Sunday Selections # 669

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

beginning today with the tree that got blown down in the recent storms, did I show it last week? I can't remember: 

Here it is with the root ball still sticking up behind the trunk, the chain saw and woodchipper were very busy for a few days

this is all that is left now,

the stump was pushed back into the hole it was torn out of.

Meanwhile in "no-one's" yard:

pears are growing on her trees

and apples too, bright red

and crisp white

I have discovered that small disposable foil containers are just the right size for roasting vegetables and devilled chicken wings for one.

I had an empty space here

so I bought a kit from Ikea,

and made a bookshelf 

here it is packed full, recipe books on the bottom shelf, photo albums on the top shelf and in the middle, folders with the printed copies of my "Words for Wednesday" stories.

after all that work I rewarded myself with pizza and garlic bread for dinner

Christmas Day I wore my Christmas cap to the twins house to have lunch with them, it was freezing cold ( I hear you Northern hemisphere people laughing) so that's my ratty old ski jacket too

we spent hours playing with their new toys

a couple of days later it was warm enough for the girls to wear the new dresses I'd bought them, this is Ana

and Gen in her almost but not quite identical dress

and here they have their hair in teeny tiny ponytails

a day later it was hot enough for them to experience the splash pad bought by "no-one" it's a circular sheet of plastic with a hollow rim that gets attached to a hose and squirts water out around the perimeter into the centre.

I was pleased to see the bathers I'd bought were the right size, and that they were wearing sunhats.

Gen was first to get her hands wet

and then she stepped in

Ana soon followed and they had a great time splashing

this photo is from a few days before Christmas, they had a Disco Night in the carport

their tree was lovely with a train running around the base, a gift from Grandpa, and the beginnings of a Christmas Village in the "snow", one tiny ceramic cottage.

Last Thursday on my way to the shops I saw this>>

Poor Teddy has clearly had too much partying.

I hope all of you had a really great Christmas, and wish all of you a very Happy New Year!


  1. Thankfully the little ones will always wear sunhats when they go outside. Preventing skin cancer is vital training in this country.

  2. Those sunhats are so cute! (And functional!)

    1. Steve Reed; they are great little hats and too many people forget back-of-the-neck protection which is so necessary.

  3. We heard about your very chilly day.
    Thanks for the delightful photos of the twins enjoying themselves - to the max.
    Happy New Year.

    1. Elephant's Child; it has been chilly too often this summer, which makes the warmer days seem too hot already. I have a few more photos of the twins, but I don't think I captured the Santa and sleigh with reindeer on their navy T-shirts. Happy New Year to you too.

  4. Replies
    1. Mike; that seems to be more true of the northern hemisphere where you people have snow, I don't remember it being a tradition here in Australia, but I'm glad the twins have one and the youngest of the older brothers likes playing with it too.

  5. Replies
    1. The Happy Whisk; a little too much Christmas Spirit perhaps. Or just too much cake.

  6. I need a sunhat like those!!
    And i know how Teddy feels ... or at least i used to know how Teddy feels.

    1. Bob; I'm sure you can find a hat like those somewhere. I have felt like Teddy after too much feasting.

  7. Happy new year to you, and the twins, River.

    1. Joanne; thnak you and Happy New Year to you too.

  8. thecontemplativecat here. Those twins make me smile and giggle. they are so darn cute. We lived in the Mojave Desert for 7 years. Sunscreen and sun hats were part of the requirements.

    1. Susan kane; the twins make me smile and laugh too. Sunscreen and a hat has been part of my routine for many years now.

  9. No, I see that poor tree the first time - I didn´t even know you had such a storm - why is the stump back in?
    Ohhh. OK. I bought apples yesterday, one goes to the fridge for later now!
    And another new thing to me, devilled chicken wings! I only know devilled eggs! And I have never had the wings.
    Oh, good, ole IKEA. Haven´t been there in ages! It´s but 5km from here... And pizza - you make me all hungry!!!
    In fact I bought ingredients for the frozen, Italian pizza dough for next week and Ingo - despite he hates it - got pizza-baguette for later!
    A nice plate you have there, too!
    Yes, I am laughing! After I wondered if you wear a jacket there (cute cap!).
    Ingo was the first time in Australia with his Brother, 1993 and they went to Mount Kosciuszko. They were disappointed, LOL
    I like that the dresses don´t match 100%! My Mum had the same idea with our snow-dresses. Just... I was much taller! Looks a tad stupid (by coincidence I have that as post today).
    They look very sweet with the pony tails! And yes to the hats. I saw them a lot in Perth (certainly useless here ;-)...)
    Splashing and disco, such a fun life! I love the train! (Oh, Ingo thinks your main train station we have to go to - it will likely be assembled there. Boy, that can take a while!).
    LOL to the teddy! And to a great New Year!

    1. Iris; I thought I had posted about the tree, but was too lazy to check. It was a very tall Lebanese Pine tree and I think putting the stump back into the hole was neater than just leaving a big empty hole. And maybe a new tree will grow again from the roots? I bought apples a few days ago, most are in the fridge and one is sliced and being eaten as I type. Devilled chicken wings are ordinary wings baked in a spicy sauce, but not too spicy. That plate is one of six that "no-one" gave me as a Christmas gift 25 years ago, I use them every day and none is broken yet.
      The twins always have a small difference in their clothes, maybe the same leggings but different tops, maybe the same tops but different colour pants.
      I will check on the train station next week and how to get there from the airport, maybe a bus, maybe a taxi.

  10. It's fortunate that tree didn't damage any buildings. The twins' dresses are so pretty and they looked as if they were having great fun with the water. Having little ones around is a great excuse for playing with children's toys - I love it.
    Happy 2024 and good health and happiness to you and yours.

    1. jabblog; yes, buildings would have been much worse, though sadly one car was crushed. You are right about children's toys, they are such fun when little kids play too. Happy New Year.

  11. I have so enjoyed watching the twins grow this year. They bring us all such pleasure. Happy New Year River.

    1. Granny Annie; the girls are 18 months old now and when I think back to when they were born, I see how far they have come. They were so very tiny at 4 pounds and 5 pounds. Like little dolls.

  12. Nice new book case. It's good to get a new one, but why do they always fill up so fast?
    Cute and funny twins. and I'm not laughing, cold days in summer feel double could.
    I wish you a happy, peaceful and joy-laden New year.

    1. Charlotte; this bookcase filled fast because I took the overflow from another one. I have trouble adjusting when the days are hot and cold, last week I wore warm clothing every day and had the heater on, this week I have t-shirt and shorts and the air conditioner on cool.

  13. That poor tree! It seemed to be quite healthy, just not enough dirt to hold it. I love the red and white apple photo. Nobody wants an empty space! You made good use of it. I need that pizza and garlic bread right now. If only my taste had returned from my cold. I want to move in with the twins! They have such great experiences and activities, like a DISCO NIGHT! I bet Teddy had time to rally, and is out partying at this moment. Happy New Year to you and Lola and the girls and the rest of your family.

    1. Val; poor tree indeed, we had a thunder ansd lightning storm with gale force winds from the south, trees were down all over the city! I don't know how old this one was, it was already full grown and old when I moved here.
      I wouldn't mind another serving of pizza and garlic bread, but thta was the leftovers from the day before and I didn't buy more garlic bread yet. It comes in a pack already sliced, you can buy a 9 slice pack, or a 16 slice pack or a 24 slice pack. I usually get the 24 slice pack and keep it in the freezer.
      The twins do have a lot of fun and the youngest older brother loves to help them play with their toys. I hope your taste has returned by now, it's terrible eating anything without being able to taste it.

  14. Such delight at Christmas, the girls make me smile every time you show them.

    I pray you all have a blessed and beautiful 2024!

    1. messymimi; thank you, I hope your 2024 is also very good and maybe a little less stressful with the cars. The twins make me smile just thinking about them.

  15. Goodness there must have been a big storm then.
    The photos are lovely.
    Happy New Year.


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