Sunday Selections #301

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.
I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and for the next few weeks we're taking a walk through my garden and around the gardens in other areas within the complex.

first is my tiny apricot tree, now about 8-9 inches tall

the blue chalk sticks have finally decided to go wandering like they're supposed to, they should eventually spread about two metres

a couple of cuttings I go from somewhere while I was out walking, the thing green leaves you see is a piece of pigface, the red leaf I don't know what it is but it grows large and thickly leafed.

the dusty miller has almost covered poor Roscoe, so I've moved him over near Rosie the cat.

one of my echeverias has developed several of these flower stems, I'm waiting for the buds to open, I think the flowers will be pink

 these are my two newest gnomes, they were intended for the garden, but I'm a bit worried someone might walk away with them because they're unusual.

and my new hens which will be in the garden as soon as I decide where

finally there is new life on the hoya, those reddish brown leaves, there are some on the other side too

my pelargonium which began as a scrawny stick is now quite dense and flowering well

more of the pelargonium flowers

and a row of six scrawny sticks which will become bushy pelargoniums in a year or so, I'll space them out as soon as they develop roots

the stone plant is also flowering, I have three of these and they are all flowering, but they are still small, although beginning to spread now.

the red kangaroo paw is flowering, see how different the colour is on the branch which is in the sun? Almost orange.

the yellow kangaroo paw isn't flowering yet, I'm not sure it will, last year it didn't

Next week, we'll see other people's gardens.


  1. I absolutely love your garden photos - highlight of my day when you post them.

    1. Grace; I'm glad to bring you a little pleasure.

  2. I do love wandering through your garden with you. Doesn't Dusty Miller feel lovely when you run it through your hands? I don't know what colour flower ours will have, but love its soft foliage.

    1. Elephant's Child; I love wandering in your garden too. My dusty miller has yellow flowers, small button ones like Tansy has.

  3. The pelargonium are gorgeous!!

    1. fishducky; thank you. They seem to like my patch so I'm planning to get cuttings of different colours from a friend here.

  4. The apricot looks so vulnerable and the gnomes very cute. I wonder if Aborigines called kangaroo paw by the same name.

    1. Andrew; the apricot does look delicate and I'm keeping my eye on it because there are caterpillars eating a lot of stuff, also slugs and snails.
      I'm pretty sure the Aborigines had their own name for kangaroo paw, whether it translated to kangaroo paw I don't know.

  5. It's such a shame some people are so light-fingered with no respect for others; those who falsely believe in "what's yours is mine". It's a shame we have to alter our ways because of their ways!!

    Have yourself a wonderful week, River...cuddles to Angel. :)

    1. Lee; it is a shame and I'm thankful none of my ornaments have been taken, there seems to be an unwritten agreement around here about those, but I'll still keep the bikers inside, just in case.

  6. Love , love, love your flowers and plants! Also the Biker couple - maybe they need to watch out the window - super cute!

    1. S.J.Qualls; thank you. The windowsills here aren't wide enough to stand the bikers on which is probably a good thing as Angel likes to balance there occasionally and he might knock them off.

  7. Our garden is pretty much put to bed. Apricot is something I like mostly dried..Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora) it's nice that you can see flowers from the other side of the world when your own garden is sleeping through winter. I love dried apricots too, and stewed apricots and fresh from the tree apricots. They're my favourite fruit and I've been trying to grow a tree for years. Every time I eat an apricot that is particularly tasty and juicy, I save the seed and plant it.

  8. The plants are growing well.
    Always nice to see kangaroo paws growing and different colours as well.
    The apricot tree looks ok. There is one next door and it's just above the fence - we are waiting to see if it has fruit...I'm sure a few apricots will fall over to our side of the fence :)

  9. Margaret-whiteangel; they are looking lovely right now, I'm quite pleased with them. I've 'lost' a few of the kangaroo paws, I planted quite a few and now only have four. I think the others just died.
    I'm really hoping the apricot tree survives.

  10. The gnomes are very different, I would keep them around the back they will walk for sure.

  11. You certainly do have a green thumb and love all your little 'friends' you scatter through your garden. Those gnomes could take someone's eye so best keep them safe.


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