Sunday Selections #609

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their sites and have a look.

it's been a cold and wet spring so far

with grey skies

so I shut that out and got cooking, this is my pizza ready for the oven

pizza, ready to eat. this was a huge one, so three quarters are in the freezer for future meals

I also made a batch of scones, gave half to a neighbour,

and this is how you eat them, with jam and cream. Usually I'd put more than a smear of jam, but the jar was almost empty.

This weekend is warmer and sunnier,

there are flower heads developing on my mini sunflowers

quite a bit of destruction in this pot from the cockatoos

and up around the corner, improvements are being made at a retirement village/nursing home

they're even getting new drains

this is the company doing the landscaping

these girls will put a smile on your faces, five months old now

and still holding hands 💖💖


  1. Left over pizza? Invite me next time. I can fix that.

  2. Cute pics of the babies! It's always good to get rain in the spring and give the flowers some fuel.

    1. Steve Reed; the babies are so adorable. Rainy spring is uncommon here, well, it used to be. September was always a bit wet, but the amount of rain we've had is unusual.

  3. That first picture even looks cold. We are still in the mid 70's here.Those scones really look good. Never had one--yet.
    First pic of the babies they look like they are practicing their identicalness.

    1. Arkansas Patti; it was a chilly day, I put my dressing gown on over my clothes! Scones really aren't my favourite thing, I only made them because I had a packet mix in the cupboard that needed to be used up. The babies don't need much practice looking identical.

  4. It has been very wet here too. Not cold though (though other people disagree).
    Love your garden - and the babes of course. Five months already? Where does time go?

    1. Elephant's Child; I think it would be way too cold for me in your city. Remember when I used to joke about moving to Alaska to escape our summer? That's never happening! I have shivered far too much this winter and spring. Five months has sped by, and Christmas fast approaching. After that the girls will be rolling, sitting, crawling.

  5. Wpw! The bubs are already five months old! How quickly those months have passed. They get more beautiful by the day, the darling little girls. :)

    It's still lovely and cool up this way, too. I hope the cool weather lasts even longer. I prefer it much more than the heat and humidity of summer. We had a few showers off and on during the week, and more predicted over the next couple of days, but for now, the sky is blue and clear.

    I hope you have a good week ahead, River...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola (Remy and Shama turned 20 years of age on Friday!) Take care. :)

    1. Lee; the girls are laughing out loud now too. They love "tummy raspberries". I used to think I would prefer colder weather, but this year has proven me wrong. I still dread the coming summer heat though. We have blue skies with clouds, more rain is predicted by Wednesday.

  6. Your scones look so much better than mine! Delish!
    The babies, oh my goodness! Such perfect little humans!
    Your rain looks just like our rain, except that you are headed for the sun and we are not! Cold here today but the sun did manage to shine, a treat!

    1. Linda Sue; the scones were nice, but I rarely make them as I don't really like them. I like the jam and cream part, but I can do that on toast. The babies are perfect aren't they? And laughing out loud now too.

  7. Replies
    1. Joanne; I think they make each other smile too.

  8. The pizza looks so good, as do the scones. If i ever get to retire, i want to bake again.

    I hope your wet spring nurtures a great deal of life where you live, with no overwhelming side effects.

    The babies are perfect!

    1. messymimi; the pizza was delicious and I have leftovers in the freezer. Our very wet spring is causing havoc with flooding in the Eastern States and some near the SA border areas too. The babies are perfect aren't they?

  9. The girls are a picture of happiness and love for sure.
    Lovely selection and one of my favourite things to eat are hot scones with raspberry jam and cream. (Don't like strawberry)

    1. Margaret D; the girls are very much loved. I like my scones cold, or just warm, but not hot and I love raspberry jam, but the seeds get stuck in my teeth, so strawberry it is.

  10. There is supposedly disagreement by some people about whether jam should go on first, or the cream. Everyone I know says jam. How would you spread jam on top of cream? I guess you could drop a dollop of jam on the cream.
    Do you have your name down for the retirement home? Nice to stay in the area you know.
    Our great nephew twins of the same age don't seem to touch each other. Maybe they are not placed so close together. Your pair are looking great and very well cared for.

    1. Andrew; I have always put the jam first then dollop the cream on top.
      I don't need to put my name down anywhere, I can stay here until die. Besides, retirement homes/villages are way too expensive.
      Maybe your great nephews need to be placed together so they can bond, at least for playtime on the floor. "My" girls are very much loved.

  11. Oh! You had me saying (silently) awwww! on the first pic!
    We usually visit Perth in summer (yours), Dec.... Feb... when it hardly rains.
    IF it rains friends call me to ask if it rains "here", too, funny, no? Sami lives in the South and Grace more to the North than us.
    Especially Sami, who lived in Braunschweig and knows the cold rain, understands how much I love your summer rain!
    Your "cold" - haha, I would run around in the rain!

    Hmmmm, your pizza is looking VERY good!
    Giving to the neighbor. I will, next time. Wolfgang is lonely and never lets youu go and I think it´s rude to just hand something over at the door, so this time I did not share.
    I feel guilty and sorry, but dumb as it sounds, I do not have the time atm... or the heart to say I cannot stay.

    Well. You should´ve come over here with the scones. Ingo made a huge batch of pumpkin-marmalade! Even I liked it (then the sweet tooth fell asleep for a long time).

    Oh" Your mini sunflowers grow quick!
    Hm. Here good retirement village/nursing homes are super-expensive. It´s a shame. Only the rich can afford it.

    Let´s hope the girls will be that close forever. It is a gift. Happy weekend. Off to Mumme-mile this arvo (by myself).

    1. Iris; usually summer rain isn't so cold, but we also had cold air temperatures as well. I was shivering and wearing extra clothes! The pizza is very good, plenty in the freezer too. I think Germany is a little too far to bring scones. You'll have to move to Adelaide.
      The mini sunflowers were planted almost three months ago, then the weather turned cold and rainy. They should flower soon though.
      Retirement villages and nursing homes here are expensive too, those run by a Church organisation are more affordable, but still too expensive for me. And there is no guarantee of good care either. I am sure you have heard horror stories of mistreatment and bad food there as much as here.
      I hope the girls stay close always too.

    2. I would love to visit Adelaide (and you, and Cookie ;-)) but sadly we´re too old to move to Australia. Only people under 50 and healthy. Ingo is sick. So our dream-goal, Perth, is gone (all we can do is come for weeks and it´s sooooo far away).
      Yes, here they have loads of "service" people from so called low-cost-countries like Poland etc. They often don´t speak German, have 5-9 minutes per "patient", get so little money I understand there is no motivation but they have to feed their families and forget these are people they "take care of".
      I want to drop dead before I have to go to such a place.
      When we were in Italy I saw how you can happily get old and be useful inside your own family (not that we made one)...

    3. Iris; who made the decision about only people under 50 and healthy? I understand healthy, but under 50 seems unfair. At least you can still visit Perth when you have enough money and time. I hope I can still be useful in my family when I get old. I raised them to be independent, so they don't "need" me, but maybe they can find things I can still do when I am ninety.

    4. The government... if you want to go permanently to Australia it´s a long, expensive process. Sami and Jose came from (oh, complicated) ... they came to Australia in the late 1990´s and only now are "real" Australian citizens (since 2-3 years, time runs). It´s really hard and she knows a lot, gives advice (links included).
      In 1999 Ingo and I took the applications home. It´s a points-system. I got 100% on language, 0 on work-experience (I had just finished studying) and hence we were out.
      Then I got a great job, we traveled other places, life was busy, we forgot about our dream. Then Ingo turned 50 and kabooom. That was it.
      Unlike Germany Australia does not let anybody in - be glad of that. We expect way too many refugees, not only from Ukraine again... Especially "the others" might never want to leave... Yes. It was dumb to "forget" about our dream. Now it simply is too late.
      If we were rich (hahaha), we could come and fly out every (don´t nail me on that) 6 months and come back in. That way we could "live" in Australia. But, heck. I would need to play lotto. And win ;-)

  12. Replies
    1. William Kendall; the pizza is very good. I make my own crust and it is often bland, so I have been experimenting with added flavour. This one has blackpepper in it. Next time I will try garlic flavour. I don't often put meat as a topping though, usually mushrooms which I didn't have this time, so it is tomatoes, peppers (capsicum) black olives and cheese. and torn basil leaves.

  13. Your pizza looks delicious. Something about the twins' headbands made me think of Olivia Newton-John in the "Let's Get Physical" video! They will be up and running around before you know it. Hardly seems like five months have passed.

    1. Val; when they are up and running it will be harder to tell which twin is which, now all I know is Gen on the left and Ana on the right. They will have to wear different colours when they get moving, so we know.

  14. the scones...nummy...and the babies? yummy

    1. yellowdoggranny; yummy and nummy, I like that :)

  15. Hortisculpture ... love that word, and pizza, and twins. In shoprt your post is delectable.


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