tips for cooking the venison, River...."Oil the meat well and season with salt and pepper and/or steak rub. Place the venison steaks on a hot oiled BBQ plate or grill, searing the outside to trap the tasty juices in the meat. Cook for 3 minutes on each side for medium-rare. Rest the venison steaks for five minutes before slicing and serving." AND......

    And kangaroo.....

    I hope you have a good week cuddles to the Lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; thanks for the tip, which is the same as how I cook my beef steak. But inside in a frying pan as I don't have a place to set up a BBQ.

  7. We walked up the station ramp a couple of times but I don't know why if there was an escalator and a lift. We also explored the area. We must have been in a tall building as we were looking down on the parkland and other features. Aside from the sports ground, we didn't really know what we were looking at but lawned area along the river looked very nice. It would have been nice to explore further but our energy levels were getting low. I haven't seen K-Roo on the shelves yet, but I won't be buying any.

    1. Andrew; if you walked up the station ramp you must have seen the stairs and escalators, when facing the ramp from the bottom, turn right to see the staitrs etc which lead to North Terrace where the tram goes along. The ramp opens to the corner of the building, also on North Terrace. You'll have to come back and see it for yourself. Perhaps you stayed in the Casino Hotel to see the parklands and sports ground? Roo meat is very lean, so no cholesterol and quite tasty when BBQ'd or fried quickly like steak.

  8. You had me at CASINO! The only time I cooked venison, I cut it up and put it in the crockpot to slow-cook in BBQ sauce. It was delicious! Hick's buddies made jerky out of venison, which was equally delicious. That's a very whiskery cat. I can imagine how she would seek privacy, with young kids around.

    1. Val; I knew the Casino would interest you, but I can't show you the inside as I never go there now. I did once, long ago, with Hubby and friends after a Christmas Dinner gathering, we all split the Christmas fund the men had paid into all year, and went our separate ways once inside. I don't remember what machines I played but I only played what I had to begin with and kept any winnings I made, so I went home with a fair bit (I think about $300) and hubby went home broke. I never went back, though I know hubby did often. Azriel does have beautiful whiskers and will allow the twins to pet her for a few seconds if they manage to corner her, but mostly she gets away. She isn't a bitey, scratchy cat like my Lola would be with children. I think I'll try the venison cooked the same way I do steak.

  9. Lovely cat. My black and white had fabulous white whiskers, too. Magnificent.

    1. Joanne; thank you. Black and whites often have magnificent whiskers. I remember "no-one's" Carter many years ago had the same.


  10. Lovely selection showing part of the city, R.
    We have had a leg roast of venison, nice meat.

    1. Margaret D; thank you and it's nice to see so many people saying venison is nice. I'll definitely give it a try.

  11. I am late. This dull weather made me sleep in real long, then Ingo had the yummiest meat and we watched Die Maus...
    And a new word learned: turnstile - is that Aussie or general English? I might hopefully need it.
    I think it was the Myer Centre we visited in 1995? Was there a... haha... rail in there? We were in some shopping center with a carousel-rail.
    It is that, huh, glad we didn´t go for a ride, reading this now!
    With all respect... Aussie snags are... you know I am not a fan of throwing food away, but...
    Roo-meat was good, though.
    Azriel is cute - happy Sunday.

    1. Iris; dull weather makes me sleep late too. Turnstile is English but Aussies use it too. I don't remember a rail in the Myer Centre, but maybe it was on the top floor where there was rides and other entertainments before they got closed down. We never went up there and rarely shopped in the city anyway. That year I was living in Thebarton where I had the enormous back garden with really terrific growing soil for vegetables and there were lots of fruit trees. We shopped nearby at the Brickworks Markets, or the small Foodland shop just around the other side of the block. I agree some Aussie snags are not so nice, not much flavour and too much gristle. There used to be a specialty sausage shop at the Central Market and some Butcher shops had well-flavoured sausages too.

    2. Yes it was at the top,I´ll send you the pics. Your sausages- those we tried were "wobbly", ugh ;-)

  12. Vonderful sunrise and dragons Thank you. We tried kangaroo meat here when the old much-bemoaned supermarket was still here. It was fine, venison is better. Handles much like any other meat, just do not overcook, it becomes dry and boring then.
    We also tried crocodile --- yes it was a very well stocked supermarked. It even on a few occasions carried Kobe-veal meat (soo expensive!) ... Crocodile was not so good, somewhere between chicken and fish - in our opinion only good for mulligatawny.

    1. Charlotte; thank you. Yes Kangaroo meat becomes dry because it has very little fat content, a very lean meat. I have heard that about crocodile too, so I will never try it. But I will try venison next time I buy meat.

  13. thanks for the tour River but Kangaroo Meat? I was astonished. I like how you compared old spots with how they used to be and noting what was missing. Kitty is lovely.

    1. Wisewebwoman; I don't think it is any more astonishing than your native peoples eating buffalo/bison all those years ago and venison too, though Kangaroo is a very lean meat, no cholesterol. Kitty is lovely, a little shy still but quiet and not at all hissy and scratchy as my Lola would be with children.

  14. Lots of nice places in your photos and as for kangaroo, it would be very expensive here. The only thing I've seen with it is kangaroo jerky.


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