Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by EC and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. thread 

2. butterflies 

3. say 

4. unsuitable 

5. sea 

6. shattered 


1. press 

2. eyelids 

3. spaghetti 

4. standing 

5. cardboard 

6. dumped

Here is my story:

The following morning, Daniel grunted a "good morning" to Anne as he tipped half a box of cereal into a giant bowl and added a full pint of milk.  She skipped around the table happily as she waited for her turn with the cereal box. "How was the Ballet?" asked Daniel. "It was fabulous," said Anne stopping to grab the cardboard box to pour cereal into her much smaller bowl. "And so very pretty!" her eyes sparkled with the memory as she opened a new carton of milk then reached for a spoon. "All the dancers costumes looked like butterflies and the music was just perfect. Most of it was prerecorded and played over the PA system, but Khoral Kai added his violin to the sound and it was just magical."

"I've heard he is quite the musician," said Daniel, "he's the one who lives in the lighthouse by the sea since his whole family were killed, isn't he?" "Yes," said Anne. "He thinks no one knows his story, but we all know he is an alien stranded here because his planet got destroyed by an asteroid while he was visiting here for Christmas three years ago." "He probably knows we all know by now, and just wants to keep a little mystery going," said Daniel, standing up and rinsing his now empty bowl in the sink. "Are Mum and Dad awake yet?" he asked. "They must be, I heard the shower going and Mum's hair dryer."

"I'll hang around for a bit then, there's something I want to ask Dad," said Daniel.  "What is it son?" asked Rob, coming into the kitchen just in time.  "If you have some spare time, I'd like you to come with Harry and me later this afternoon, Harry wants to look at an old jalopy for sale a few streets over and you know more than we do about cars. It's going cheap and Harry wants to learn how to fix it up and get it going." "Do you have a time frame for this?' asked Rob. "And what does Harry's dad have to say?"  "His Dad thinks it's an unsuitable use of his savings, but he says that about everything Harry wants to try," said Daniel. "Hmmm," said Rob, "and what time were you proposing to go and where exactly?" Daniel said , "Harry's coming around here at two-thirty and the jalopy is that old bucket of bolts in Sam Neill's yard."

"What's this about a bucket of bolts? asked Phyllis as she came into the kitchen. "I see you've both had breakfast already, is there any milk left or did you use it all?" Rob took Phyllis aside to explain the bucket of bolts, while Daniel sat down again to await their decision. He couldn't remember anything on his Dad's calendar for this afternoon. "So, butterflies," he said to Anne. "Are you sure they weren't fairies? Both have wings you know." "Of course I know," said Anne scornfully, "I'm not a baby you know, I'm ten and a half. And Khoral introduced the Ballet as 'The Butterfly Fiesta', we saw them come out of their brown cocoons, then flit about a bit and shake out their new wings. They were so shimmery. I want to learn to sew things like that. I suppose I'd need a special type of thread, ordinary cotton just wouldn't be the same," she said. "I'll have to ask Nanna, she taught me to sew aprons."

"If you want to get into costume making, you could ask Khoral to introduce you to the designer of the costumes, but ask Mum first. The whole 'Ballet In the Park at Dusk' was his idea, his name is on the programme as director and set designer."  "Good idea," said Anne, "I'll ask when we go to see Nanna and Grandpa after lunch, he needs to hear all about the butterflies." Phyllis came to the table and started clearing away cereal crumbs and drops of spilled milk, while Rob and Daniel walked outside to discuss cars. Anne said, "Mum, I think I might want to be a costume maker when I grow up. Daniel said Khoral Kai knows the person who designed last nights butterflies and maybe she can help me learn."  "That's a very demanding career path," said Phyllis, as she pressed her fingertips against her eyelids for a moment. The early morning brightness often hurt her eyes when she hadn't had quite enough sleep. She reached for her sunglasses to help with dimming the glare.

"I think I can do it," said Anne. "Look how quickly I learned to sew an apron last year." "Aprons are easy," said Phyllis, "costumes are much trickier and they need to be designed to fit a particular body, not like aprons which are pretty much 'one size fits all'.  "That's true," said Anne, "so it's a good thing I'm starting young, I'll have plenty of time to learn." "You seem to have made up your mind," said Phyllis. "We'll see what we can do to get this ball rolling and I'll cross my fingers that your hopes and dreams don't get shattered. I think I'll just have a bite of toast for breakfast, we're going to visit Nanna for lunch instead of after and she always puts out plenty of sandwiches and cake." "That's right." said Anne, "so we'll need something easy for dinner. How about canned spaghetti? it just gets dumped into a pan and warmed on the stove. I can do that by myself and you can rest."


  1. A lovely family vignette. And I am pleased to read that Khoral Kai has been so well accepted by the town.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm happy I was able to get Khoral Kai into the story.

  2. They are such a sweet family. Me too pleased to see Khoral Kai surface again. Would love to learn more about him.

    1. Arkansas Patti; they have their ups and downs like any family, just not this week. I am also pleased to see Khoral Kai doing well in the community.

  3. That's a really well told family story, and i also like that Khoral Kai is accepted and befriended in his new home.

    1. messymimi; thank you. I've been trying to fit Khoral Kai in somewhere.

  4. Danial need to get up on the other side of bed.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; Daniel is fine, just being a normal 17 year old boy.

  5. I love to think of Khoral Kai as a great musician.
    And oh, to have a big Brother like that. Sweet story.

    1. Iris Flavia; Khoral Kai and his whole family were musicians on his home planet, they played music for all kinds of gatherings and functions.
      I never had a big brother, but I've seen plenty in movies.

  6. Replies
    1. Margaret D; thank you, they are a nice family.

  7. So clever how you make all the words fit into a story. Well done.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; thank you. Sometimes the words co-operate, sometimes they don't, which makes the challenge harder.

  8. Oh, you're twining the threads together. Well written indeed. I hope the Words for Wednesday will allow us to hear more of this story.

    1. Charlotte; I hope so too, I want to read more of Khoral Kai and things he does in the community.

  9. A seamless weaving of words into your story. You could be a designer yourself. A designer not of costumes, but of cause-tomes! Thick books promoting the greater good!

    1. Val; I like to fit the words in so they are almost unnoticed. I don't think I could be capable of promoting the greater good.


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