Thursday Thoughts # 99

from Deep Cover Jack by Diane Capri:

"The large cargo ship he had chosen for the demonstration was transporting food and medical supplies to needy African nations. Their corrupt governments were not likely to distribute the drugs and groceries, so intense scrutiny of the lost ship was unlikely.

from Covert Affairs by Diane Capri and Jillian Dodd:

"look through a history book. People have been killing each other for  centuries in the name of religion, and I don't get it. Nearly every religion teaches peace. Man's ability to twist whatever gospel they believe, is where we get into trouble. People laugh at pageant contestants who say they want world peace, but isn't that what we should all want?"

from Covert Affairs by Diane Capri and Jillian Dodd:

"I met a famous actor and had my ass grabbed by a lecherous old senator, whose wife informed me that he meant no harm.  
The man's lucky he still has an arm."

Today's Thoughts:

Donald Trump as President.
Chew on that for a while and tell me how it feels.

Moving on to something far nicer:

Does everyone (anyone?) remember the little dangly beaded things kids used to hang off their mobile phones?

does anyone know where I can still get some?
I don't even know what they are called.

I found a few at a shop that sells all kinds of fancy blinged up phone covers, but they don't have any more, are not getting anymore and no one else has any either. I like to hang them off my usb devices so they are easy to locate in the bottom of whatever bag I'm carrying.

Aaaand - I went around to a couple of the other gardens here and asked for cuttings; was told I could take what I liked except from one particular bush which was new and still getting itself established.
Woo-Hoo. A whole new bunch of stuff to try and grow :)


  1. Interesting Thursday thoughts....ah the Donald....I don't really know what I think about least, that I can put in print.

    1. only slightly confused; I'm so sorry Donald Duck...err...Trump got in :(

  2. All I could think of, sweetie, were those strips of angora we used to wrap around our boyfriend's rings so they would fit our fingers. At least that's what the fuzzy part looks like.

    1. lotta joy; out here we never wore our boyfriends rings, class rings weren't known out here, and if a boy liked you enough, he bought you a friendship ring from a jeweller's shop. I had one with a pattern that was cut in such a way it reflected light as if it had diamonds.

  3. The dangly thingies - no idea where you could purchase, but it shouldn't be too difficult to make one or two. I like the idea. (And I have no clue where my little thumb drives are ...)

    1. S.J.Qualls; I couldn't possibly make them, I'm not at all crafty and ham-fisted to boot :)
      I know where ALL my thumb drives are, I keep them in a box on the shelf behind me.

  4. I have never seen or been aware of those dangly not a clue where you could still get any.

    Congrats on the cuttings. That's fun to get some freebies to start new plants from.

    1. Cheryl; I'm sure I'll find some or find someone who can make me some, for a price of course. There is a bead shop I know of that might be able to help, I'd just prefer to buy them ready made.
      everyone around here is happy to share cuttings.

  5. They are called phone charms, or even more exactly cell phone charms - you can google for sources. They are available at Etsy (of course!)

    (I am physically ill over the election results. Stupid, stupid people. No words.)

    1. Grace; aha! phone charms. I knew there was a name for them. But I'm not buying online, cost plus delivery is too much.
      The election is a source of sorrow here too. One wonders what Donald Duck will do with 'his' country now that he's in charge.

  6. Hooray for cuttings. Positive news on a scary day.
    And I do like the phone charms too. I have some earrings which aren't dissimilar.

    1. elephant's Child; I've seen many similar earrings, but they can't be threaded through the tiny slot available on the drives for them. The cuttings are surviving so far, some have flowers on and the bees were visiting this morning.

  7. They were a very Asian thing. A phone shop in your Chinatown?

    1. Andrew; I'd forgotten about Chinatown and I'm going there on Tuesday to check out a chocolate shop that also does cakes. There is a family birthday coming up.

  8. I got some of those phone charms in Soul, Korea for gifts but haven't seen them in the shops here for ages.

    1. Merle; Korea?? I'm not going that far for a few beads :D

  9. Cool bead work. Didn't sleep well last night I'm sure it was our election.
    Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora); the beads are pretty aren't they? They were very popular several years ago, now all the charms I see are large one for girls to hang off their school bags.

  10. Can't help you with the dangly thingies, River...sorry. I've never seen them.

    1. Lee; never? they were a big thing here in Adelaide for quite a while.

  11. Those things that dangle, can recall being on keys!

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; the ones on car keys usually are attached by a keyring or parrot clip. These little things have a doubled thread which feeds through the slot then the beads are fed back through the thread.

  12. Trump's against Common Core and ObamaCare and pro-second amendment. He's a bit of a RINO but at least he has an R behind his name which means a better shot at a decent Supreme Court pick. That right there made him my very best friend in this election.

    PS. I think they are called "mobile phone charms." Go google and see what's available in Aus?

  13. Happy Elf Christine; I don't know what to think of either Trump or Hillary. I don't like either of them. I did like Obama and agreed with the Obamacare scheme which needed much more time to fully settle into place and give affordable health care for everyone.

    1. Wellll, but you're not living here and paying the huge premium increases we are. You might find out that circumstances change your politics and conversely I'm pretty sure if I lived there and got "free" healthcare I would love to not have that worry.

    2. We don't all have 'free' health care, there's a small copayment for some doctors now, and if you have private health insurance those premiums aren't cheap. But for the elderly and unemployed there is free healthcare available at clinics where you sit and wait your turn to see whichever doctor is next available.
      There is a financial cut-off line where the government says you're earning enough and should have private health care and if you choose not to there are extra taxes to be paid in your yearly tax return form.


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