Sunday Selections # 563

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

Still at Glenelg

where they are getting into the Christmas Spirit

with pretty blue sailboats

decorated for the season

there are bows on fences

and tinsel too

several small fishing boats were out on the water, I hope they caught at least enough for dinner

and this appears to be our Navy guarding our coastline

there were some lovely fences, (there still are some lovely fences, they don't just get up and walk away), this one has made lovely rust patterns on the capping below the rails

this one is cut steel panels, these are becoming quite popular now

this fence has a matching gate

this tessellated tile section leads to steps

and up to a mermaid

someone's Gollum (plant) is doing much better than mine, perhaps the depth of the pot has something to do with that

the same garden also has a crinkly crassula the same as mine

here we have a big cat peacefully sleeping on a rowboat, both made of concrete

finally, two cherubs guarding an urn, or perhaps there is a chess board just below the edge?



  1. What a wonderful, wonderful Selection this week. I am hard put to choose a favourite.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you. I like the cherubs guarding the giant urn, which I remember as being about a metre across plus extra width for the cherubs.

  2. Enjoyed the artistic rust patterns and also those cut steel panels would provide a bit of privacy but are not as forbidding as solid fencing. Those cherubs have to be playing chess.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I wonder if the cherubs are playing chess, or perhaps watching cloud reflections in the water that may or may not be in there. I like the steel cut panels too, they come in all sorts of cut shapes. I also really like the older style fencing.

  3. Either a chess board or a cheese board....

    The stationary fences are most attractive.

    My boss (and good friend) from my 14 years employed by the Kolotex Group of Companies back in the 60s and 70s had spend part of his life in Glenelg, and often told tales of his days there and in Adelaide. Earlier in his life he worked for John (Johnnie) Martin & Co. department store, in the menswear department, and for a time was also based in Paris and London as their overseas buyer. Just a bit of trivia that is probably not of interest to anyone else!

    I hope the coming week is kind to you River...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; a cheese board! well, maybe. They could be watching for seeds to sprout and grow. Glenelg is one of my favourite suburbs.

  4. I hope the navy don't know something we don't know.
    The rust is such a vivid colour.
    The old gate and fence are nice, and the tessellated tiles are in such good condition.
    A mermaid in Glenelg seems appropriate.

    1. Andrew; the Navy may just be keeping an eye on the fishing boats to be sure they don't catch past the limit. or they could be on shark watch.
      That rust is so orange, like a stormy sunset almost. I love it. I have always like tessellated tiles and used to wish I had a porch with them. Now that I'm older and more aware of slipping, I think I'm safer with my rough concrete.

  5. All wonderful photos.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  6. Lovely the sea and decorations near the sea..

    1. Margaret D; I love the sea too and would live a lot closer if I could.

  7. Just yesterday I was thinking of doing a page about 'metal fencing'. For very different reasons, so I shall say no more. The cut steel fence does look attractive, but it also looks rather 'industrial', and of a different age to the building. I prefer the original one beneath it.

    1. Cro Magnon; with those older houses the original fencing is much better. The cut steel would look okay by a newer apartment building perhaps, although I do like it.

  8. Wonderful selection of photos. Thank you so much, River.

    God bless.

  9. Love the Christmas-deco!
    The weather looks rather cold, though???

    The Navi-boat looks impressive. Remember when the Americans were in Freo and (1999) we could visit and we all tried to enter from the left and the poor marines said, right, right, enter from the right (as we actually do in Germany as well).

    Yay fro creative fences! And tiels, it makes our lives so much better!

    1. Iris Flavia; it was a coolish day, a bit rainy, our whole summer is going to be wetter than usual with a "La Nina" weather pattern coming from the west. You got to visit on an American Navy boat? Lucky you.

  10. I would find it weird celebrating Christmas in warm weather but it would be far preferable. We've already had snow here and people seem to love it. I hate snow but when it happens on Christmas Day it does look quite nice - as long as I don't have to go outside.




    1. Plasman; we're used to celebrating in the heat, but we still like to see photos of snowy Christmases. A few die-hards still do the traditional roast lunches followed by Christmas Pudding and brandy custard too, but more and more Aussies are choosing seafoods and salads, maybe barbecueing skewered prawns etc.

  11. Beautiful selections, i do enjoy the wrought iron fences. Those cherubs must be concentrating on something, i agree a chess game we cannot see would be a likely reason.

    1. messymimi; thank you. I do love the cherubs and the urn.

  12. I like the fences best. Which may say something about preferred level of personal interaction! I have boundaries, and I'm not a people person.

    1. Val; I have my boundaries too and wish I had fences where I live.

  13. You have a wonderful view out that window! I'd be gazing out instead of getting my work done!
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