Musical Monday #

Musical Monday

I was introduced to Musical Monday by Delores who copied the meme from another site.

I think it’s a fun way to show off some of the music we like and brighten up our Mondays at the same time. 

I’ll be finding my clips on you tube, so will simply credit that site since there are often so many versions of everything and I wouldn’t want to accidentally credit the wrong artist.

Today’s clip is Bon Jovi

It's My Life

and the lyrics:

I love this, it makes me feel alive.
Not that I'm dead or anything (*~*)

I hope they both play.


  1. Great lyrics.
    And yes, I need to be reminded to live while I am alive...

  2. Great song! Thanks. Spending a few days with the grandchildren reminded me that I'm not gonna live forever. The four-year-old looked at me very solemnly and said, "You're old, grandma. That means you're going to die soon." Um, yeah. Maybe. But not today...!

  3. I love Bon Jovi...great bankd. I've never seen them live, but my nephew has twice.I'm glad to see that we're all still alive...a little frozen, but still alive.

    Only yesterday I reprimanded myself after I'd posted a 80th birthday card to a friend I've known since 1965. I wrote a lengthy spiel inside the card...and yesterday I recalled that as part of the signing off on the card I wrote - "Stay warm" could be taken the wrong way...I hope she takes it the right way!! :)

  4. Hi River,

    I have a love hate relationship with Bon Jovi. They are the "token rock band" that non-rock music fans claim to like but they have genuinely written some good songs - and some absolute drivel,

    However, I like this song - good choice.




  5. Elephant's Child; I think everyone needs that reminder now and again.

    Susan; from the mouths of babes! I certainly hope you don't die soon, your family aren't the only ones who would miss you.

    Lee; this song gives me a boost if I hear it when I'm feeling as if nothing is going right, it reminds me there's life to be lived. Talking about freezing, I left the back porch door (my bedroom door) ajar last night so Angel could come and go, because I'm sick to death of his whining to get out or in, so the bedroom got rather cold. Thank heavens for snuggly quilts full of feathers.
    I'm sure your friend will know what you mean.

    Plasman; I don't think I've heard any of the drivel you speak of, I have only four Bon Jovi songs on my ipods. Glad you liked it.

  6. I've always liked this song and haven't heard it for a long time so thanks for the reminder.

  7. Hi River,

    Nothing like a bit of Bon Jovi and I've been "Living on a Prayer" for many a year.

    Nice choice, River. Strewth!

    Gary :)

  8. ... Hi River...... I just love Bon Jovi... great song great video.......makes me wanna dance ... <3
    Hugs.. Barb xxx


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