Words for Wednesday

On Wednesdays,  Elephant's Child has been putting up a selection of six (or twelve) words which is called “Words for Wednesday”.
She had taken over this meme from Delores, who is gradually retiring from the blogging world.

This month the meme continues here, at Drifting through Life.

Essentially the aim is to encourage us to write.   

Each week we are given a choice of prompts: which can be words, phrases, music or an image. What we do with those prompts is up to us:  a short story, prose, a song, a poem, or treating them with ignore...

Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog.  I would really like it if as many people as possible joined into this fun meme.  If you are posting on your own blog - let me know so that I, and other participants, can come along and applaud.

This week's words are:
1. battered
2. assessing
3. widened
4. credit
5. collection
6. clarity


1. thesis
2. believed
3. really
4. finger
5. game
6. flash


  1. Excellent words! You, EC, and Delores never have failed to challenge bloggers. Thank you!

    1. ...my take on these words will be on my blog site on Friday! Brain not working this a.m.

  2. I shall incorporate one set into my blog in the next few days. I'll let you know once I do the deed! Thanks for taking up the challenge of coming up with the words.

  3. Brain is (still) not braining today; I'll try to incorporate a set on tonight's blog, and shall let you know when the deed is done.

  4. Newsflash.
    I have always thought that I can do anything if I have to. I have resented the way the thesis is so thoroughly tested, but I really believed it was true.
    Whatever happened I put my mind to assessing the challenge, considered the options and just kept going. It wasn't something I claimed any credit for, it just was.
    Now? With the clarity and twenty-twenty vision that hindsight gives I know I was wrong. And deluded. I have been lucky. The collection of difficulties a friend is facing after being hit by a car would defeat me. I am pretty certain that I would be saying that life was a game I didn't want to play anymore. The fickle finger of fate sometimes lands with all the power and impact of a wrecking ball. My eyes have been opened wide, and I don't like what I am seeing...

    1. That was excellent...so true.

    2. Oh yes goodness that fickle finger of fate can be mighty powerful! This was just perfect, it reads so smoothly too, nice delivery.

    3. Nice, EC. How is your friend, by the way?

  5. As the economic crisis WIDENED the BATTERED Greeks finally BELIEVED with CLARITY just how REALLY dire their situation was; and that the greatest impact would be felt by the ordinary Greeks. CREDIT was unavailable; cash was limited.

    In ASSESSING the losses those who were GAME enough to point the FINGER looked towards the government; towards those who made the decisions on their behalf.

    The robust, FLASH economies of countries like Germany made it impossible for the poorer countries to compete.

    Will a COLLECTION of financial brains come up with a THESIS, a proposition, a proposal that will solve this problem? I doubt it – I believe there is no easy answer; no simple solution.

    1. Ouch. True. And a lot of pain and worry for a lot of people in the months ahead.

    2. Bravo, true to life, excellent use for each word, and hopefully all those financial brain can/should be beneficial!

    3. How timely and I wonder what will happen in the end there in Greece.

  6. A great collection River.....I may just give this a shot.

  7. The detective struggled to bring some clarity to his most recent case. He widened his search of suspects assessing possible reasons the woman had been battered. The only information he had was the woman had poor credit and many of her bills had been sent to collection.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I deleted the comment because it had got tangled and didn't make much sense.
      Essentially I was trying to say that some collection agencies play rough. Too rough.

    3. Oh so sorry for her, I do hope she can mend things! I totally agree with Elephant's comment, they can be very brutal!

  8. The battered boxer's skill at itemizing and assessing his opponent's superior force served to widen his options. To his credit, this collection of sound ideas delivered a moment of clarity, which he used to leap out of the ring and wisely run away.

    1. He who fights and runs away, lives to run another day.

  9. Susan Kane; I'll read your take on these words on Friday. Finding the words was the easy part, now I have to write something.

    Craig; thanks for playing, I'll pop over and read when you're ready.

    Jac; no hurry, just let me know when :)

    Elephant's Child; this is great. Hindsight is wonderfully bright when it comes to highlighting our mistakes. I hope your friend continues to improve. I think you're right about life being a game. We're all players.

    Lee; so true and an excellent use of the words. I saw that bad news on TV a couple of days ago, or was it just yesterday? I feel so bad for the Greek people and there's nothing I can do to help.

    Delores; thank you, I'd like to see what you can come up with.

    Susan Kane; I've never had so many comments before :)

    Linda; I like detective stories, this is good. I agree with EC below you though, some collection agencies play too rough.

    Geo; excellent advice, running away would be my choice too.


  10. After the initial embarrassment, all I was left with was a somewhat battered ego and a collection of recent missteps. To her credit, my best friend ,Sue, showed amazing clarity at assessing any damage to my slightly tarnished reputation as a prude and suggested I might widened my circle of friends so an entirely new group could enjoy the drunken antics of my table dance with a lamp shade hat

    1. Love it. I am always amazed at how many different directions the same prompts lead us.

    2. Bravo, now that is a dance I'm sure we'd all love to witness!

    3. I too have a reputation as a prude, and little does anyone know the truth. Love your use of the words, Anne in the Kitchen, with the lamp shade hat.

  11. Anne in the kitchen; welcome to drifting and thank you for playing along. I love what you did with the words. Table dancing with a lamp shade hat-true story??

    Elephant's Child; the best part is the differences in everyone's interpretation.

  12. A very good idea to bring the writings out of the writer. I hope everyone has fun with it.

  13. I can think of a few sentences with those words.

  14. What a great way to spark one's imagination.

  15. Well, all I can say is I feel a little battered because I looked at my recent credit card statement and after assessing the damage, my eyes widened, because I can't remember buying the full collection of Rick Astley CDs.

    I must now seek clarity and perhaps one day finally admit to myself the '80s are gone :)

  16. The Graduate

    She knew her masters thesis was beyond good. She knew and believed it was really quite excellent. So why, at her presentation, were her professors nodding off and some, visibly texting and showing their texts to others? Her face was flushed with embarrassment that turned to anger as one professor excused himself loudly to use the can. Forget the game face, it was game on! She turned from her presentation board to face the arrogant troop before her and flashed a fake smile. Then, she said, with enthusiasm, "You know what? Take this thesis and shove it where the sun don't shine." Then she raised both arms high above her head and extended on each hand the middle finger. Double flip off! Out she stomped. The Graduate now works at a Taco Bell in south town, but patrons at the drive through talk of her as if she's larger than life, a legend! They tell about how she reads her thesis at the drive through, even when no one is at the order window. The words ring out across parking lots and alley ways. She is heard.

    1. I am glad. They definitely needed to learn some manners. I hope, if and when they come to Taco Bell, she spits in their meal.

    2. WooHoo! Finally she is heard, and by the size of most drive-up windows she is heard by a lot!

    3. Amen Karen S and amen to EC's comment too and I'm not religious at all.

  17. Manzanita; you could join us....

    whiteangel; string them together and write for us.

    Mason Canyon; welcome to drifting; this meme has been going for a while, why not give it a try?

    Mark Koopmans; welcome to drifting. credit card statements are often a shock, especially if you're account gets hacked. not a Rick Astley fan, but love the eighties music. Nice use of the words, thanks for playing.

    Strayer; they sure do, here anyway.
    Love your story, how rude were those professors? They deserved a double flip off.

    1. They sure did, River. I love the Wednesday Words thing, and look forward to it! Thank you for hosting it!

  18. Me too... posted mine today. http://thehesitantscotsman.blogspot.co.uk/2015/07/my-name-is-craig-and-im-addict.html

  19. Oh great, I did post in the wrong spot! Oh well now I can catch up on all the other posts too. Here's my link again!



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