food for thought: just as relevant now as it was way back in June 2010

I'm currently reading "In Defence of Food" by Michael Pollan.
This is the page I'm up to:-

"With the rise of industrial agriculture, vast monocultures of a tiny group of plants, most of them cereal grains, have replaced the diversified farms that used to feed us.

A century ago, the typical Iowa farm raised more than a dozen different plant and animal species: cattle, chickens, corn, hogs, apples, hay, oats, potatoes, cherries, wheat, plums, grapes and pears. Now it raises only two: corn and soybeans.

This simplification of the agricultural landscape leads directly to simplification of the diet, which is now to a remarkable extent dominated by--big surprise-- corn and soybeans.

You may not think you eat a lot of corn and soybeans, but you do: 75% of the vegetable oils in your diet come from soy (representing 20% of your daily calories) and more than half of the sweeteners you consume come from corn (representing around 10% of daily calories)."

"Why corn and soy? Because these two plants are among nature's most efficient transformers of sunlight and chemical fertiliser into carbohydrate energy (in the case of corn) and fat and protein (in the case of soy)- if you want to extract the maximum amount of macronutrients from the American farm belt, corn and soy are the crops to plant. (It helps that the government pays farmers to grow corn and soy, subsidising every bushel they produce).

Most of the corn and soy crop winds up in the feed of our food animals (simplifying their diets in unhealthy ways, as we'll see), but much of the rest goes into processed foods.

The business model of the food industry is organised around "adding value" to cheap raw materials; its genius has been to figure out how to break these two big seeds down into their chemical building blocks and then reassemble them in myriad packaged food products.

With the result that today corn contributes 554 calories a day to America's per capita food supply and soy another 257. Add wheat (768 calories), and rice (91) and you can see there isn't a whole lot of room left in the American stomach for any other foods. "

I've been concerned for some time about the number of additives and preservatives in the foods available to us, and I've been reading labels much more carefully and more often than not, choosing to make my own soup or baked goods over the pre-packaged kind. This book is a bit of an eye-opener, the extent of the government input into what should be left to the farmers for the sake of diversity and natural foods is a little upsetting. This book is aimed at exposing the faults in the American diet today, but we all know that governments everywhere value dollars over health.

I can see how this came about; more food was needed more quickly to feed more people who were living longer, but the problems with processed foods have been apparent for years, (according to this book, since the 1950s). I think it's high time governments realised that the health of their peoples is more important than the huge profits they gain, and started reversing this problem. It's no coincidence (in my opinion) that we are now seeing so many more cases of allergies and intolerances, adding vitamins and nutrients back into processed foods is not the same as eating whole, unprocessed (or little processed) naturally grown foods. Unfortunately for a lot of us, the processed option is the cheaper option, whole foods are time consuming to cook, organic produce is too expensive for many on low incomes.


  1. Pollan is very controversial, but I do agree that it is the 'stabilisers and emulsifiers' listed on the packaging that is scary.
    We swallow them without asking what they are.

    Trivia: his sister is married to Michael J Fox aka Marty McFly.

  2. Hi River,

    Sounds like an interesting read. Mrs PM shares your concerns about additives and processed foods.



  3. Ann, this book has reinforced my belief that the least processed of foods is the best way to maintain my health for the future. I've given up pastries and I haven't had a biscuit in months. I'm eating more fruit and veg, which I love anyway, but I don't see myself giving up chocolate anytime soon.

  4. Plasman, I firmly believe that generations of ingested additives have contributed to the many allergies and intolerances that we see today. Processed foods with all the goodness removed to prolong shelf life, then the same foods with vitamins etc added back in; it's just not right.

  5. I picked this book up by chance at the library about a year ago and it set me on the path to changing the way my family eats. We are all much better off for it, but it is a work in progress.

  6. We're transforming the rest of the world too. Most of the soybeans (a lot) grown around here are shipped overseas.

    1. Mike; and I wonder how much of the rest of the world just accepts this new way without thinking.

  7. More than a decade after you published this post the problem is getting worse not better.

  8. We also avoid additives and such where posible. Once I read that to live healthy you should read the llable, and buy only food with ingredients Granny would recognize as food. I try to follow this simple advice.

    1. Charlotte; there's very little that Granny would recognise on today's labels. I try to limit my pre-packaged foods, but they are so easy and quick to cook on nights when I can't be bothered cooking but need to eat something. I have home made soups and casseroles in my freezer which is also very handy, but it is a small freezer and doesn't hold a lot.

  9. Much worse now, I read that book too along with a myriad of others including "Silent Spring" all those early warning signs. But it's like climate change. Crickets.

    1. Wisewebwoman; I haven't heard of Silent Spring, I'll have to see if my library has it. Too many early warning signs are ignored because of the convenience I think. People want things easy and quick.

  10. I don't think we've gone quite as far as the US but we still are well on the road. We really need to look to Europe and Asia for examples of better and healthier food.

    1. Andrew; I agree we haven't gone that far yet, but I'm not so sure about following Asia as an example, I've read their agricultural and processing methods aren't as hygienic as we'd like.

  11. I'm not into these foods with all the additives and preseratives in them, but what can we do other than cook most of our own food that hopefully don't have these 'things' in them. once people grew their own veggies and of course some still do, and their fruit preserving it for all winter, those days are gone, you might find the odd person who does does preserves.
    Sounds like a good book as it would make me think more about what goes into my mouth..
    Good post R.

    1. Margaret D; I try to not eat too many additives and preservatives, so if I want snack foods I generally make them myself, but often don't feel like cooking so I buy the occasional pack of flavoured crackers or some chocolate. I do a fair bit of blanching and freezing with vegetables, but my freezer is small. I know a few USA bloggers who do a lot of canning/preserving still. My mum used to as well, but I just don't have the space for it here.

  12. Advertising has a lot to answer for, too. It's not subliminal - that's illegal - but constant repetition can influence people's buying habits. No wonder there's an obesity problem in the western world. It's hard to shop wisely and as you say, sometimes convenience wins when weariness sets in.

    1. jabblog; that's true too about the advertising. Thankfully I ignore most advertisements.

  13. It is amazing how much food, really is not food at all.

    1. The Happy Whisk; yes, so much is artificially produced with sugars chemicals and food colourings. Especially candies and soft drinks. (sodas)

  14. Another reason I try to follow a whole food based vegetarian diet.

    1. messymimi; whole foods are the best, but I can't do vegetarian. I don't eat a lot of meat or fish, it's too expensive, but a few times a month I will have one or the other.

  15. This is crazy! I just watched "Food Fight"!
    I am so with you! I cook, I bake, I know what´s in there!
    If you are interested, let me know I can bring the DVD along. It comes with great material! All American, but interesting.

    And I am SO thankful! No allergies or such!!
    A real apple is waiting for me :-)

    1. Iris; I haven't seen Food Fight and don't think I want to, it sounds like people throwing food at each other. I have only a couple of allergies, to food additive 133 which is a blue colouring that gives me an itchy rash and oranges which give me hives, also very itchy.
      I have real apples in the fridge, also strawberries which I will finish today with some yoghurt.

  16. Some foods here in United States are subsidies. Like Milk, if it wasn't subsidies it would be like $10 or more a gallon.
    Not going to list all of the foods that are subsidies. But here is three of them, wheat, corn, and rice.

    1. Dora; I think milk is subsidised here too but not very much, I don't know what other foods are subsidised. Probably rice.


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