Sunday Selections # 272

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.
  Andrew often joins in too.

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week we're taking a trip down memory lane.

We built this house:

and K put up this temporary pergola while we planned what to do with the rest of the back yard.
Things didn't work out, so we sold the house...

and moved here, where J developed an interest in cooking. Here he is crushing cornflakes.

Time passed and we started over. 
Built another house....

different style,  one extra bedroom.

J standing in what would be his own room

K inspecting the foundations or something

J copying K, checking out the brickwork.

yep, looks straight.

almost ready to move in

this is about eighteen months after we moved in, front garden making good progress.

one small side garden begun

and another.

J getting an after dinner snack.  A rather large after dinner snack.
He grew three sizes in the short time we were there.

and a few months after that. For Sale. Again.

we moved here....

the hallway full of unsorted stuff we hadn't yet found a home for.
See those walls? That's not wallpaper, they're stencilled. Most of the rooms were like this, in different colours (*~*)

"Jesus" was still living with us at that time. (K)

the back porch grape vine with my most favourite wind chime.

looking from the back porch way down to the back fence

and from the back fence to the back porch. The enclosures you see either side of the path are chicken yards. Roosting shed on the left, free run on the right. I thought about getting some chooks, but that didn't happen. We used the roosting shed to grow boxes of mushrooms.

veggie gardens between the chicken run and the small lawn where the washing line was.

fruit trees and another grape vine on the other side.

 The soil was fabulous, anything would grow and we had all that fruit! This is where I grew enough carrots and zucchini to feed an army, in one season!

Looking back now, I wish we'd stayed there.

**my blogger friend R Mac Wheeler has a new book!

title: Dead Maybe.

 here's a little teaser:

"A visceral tightrope of deceit, abuse, and murder.

Aran’s a researcher—for a killer. Not a profession of her choice. With her keeper’s death and the end of her servitude she may never have to plan another assassination, but she will kill to survive. Those who contracted her mentor’s hits will come for her. She knows too many secrets accumulated the past decade analyzing the routine of those tagged for death."

available at Amazon 

more details here 


  1. Wow. We have never built a house. Never ever. Loved this jaunt down memory lane - and the heads up for R. Mac.

  2. I enjoyed strolling down your memory lane, too. We never never built, either. Our pastime was buying, renovating, selling; buying, renovating, selling (three times over) with an intention of building in the end, but that never and divorce stepped in.

    I'll have a look at R. Mac Wheeler's new book. Thanks for the head's up.

    I hope you have a great week ahead, River....cuddles to River. Take care. :)

  3. I love these pictures. It's a rare treat to be able to see your family! I like the stencil idea but whoo, what a lot of work!

  4. Elephant's Child; we built twice and sold twice :( I really loved the first house and cried the whole time I was cleaning it for sale inspections.

    Lee; yep. That's what happened here; life and divorce. Cuddles to River? thank you, I'm sure Angel will oblige once he's finished napping.

    Happy Elf Christine; these are the only family members you'll see, everyone else doesn't want to be here. J agrees because he is all over facebook anyway.
    I hated the stencils and would have painted over them if I could.

  5. What a great walk down your memory lane. Everybody seems to have an interesting past, created just by living.

  6. House to house is exhausting! How did you ever manage it all? Liked the last house with so much yard room. Are you still there?

  7. lol Cuddles to you and to Angel, River! :)

    My screen was scrolling sporadically - again - I thought the problem had been fixed so it looks like I'll have to get the computer guy back again sometime during the coming week! Grrrr!!

    I freely admit I have little patience!!

  8. Andrew; I never thought my life had been interesting until I started this blog. Mostly I just got from A to B as best I could; turns out that was the interesting bits.

    Susan Kane; that house with the fantastic garden was 5 homes ago now, for me. Now I'm in a tiny one bedroom flat, with about 7square metres of garden space that isn't truly mine, but I've planted stuff in it.
    It's public housing I'm living in and the grounds around the blocks of flats are community spaces, although each tenant personalises their own patch if they want to. Many tenants have been here far longer than I have and some of the garden areas are truly lovely.

    Lee; Angel and I have exchanged cuddles, now he's out in the back porch, up on his tower.
    Sorry to hear your computer isn't quite right, probably it's something really simple to fix.

  9. When we came to the big smoke from the farm I lived in 6 rented houses (plus one attached to a corner store) until dad built a house when I was 20. I have never had the pleasure(?) of building my own home so have to put up with what is.
    Do you have mainly single brick houses in SA? W.A. has a fetish for double brick although Homeswest built both single and double brick (ours is single brick ... it was one Homeswest built many years ago). I've often wondered is it because of the heat although Adelaide has hot days as does Perth. Always has us wondering why the love affair with double brick.
    I often thin about unit living and not sure I could do it but perhaps one day....the choice may not be ours but of necessity we may have to go into a retirement village....or something. I just love being able to go into the back garden in my gown and not have to care. Perhaps it's just me being sloppy. Who knows!!!
    Still waiting for autumn. 32C in Perth yesterday. Climate change? Am beginning to think it may be real after all.

  10. Mimsie; climate change is definitely real.
    I'd love to have a private yard again where I could sit outside in my pyjamas and read the paper, grow a few vegetables. I can't do that here, the soil isn't suitable and with pots it's too much trouble keeping the water to them.
    I wish I'd been able to see the future and might have chosen to stay in the house with the big veggie/fruit yards. We were renting it, but maybe I could have managed it.
    I live in this unit now because it's all I can afford, I probably have too many aches to be caring for a garden now anyway.
    Most new homes in Adelaide for the past 40-50 years have been single brick. Double is better fro insulation purposes, but Adelaide's reactive clay soils won't support the weight. Some suburbs will, but most won't, the houses end up badly cracked from the shifting soils.

  11. The houses are great. Some people stay in the same house all their lives, others move often.
    Stenciling, oh my, someone was energetic.

  12. Margaret-whiteangel; my plan was to live out my life in the first house we built, but things didn't work out. Now I'd like a place right on the ocean, but that's a dream. I've lived in 31 different homes. My parents moved us around a lot, then my first husband was in the Army, so we moved every 18-24 months, after that it was a matter of finding a cheaper place every time the rent got too high.

  13. .. wow.. River .. that's a lot of homes to have lived in....I've lived in 7 homes throughout my life... We have been in our current home for 49years now.. our next move will probably be retirement village... I'd love to live near the ocean too....
    Have a great Day ....hugs... Barb xxxx

  14. Barbara; the longest I've lived anywhere was eight and a half years in the unit before this one, and here I've been almost five years now, so this is the second longest.


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