Sunday Selections # 564

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

I loved this sign so much I thought I'd immortalise it right here on this blog 😀

this mural stretches quite a long way and goes around a corner

there are about fifteen, almost two metre wide panels

very cheerful, don't you agree? Here's a few details from the panels:

in case you can't read the squiggly writing, it says Welcome 2 Semaphore Road

something fishy about this bit 

colour it yourself?

spring flowers

and this thing, whatever it is

little birdies singing

more fishies and some waves

lots of bright sunshine

in front of the Semaphore Library entrance is another, much smaller, spoon garden,

these are called Lil' Greenies and the plants are herbs

I'll take a break next week because it will be Boxing Day and people might be wanting to do other things😀


  1. That is a brilliant sign and I love the mural. Not only will our Sunday of next week be Boxing Day, when you and I first post it will still be Christmas Day for people in the Northern Hemisphere. I will probably still post though.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'll be keeping the whole weekend free in case family members wish to drop in. I think the mural is a very cheerful one.

  2. Love that sign, especially "Another Way". That is an impressive and quite long mural. Enjoy your break, I am thinking of doing the same thing. Have a wonderful Boxing Day.

    1. Arkansas Patti; thank you, I'll have a nice break and maybe some family members will drop in. Or not. That sign is a forever favourite.

  3. Outside our local library up here on the mountain a couple of the planter boxes have herbs growing in them...people are encouraged to help themselves to sprigs of their choice.

    I hope you have a good week ahead, River...and my best wishes to you for Christmas. I hope you enjoy Christmas whichever, whatever way you will be spending it. Take care...a couple of extra cuddly Christmas cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; we have planter boxes on footpaths around the other side of our block and people are encouraged to pick a bit and leave some for others, with plants including silverbeet and parsley, some have cherry tomatoes too. Lola will get her share of cuddles.

  4. What a fun, creative sign!

    That mural and spoon garden are enchanting.

    1. messymimi; I love the sign :) and spoon gardens too. If we go back into lockdowns I may start my own spoon garden here, with so many flats I'm sure I can collect enough wooden spoons and have the donors do the decorating of each one.

  5. I'm mural and street art fan.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  6. At least the sign directs to the beach. It is cool.

    The murals are much nicer than cyclone wire, which they seem to be covering.

    1. Andrew; I love the sign. I didn't notice what the murals might be covering. I assumed it was a fence.

  7. Love this sign, too! Would you mind if - when we´re allowed in the shops again - I print it out to hang in our condo?

    Cute mural, too! Aww.

    1. Iris Flavia; of course I don't mind. I print things out all the time, in small photos to use as bookmarks. Just let people know where it is from, Semaphore, South Australia.

    2. Thank you, I will - good idea with the bookmarks, too!

  8. I really love these colourful murals. Best wishes for Christmas and always.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; they are colourful aren't they. I think they were done by children, but can't be sure.

  9. Love that way sign and the murals are very interesting. I too want to print and share it also. Interesting town name.


    1. WWW; go ahead and print, I don't mind. Semaphore is a beach suburb of my city, Adelaide, just one of many beach suburbs.

  10. So much to see in those murals. I really like the fishy one with the waves. That one thing reminded me of a boomerang, or the end of a surfboard, though it didn't exactly look like either.

    1. Val; that one thing is more like a moon with hanging crystals, like a mobile or windchime. I like the whole mural.

  11. Happy Funny Merry Christmas Tuesday to you:-)

    1. Granny Annie; thank you. Merry Christmas to you too.


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