public service announcement

my computer, my pretty little laptop, is having some problems.
Maybe a glitch in the system, maybe a virus.

So I've emailed Dr Bob, who has helped me before and I'm waiting on a reply.

Hopefully the computer keeps working until he has a look at it, but if I disappear suddenly, you'll know why.

 If that happens, I'll be back when I can.


  1. Love computers, but they can be frustrating. Hope yours sticks around for a while.

    1. joeh; me too, she's already been with me just over six years and I'm very fond of her.

  2. Replies
    1. Andrew; I've had a reply from Dr Bob, he's still in the repair business and is coming tomorrow morning to 'Spring Clean' my system.

  3. Hopefully it will hang in there.

    1. S.J Qualls; I hope so too, I don't like breaking-in new things, change is hard and I like my little laptop.

  4. I hope whatever the problem is will be fixed by Dr. Bob promptly! I hate it when I have computer problems...I have no patience!

    And I have no patience that I have no patience! :)

    1. Lee; Dr Bob will be here tomorrow and do a whole system spring clean, should take about two and a half hours he says.
      I have patience, but get panicky when things go wrong and I don't know why or how to fix it. She seems to be working better today than she did all weekend, but I'm going ahead with Dr Bob's spring clean in case there's any bugs that need to be exterminated.

  5. Some time I feel I'm lucky when I don't major set off something, which I haven't

  6. peppylady (Dora); mostly I'm lucky with my electronics, this is the first time I've had to call Dr Bob for this computer; he helped me with the older one years ago, it was old and sluggish with very little RAM. It lasted a little while longer then I got fed up with the snail pace of it and bought this one.

  7. .. glad Dr Bob is coming to spring clean your pretty lap top River.. xxxx ... Barb xx

    1. Barbara; I'm happy to have him do it, he knows more about whether or not there is anything wrong that I do. I just panic in case there's a virus.

  8. Good luck then, nothing worse than not having a computer when used to one - same as anything really.
    Hope it's fixed real soon.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; I always thought I'd be fine without one, but the thought of being without if it died was too awful. It would be different if I was ready to give it up voluntarily.

  9. Hope Dr Bob can help your ailing computer. My iMac has been a little crazy of late so I just turned everything of (modem included) and then back on, off again and now it's behaving. I'd be lost without my computer. Really lost.

    1. Mimsie; usually the turn off and on again does the trick, but this time it isn't shutting down properly. i go through the routine, close the lid all lights go off, then one comes back on and stays on, which isn't supposed to happen. This is when I call for outside help.

  10. I can cope (sort of) with the iPad but really like a 'proper' computer for doing things on :)
    Dr Bob sounds like a knowledgeable chappie - keep him happy when he arrives so he doesn't 'stuff anything up'. Lol

    1. Cathy; I couldn't cope with an iPad, they're too small for my fat fingers.
      I can't see Dr Bob stuffing anything up, this is what he does for a living and stuffing things up is poor business practice.

  11. Nooooooo Been there and done that hope it works out okay for you.

    1. Only slightly confused; not as bad as it seems, the extremely slow keyboard response seems to have resolved itself and most other tings are fine, it's the 'not properly shutting down' that has me concerned because last time that meant I had a virus.

  12. Mine is getting old and a bit cranky so sometimes it just doesn't want to work a bit like me hope yours is feeling better soon.

    1. Merle; perhaps you could ask Santa for a new one this Christmas. Mine will be much better by this afternoon.


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