Wednesday's Words on a Friday

Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write, a story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.
If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by Carolyn McBride and can be found here.

This week's words are:

1. complicated
2. rodent
3. humor
4. theology
5. nature
6. sarcastic

Here is my story:

I don't know about you, or anybody else for that matter, but my life doesn't seem to be at all complicated. I am a simple person, with a sense of humor, sometimes sarcastic in nature, more often quiet and self-contained. 

I'm not highly educated, there are many things I don't understand: theology, quantum physics, higher mathematics. Perhaps surprisingly, I also don't understand people and how to interact with them. People offer me clues; look for the body language they'll say, but I can never see any. Read their faces, I'm told. Again, nothing. But I get along okay and I have friends. 

I like almost everything, though there are things I don't like, cockroaches for example and those tiny midgy drain flies that are so hard to swat. I'm not fond of rodents either; I don't begrudge rats and mice their place in the world, but they can stay out of my home. Please. 

Overall, I think my life is pretty good. I enjoy our world and all (well, most) of the wonderful things in it. I'm enjoying our Earth; I'm happy to be alive.


  1. Your story - my thoughts, exactly!

  2. Do you celebrate Thanksgiving in Oz?

    1. fishducky; don't need to, I'm thankful everyday. Well, most days. I have down days like everyone else.

  3. You do fine as far as I'm concerned, River. I reckon we'd have a lot of laughs together. The simple life is good...

    Be thankful....there are times I wish I wasn't so in tune with the body language and looks on the faces of others! (Particularly this week)! lol

    A great, honest use of the words.

    1. Lee; we;d probably get a lot of laughs once we got used to each other in real life, which is always awkward for me at first.

  4. .. nicely done River... the simple life is always the best.... it's great that we can simplify things in our lives and take some of the stress off ourselves.....have a good day ... Barb xxxx

    1. Barbara; simple is far better than stressing over keeping up with "the Joneses", fashion, anything else that requires stressing.

  5. Well done, everything makes sense.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; most of my life makes sense. Although sometimes I don't make sense.

  6. Great use of all the words. Loved the direction and the message!


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