Sunday Selections #668

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us.

understated Christmas @Chez River

this year's Advent Calendar is quite a heavy box. I haven't done advents for years, but now there's the twins and I bought for them so thought I'd have one too. I ordered this one online from a link no-one sent me.

it opens out with wings on either side

and fills quite a lot of space. I moved it to the desk in the lounge room

here is window #1

and here it is with only three windows left to open,

each window contains either a tiny jar of jam, in different flavours.

or a tea bag, none of which I have yet tasted, though I have tasted the jams. One was a spiced caramel spread, soooo delicious.

one of my Christmas themed hand towels hangs in the kitchen ready to dry my hands after I finish washing up.

this year's Christmas cards adorning the venetian blind beside the door.

The snow globes have been unpacked from their cardboard box home for the first time in years, one of them has turned yellow, or maybe it always was? I don't remember.

the tiny Polar Bear is my favourite, it has so much snow it is almost a blizzard.

and after Christmas Santa likes to hang out in his hammock on an Australian beach.

here he is leaving the gifts under a tree.

a tiny hand-made-by-me Christmas Tree for an elderly neighbour just out of hospital with a brand new knee

my Cheap-as-Chips tree with extra tinsel and a felt tree with felt Mr and Mrs Santa that I bought at  Christmas Craft Fair several years ago.

tree decorations on the cabinet

shiny with tiny glass beads.

Christmas Gnome with a Hawaiian Santa holding pineapples and sitting on a bench with Mrs Santa

the Australian Mr and Mrs Santa from last year, with cookies and hot chocolate.

another Cheap-as-Chips Christmas Tree, these are probably ten years old by now.

with tiny beads

and a star on top.



  1. I had a difficult time commenting on your blog. Love this Sunday Selections so much Thank you for posting the wonders.

    1. Granny Annie; I'm glad you persevered and made it through. Merry Christmas.

  2. I think I see my name on one of those jars of jam.

    1. Mike; which flavour? I'll think of you as I eat it on toast. Merry Christmas.

  3. I love your decorations - which are much more extensive than ours this year.
    I am sure your neighbour LOVED the tiny tree you made for her.

    1. Elephant's Child; she was quite surprised. I copied the idea from online somewhere. I wasn't going to put up any decorations at all, I don't know what came over me. Merry Christmas.

  4. All the very best for Christmas, River. I hope you have a most enjoyable, relaxed one. Take care. My special cuddles to lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; thank you and Merry Christmas to you too. Lola is being very cuddly right now, having just got over one of her three day headaches.

  5. That's some Advent calendar. My granddaughter must have one very similar; she wants me to eat the jelly but return the jars. Merry Christmas to you and the little ones.

    1. Joanne; there's probably a few versions of these calendars. I'm keeping my tiny jars though I don't know what for yet.

  6. What a great calendar is/was that!!!! And oh!! - spiced caramel sounds very yummy!
    In Perth is always a poster of Santa at the beach - we have some "whopping" 8C. Not (German) Christmas-, not beach-weather...

    I absolutely LOVE your self-made tree!!! You are such a kind and caring person x
    Is Cheap-as-Chips new? Or SA?

    In a minute I´ll unpack the last Christmas-Piece out of the "big" Calendar out, too - pics to come.

    Merry Christmas to you and also to the skull(s) in the background!

    1. Iris; Cheap as Chips is not new, it is our version of the cheap store where everything comes from overseas and is usually very slightly faulty, like The Reject Shop. It's where you buy imperfect things that are good enough but not high quality. I am pretty sure it is in other states too, ask Sami.

    2. Will do, thank you! We have one in Madely (at our caravan park), but I think it´s just cheap stuff produced in China! We have that here, too.
      The Reject Shop sounds wonderful!!! My Advent-Calendar must come from one! #24... forget that! But these things need a home, too!

  7. Merry Christmas! You really have the spirit this year. I love your decorations. Especially that golden wire tree with the tiny beads, your hand-made gift tree, and the hammock Santa and the one leaving gifts under the tree.

    1. Val; thank you and Merry Christmas to you and all your family. I'm quite happy with my minimal decorations.

  8. Small jams and tea sounds like a nice advent calendar - what was in the twins' calendars?

    1. Charlotte; the twins calendars had 24 tiny storybooks in each one. The jams are very nice but I haven't tried the teas yet.

  9. Lindos adornos . Me dio ganas de mermelada, Te mando un beso. Enamorada de las letras

    1. J.P. Alexander; thank you. welcome to drifting.

  10. "Cheap as chips" is such a funny expression. I like the Australian Santa in his flip-flops!

    1. Steve Reed; it's the name of a chain of shops that sell cheap imports mostly from China. I like my Australian Santa too.


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