Sunday Selections # 667

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

Today is all about fun at the twins home:

the Christmas Elves have arrived

they came in their little plane

and dropped off a box of Advent Calendars

then they got to work in the backyard

reading the instructions

things didn't go quite to plan

but the small porch looks fine

taking photos from the reindeer

ready with the snow spray

elves rule!

on the inside of the window so the girls and their brothers can read it. 

they took a break beside the fireplace

high five

checking the stockings are hung securely

this is the tree size we like

we have been framed

they delivered the gingerbread house kits

and got into the bathroom where the transformed the water into sprinkles!

these are the advent calendars I took to the girls, giant books

with tiny books inside, one for each day, this one has purple pockets

look how big the books are!

this one has pink and purple pockets for the little books

the Princess Frog

the Tambourine Dance

the girls love them

and after Christmas they can be packed away and brought out again next year.


  1. Lots of elves - and lots and lots of fun.

    1. Elephant's Child; the twins mum is so good at this kind of thing.

  2. We have a lot of those elves in England too! I think the little buggers are taking over. Thanks for sharing those pictures of your healthy and most lovely granddaughters.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; Thank you, you're very welcome. I love the elves and wish they had been around when my kids were little, but the grandkids have them now so that's a good thing. The girls are learning to talk more now, with Ana saying Santa and Gen saying Ana.

  3. "We have been framed!" Excellent photo. And title.

  4. The spray snow and hugging the spray snow made me smile. Happy Winter!

    1. The Happy Whisk; I like the spray snow too, but haven't bought any myself for decades now. It's best in houses where there is the magic of small children.

  5. I was at my granddaughters(8) house when their dog came trotting up to me with an elf in her mouth. I hollered, HEY LILLY, DID YOU GIVE DORY AN ELF TO PLAY WITH!?
    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! as Lilly came running into the living room.

    1. Mike; gotta keep an eye on the dogs, they love toys. I hope the elf was safely rescued.

  6. Christmas will have some meaning to the girls this year. I bet they prefer advent calendars with chocolates inside, but just don't tell them that there is such a thing.

    1. Andrew; it is exciting for them, but I don't think they will remember too long once it is over, they are just 18 months old. There will be plenty of years ahead when they get chocolate advent calendars. The three older brothers have chocolate advents every year so the girls will know about them already and may even get a taste.

  7. Oh! The girls must be filled with so much wonder and joy. :)

    Have a good week ahead, River...take care. My cuddles to lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; everything new fills them with wonder and joy, it's really delightful to see them each visit. Lady Lola is currently sleeping on my tV chair, she will get her cuddles later.

  8. The twins look so engrossed by their advent books!

    1. Steve Reed; they do love books and one story is so popular the girls know when to turn the page already :) add two more to the numbers that love to read.

  9. What a lovely post. Those elves have a very busy life at this time of year.
    The Advent books are a great idea.

    1. jabblog; thank you. The elves are busy everywhere in the world I think. The Advent books will be handy for a few years.

  10. I still laugh aloud on your last words!!!
    Thank you, I needed all this on this lousy day!

    1. Iris; I think packing the books away is a great idea, they will be new again next Advent.

  11. This really put me in a Christmas mood! Those elves must be exhausted. I still love that fireplace. It looks so cozy. I'd be excited to see that my water had been transformed into sprinkles. Of course the pictures of the girls are the highlight! What a fun Christmas this will be.

    1. Val; I'm happy to put you in a Christmas mood. I don't know if elves get exhausted, I imagine they sneak naps when no one is looking. Too bad the sprinkles have to revert to water though.

  12. Oh, so much fun! I love what the elves did, and I especially like the reusable Advent calendars with books instead of candy or edible treats, which we all get so much of anyway. Fabulous!

    1. messymimi; thank you. I think the girls will enjoy the books for several Advents, but soon enough will want the same chocolate ones their brothers get.


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