Sunday Selections # 270

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.
  Andrew often joins in too.

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week it's floral.

We'll begin with several images of a profusely flowering white bouganvillea, the one I call the frilly wedding dress of flowers.

Bouganvilleas thrive in our hot dry conditions, the drier the summer, the more they flower.

I'm tempted to find out if the white is available in miniature form, I'd like to plant one to grow up around my windmill.

frilly wedding dress, right?

this particular plant is huge and hangs over two sides of the fence, the house sits on a corner block.

white perfection.

one lonely oleander bloom, the last one left on the bush.If you enlarge this, you'll see yellow specks thickly clustered on other parts of the bush, these are a sap sucking bug similar to aphids.

a faded rose, dry now and papery to the touch.

not a flower and I don't know if this does flower, but it is thriving over on neighbour P's part of the garden.

all of the buds on this succulent are now open,

I featured this a few weeks ago, when the flowers were still buds.

pale blue plumbago is everywhere too, it's another climber (rambler?) that does very well in the dry heat.


  1. ahhhhhhh pretty. Now if our rain would stop so I could get out and enjoy the spring.

  2. WOW. I don't think I've ever, ever seen such a huge frothy wave of bloom! You captured it so well!

  3. The bougainvillea are exquisite!!

  4. Love that wedding dress. And yes, a miniature would be spectacular...

  5. I had a white bougainvillea once only lasted about 6months and the others thrived maybe harder to grow as they are rare, thats the best one I ever seen.

  6. The bougainvillea is amazing. It seems like a good time of the year in and around your garden.

  7. Bougainvillea is an aggressive plant here in S. Calif. Grow fast, take over. I love the white--wedding dress indeed!

  8. I love bougainvillea. At a motel I managed in Cardwell, North Queensland in the mid-90s outside each unit grew bougainvillea, contained in large in-ground pots. It was so decorative.

    Bougainvillea was so popular, too, when I was child. I've not seen it growing here where I live nowadays.

    I hope you have a great week, River...cuddles, as always, for Angel. :)

  9. The white bougainvillea is absolutely captivating! I've never seen a white one one.
    Must remember this for my next property.

    Gorgeous photos, River.

  10. Bougainvillea, how lovely is that white one.
    We have plumbago in our front garden which husband cut back on Friday. Always a pretty show.

  11. R. Mac Wheeler; go out in the rain and enjoy the spring :)

    Happy Elf Christine; that is only a portion of the blooms; the plant is enormous.

    fishducky; they come in many other colours too.

    Elephant's Child; I'm going to look for one, it's on my list :D

    Merle; I haven't seen many white ones, but the ones here in Adelaide seem to be thriving. Most people seem to get pink ones.

    Andrew; the bouganvillea is on the other side of town, near my daughter's home. around my garden things are dying down for the winter.

    Susan Kane; California is an ideal climate for them.

    Lee; I remember it being everywhere too, then not so much, but it seems to be making a comeback here in Adelaide, especially the newer, smaller varieties which are mostly thornless. Hugs to Remy and Shama.

    Vicki; I don't see too many white ones, but they are my favourite.

    Margaret-whiteangel; my mum grew plumbago, the pale blue like I've pictured here. I prefer the deeper blue and the white.

  12. I love all the plants, but yes... the bouganvillea definitely look like frilly wedding dresses. Just lovely!

  13. The Cranky; wedding dresses and little girl's party dresses :)

  14. I never knew that bouganvillea flowers could be white as well as pink - sadly, neither variety grows here.

  15. I've seen several white bouganvillea on our travels around the suburbs and they are so beautifully dainty. We have 4 but they are all coloured.
    The dead rose still has some beauty.
    Love all the other pics too.


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