Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Wisewebwoman and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are:

 1. gnocchi 2. dynamite 3. chariot 4. bucket 5. periwinkle 


1. noticeboard 2. blunt 3. bockety 4. fifty 5. shortbread

Also included is Charlotte's colour of the month: fawn brown

Here is my story:

Pushing the wheelchair through the doorway, Ted gaily called out, "your chariot awaits M'Lady." Abby replied, "you're going to have to help me love, I'm feeling right bockety this morning." She wobbled to her feet and Ted pushed the wheelchair brakes firmly into place before supporting her into its seat and wrapping her in a fawn brown fluffy blanket. "Perhaps next time you'll walk down the restaurant steps instead of falling. How many drinks did you have anyway?"

"Too many apparently," said Abby, "I was trying to drown the fire in my throat, the gnocchi came with a choice of sauces and I chose chilli, that stuff is dynamite! I don't know what they put in it, maybe habaneros, but it sure started a fire in me!" 'Dave should have warned you," said Ted, "he's been there before and tried most of the menu by now. I'm glad he was sober enough to call you an ambulance."

"Me too," said Abby. "When we arrived here they sent me for x-rays first to make sure nothing was broken, then after some questioning I had to drink a bucketful of something to help settle my stomach. So many questions! I guess they were making sure I wasn't just another drug addict looking for a fix. Where is Dave anyway?" "He's home nursing a hangover, Emma was quite blunt with him this morning, 'One more episode like this and you can jolly well sleep it off in the park!' She really went off at him, it seems he stumbled in and right away threw up on her new periwinkle blue rug."

"Oh no," said Abby. "She loves that rug, got it at a flea market for a bargain, fifty pounds I think she said." "We'll stop off on the way there and buy her a box of her favourite shortbread," said Ted, "then we'll take Dave for a nice long walk along the pier, the cold air should help him sober up fully." "I wouldn't mind a box of shortbread myself," said Abby. "I'll just park you here by the noticeboard while I get the car around and then we'll be off home," said Ted. 


  1. Well done on the words River, I enjoyed reading about the drinking shenanigans.

    1. Wisewebwoman; thnak you. I personally know nothing about drinking, so hope I do okay when writing about it.

  2. Another lovely little slice of life. Thank you. And well done.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you, it took me a while to get going on this one.

  3. I drink bucketfuls of stuff just for fun.

    1. Mike; bucketfuls of what? Coffee? hot chocolate? Whisky?

  4. I was not familiar with bockety but now I am. Thanks, River, and good work as usual.

    1. Mr. Shife; thank you. The word was new to me too.

  5. Very true to life, River - I can just imagine this. Bockety is a good word, new to me, too.

    1. jabblog; thank you. Bockety was new to me but I don't see myself ever using it in real life, though it may turn up again in stories here and there.

  6. Replies
    1. Dora; I think they are too hot for almost everybody who isn't used to them. Too hot for me for sure.

  7. Good to know that nobody's throat burst into flames, no bones were broken, and nobody got evicted to sleep in the park. Drinking a bucket of stuff, a wheelchair ride, and a stained rug are fairly minor repercussions, considering what might have happened!

    1. Val; that's so true. I think Abby stopped eating after the second mouthful.

  8. Read and did a great job with the words!

  9. I missed this! And it hence made me hungry at 05:41 on Monday morning! Hmmm. Ingo´s goulash was firey, too, so yummy!
    Gladly no one needed an ambulance!
    I´ve really seen this in Joondalup hospital in ER, where I had to bring Ingo (he was bleeding and had taken on doctor´s stupid orders blood thinner).
    There was security - in the hospital!!!! My Perth-friend, a nurse, could explain. In Germany not as bad (yet). Druggies and drunken ones. They go at people who try to help them here, too (ambulance, police...)
    Great work with the words, if sad...

    1. Iris; I am often hungry and that time too, since I don't snack on anyhting after dinner the night before. We have security in most big hospitals here because of all the alcoholics and drug addicts. It's really sad they are needed but too many become violent and are brought in already strapped down and handcuffed to the gurneys.

  10. Oh, I liked this very much. Funny and now too awful drunks ;)


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