Sunday Selections #232

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.
  Andrew often joins in too, but he is currently holidaying in the summery northern hemisphere, hopefully taking lots of photos.

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week I'm showing you a little place I often pass while on my way to somewhere else.  Usually I'm on a bus, but it is close enough to my destination that one day I got off the bus to take these photos, then walked the rest of the way. 

It's set back a little more than the other shops/buildings, so the front apron can be used as car parking space.

Called Snorkel Safari, it has everything you could want for underwater fun. The bright colour scheme helps it stand out, but what first caught my eye was this fabulous advertising method>>>

I've seen it often and always thought "I wish I'd remembered to bring the camera"
Well one day I made a note on my arm, so the next time I went, I had the camera.

cool, casual style...

and smiling through rain, hail or shine.

fully equipped with mouth piece,

and ummm.....other necessary stuff (*~*)

there's even a shark knife strapped to his leg. 

set on the corner of Richmond Road and Croydon Road in Keswick, Adelaide.
South Australia of course.
If you're planning any underwater shenanigans, this is the place for you. 

I walked inside and told them I'd been taking the photos and asked if they'd mind me featuring him on my blog and they said okay. I figured they would, after all, it's free advertising for them.


  1. My post will go live at 5am -

    This is a great form of advertising. :) Carter will like me to mention that one day he aspires to be a scuba model, but he needs to put a little more meat on his bones first. :)

  2. What fun. And of course they were happy for you to take photos - even though I suspect they will gain no business from your readers. Spark lots of dreams though...

  3. Wouldn't it be funny if somehow every time dogs wandered by and stopped to do what dogs do...that the diver's leg gave the dog as he was about to do his business a gentle kick along? That'd surprise the dog! lol

    Sorry...just my crazy sense of humour!

    I hope you have a good week, River. Stay warm. Cuddles to Angel. :)

  4. He's a pretty cool dude. Thank goodness for that shark knife. You never know when one might sail by.

  5. Oh, so very clever! That took some time to get that happy guy dressed. But, he had a big smile, so I guess it went well.

  6. What a fun form of advertising! Swimming... okay, playing.... in the water is my favourite form of exercise.

    Switching to my new computer today so I don't have access to my photos for the moment. Sorry! =(

  7. ... great advertising... he looks so happy... xxxx
    Hugs...Barb xx

  8. Snoskred; Carter can dive without meat on his bones, he could be part of a skeleton crew (*~*)

    Elephant's Child; it's possible I have Adelaide raders who just don't comment; also others who read this may be inspired to visit Adelaide and go snorkelling.

    Lee; that would be a hoot! I've never seen any dogs there though, it's on a main road.

    Joanne; as long as he can get it out of the holster fast enough.

    Susan Kane; I think he's molded all in one piece, but it still would have taken a while to get all the components correctly coloured.

    Jac; I used to want to learn to snorkel, now I can't be bothered even going in the water. Especially since my asthma got worse.

    Barbara; it is a great advertisement. I like seeing him there all year round.

  9. He looks neat for winter time...keep warm.

  10. whiteangel; I'm trying to keep warm, you'd think a flat as small as mine would be easy to heat, but I leave it too late in the afternoon before I turn the heat on, so the air gets too cold to warm quickly.
    Is it still warm where you are now?

  11. How nice of you to go inside and ask, and such great photos of it too, they surely should be quite impressed. I liked your theme, so I went with it too, as it seemed to flow nicely with the photos I planned to post. Here's my link


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