Dear Blogger

 Once upon a time, when a spammer left a comment, I could go into my "comments' section, mark him or her as "spam" and the comment would be sent to a spam folder within the comments section. Then every time that particular commenter's name appeared, he or she would be immediately sent to the spam folder, which I would empty on a regular basis. 

This no longer happens. Now, when a spammer makes an appearance I have to mark him or her as spam, then get the option to delete or not and why wouldn't I want to delete? Of course I delete. 

But then that name keeps appearing on my blog comments, over and over and over. (Ratana) And I have to keep spamming and deleting. 

Why was this most excellent system changed? Can you restore that function? Would you restore that function?


  1. Ratana is everywhere! I just delete forever but it comes back, Must be automatic. The only post that ratana did not post the stupid spam comment on was the "Fuck" one.

    1. Linda Sue; he's really getting to be annoying. There's a couple of others too. Ratana seems to be about casinos or online gambling.

  2. I get Ratana too. And today over a dozen from one who was 'Unknown' but trying to sell me cheap drugs.
    I do hope that you have sent this feedback to Blogger. I have. Repeatedly.

    1. Elephant's Child; how do I send it to Blogger? I'm just hoping someone from Blogger reads it. I'm beginning to think Blogger no longer cares about us.

  3. I do not get much spam. I have put posts older than 14 days on moderation, which seems to help. I made a post on how to some time ago.
    You tell Blogger about what bothers you by clicking the Questionmark-in-a-circle on the compose blog post page. It says "Help and feedback" (or some such) on mouseover.
    Hope this helps.

    1. Charlotte; I've usually found "help and feedback" to be not much help at all on other websites, so I haven't bothered with the blogger one. I may give it a try next time I'm feeling particularly annoyed.

    2. They do not reply, but they are known to listen if many people report the same trouble, so please do!

  4. If people stop clicking on spammers' websites they will realise that their spams are counter-productive and hopefully stop. Continue to first mark the posts as spam then delete these posts; it will eventually register with Blogger and the spammer will be blocked.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; it used to register with blogger (hah, I typed blooger) the very first time I marked a comment as spam, but then they upgraded (new and improved? hah!) and even got rid of the spam folder where spammed comments used to go.

  5. I've kind of gotten used to Ratana's comments. She comments between 12 noon and 2pm, and I like catching her quickly and deleting her comment. I have moderation on comments older that two days so at times she foolishly comments on an old post and I send her to the the spam folder. I am not sure why I assume Ratana, what is essentially a computer script, is female. We don't pay for Blogger so I suppose we just have to put up with things like this, but I am surprised that Blogger hasn't sorted out Ratana yet. Clicking on links in Ratana's comments is stupid, no matter how tempting online cock fighting might be.

    1. Andrew; I'm resigned to them, but wish I didn't have to be. I get a day or two when she/he doesn't leave a temptation into massive online debt, but I do wish Blogger would do as they used to without me having to put moderation on my comments. I never have yet and don't want to.

  6. Oh dear it's most annoying River.

    1. Margaret D; it's more annoying when I have a cranky day for any reason.

  7. I too gave up on making as spam first for I still had to delete. Now, since I moderate all comments, I just delete Ratana. You would think she/he would give up when nothing of theirs sees the light of day on my posts.

    1. Arkansas Patti; this stuff is computer generated and computers don't know when they've been marked as spam. a human would.
      More importantly, are you okay? Did the tornado cause any harm or damage in your area?

  8. Too much attention for the spammer. I just delete (and wonder how sad their lives must be).

    1. Iris Flavia; these people aren't sad, they are hackers who will do anything to get people to click on their links. They set up a cycle on their computers and spam automatically appears on ours. The REAL problem is when people unknowingly click on their links and allow them access to their home laptops etc.

    2. But... who does that?! Wow, that makes me even more sad.
      Back in the day we "thought" before we did/clicked anything"

  9. Yes, that's a problem. This is what I don't like about Blogger now. Spam things like this make most people, including myself, to turn comment moderation for older posts which causes another problem because apparenlty Blogger thought it's good idea not to notify people when there is a comment that needs approval. So, we're all going the spam cirlce and there's nothing to do done about it.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. lissa; mostly I'm happy enough with blogger to stick with blogging and I'm not going to be moderating my comments.

  10. It's annoying, and i've simply gotten used to gettin rid of spam the hard way.

    1. messymimi; me too, almost every day, and "Oh look!, there it is again, right below this comment".

  11. I can think of better things to do with 'Ratana' than just deleting; most of which have been outlawed since medieval times!

    No, I have no solution.

    1. Cro; please elaborate on your preferred torture method :)

  12. Ratana is all over the world! I get it too and follow the same process you do!

    1. magiceye; welcome to drifting. I hope he or she gives up soon.

  13. I was having the problem with Ratana but somehow finally managed to get rid of him. I think I deleted his answer from my post then went to comments and marked him as spam without deleting him there. Guess I shouldn't brag until I am sure he is gone for good.

    1. Granny Annie; perhaps he or she just moves around in cycles, I had a few days where a comment didn't appear.

  14. I really don't get that many spam. I just delete them.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; I delete them too, but still find them annoying.

  15. WHen I go to Indonesia I'll know where to place my bets.

  16. While there is some comfort in knowing I am not the only blog targeted by this spammer, it is as annoying as everyone has said. Like you, I also mark as spam, then delete and check daily. Also, when I see that this despicable spammer has commented on another’s blog post, I suggest they also delete the comment. Unlike many others, I do not moderate comments but check them at least twice daily.

  17. You have a wonderful view out that window! I'd be gazing out instead of getting my work done!
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