Sunday Selections #621

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Starting today with my fridge:

 and the cartoon I found on the side I never see anymore, enlarging it should enable you to read the words.

behind the fridge is 11 years worth of dust which I discovered when I had to pull the machine out to untangle the extension duster I was using to swipe under it.

look at that! clearly 11 years worth of swiping with the extension duster has only pushed most of the dust to the back wall.

a lot of it got dragged out when I pulled the fridge, I took the opportunity to vacuum dust out from all the nooks and crannies and wires once I got the caught duster freed. 
Moving into the garden:

these tall spindly stems are my growing "reindeer" potato, I decided they'd be better off in a wider pot

so here they are, transplanted and with broken stems, still surviving and hopefully growing potatoes soon.

my tomato seedlings are still alive, but not growing much, I don't remember what type they are, perhaps they won't get tall? I should thin them out, but the "critters" might do that for me.

I've lifted the mesembryanthemum up off the ground and will give it a "haircut" soon.

the white geranium is off the front porch for the summer, it just gets too hot there, this also needs trimming but I will wait for a cooler day.

this is one of the jade (Crassula) family, but with crinkled pale green leaves and I don't remember the name, it gets badly burnt on the porch each summer so here it is also in the garden. Some of the stems broke off as we moved it, they have been replanted into other pots.

the front porch looks neater now and I think I will leave the bigger pots in the garden.

here a hungry magpie helps himself to dried cat food

you will need to enlarge this and the next picture to see the rainbow prettiness of these baby shower cupcakes with tiny teddy faces on them.

even the cake itself was rainbowed!

Ana: peek-a-boo! she loves getting under things

Just checking, no monsters under this bed!

Both girls playing on the floor, do you know which is which? I don't.


  1. I shudder to think what it looks like behind our fridge - which cannot be moved easily so I don't. Love your garden and am blown away by fast the beautiful happy babes are growing.

    1. Elephant's Child; My fridge can only be pulled forward and back, but it's small enough that I can manage. The twins are growing fast now, soon comes sitting and crawling, then pulling themselves upright. Babyhood goes in the blink of an eye. I think my garden looks better with the big pots from the porch.

  2. The teddy bear rainbow cakes are so sweet. The baby girls are delightful and impossible to tell apart. They look so happy.

    1. jabblog; the rainbow cakes were delicious but I restrained myself and only ate one. I can't tell the girls apart unless the parents tell me which one is wearing what colour.

  3. Wow 11 years worth of dust bunnies are a lot. I always drop things behind my fridge, so the dust bunnies are not allowed to grow for so long I still think they are big enought to almost start talking. Also no fridge have ever lasted 11 years in our house. Good one you have!
    And the twins are just über-charming!!! I'd guess it's Ana in white on that last photo. But my, they look alike.

    1. Charlotte; I never drop things behind my fridge, but things do occasionally fall from the top when I put something up there, they get pushed back far enough. This time the extension duster was caught underneath the fridge so I had to move it, the head of the duster had somehow got bent upwards and was stuck in some wiring. this particular fridge is 20 years old now and still working well, my previous fridge/freezer combination was 31 before it died. The twins are identical, in the beginning Gen was bigger by one pound at birth, but now Ana has caught up.

  4. I'm sure there is a whole other world behind my fridge. It is far too large for me to move, so whatever is living behind it, can remain there, undisturbed!

    The bubs are such bright, alert little darlings. I love seeing photos of them.

    I sure would enjoy a couple of those cupcakes!

    Have a happy, relaxed, safe week ahead, River...take care. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; many people have a whole eco system under and behind their fridge and I wouldn't have knwn about the dust behind mine if the duster hadn't got caught under it. the babies are alert, their dad was the same. I'm set for a lovely week here, the weather has cooled quite a lot and we've had some rain.

  5. I can't remember the last time I pulled out the fridge. It's something we should do every year as it can block the flow of air over the cooling coils. Maybe I'll go do that n... BWAHAHAHAHA.

    1. Mike; yes you should do it every year, and so should I but who thinks of things like that? Well, after seeing the amount of dust I probably will now.

  6. I like the sentiments in the cartoon.
    I hope you cleaned the dust from the fridge motor too.
    Maggie looks quite close to you. They are quite easy to tame.
    The girls look like very happy and contented babies.

    1. Andrew; the cartoon is great and I meant to take it off the side and stick it on the front of the fridge but I forgot. Yes, the motor, that's what I meant by vacuuming the nooks and crannies though I probably didn't get all of it. The fridge has a covered back to protect the cooling coils. Maggie was on the porch and I took the photo with the lens up against the screen door.
      The girls are happy and content until they get hungry, you should hear them then! Their schedule is regular now though, so the bottles and food are usually ready for them in time.

  7. The cupcakes are almost as cute as the twins! The dust collection is impressive. I'm always shocked at how much lint I get out of the dryer after one load. It's a wonder I have any fabric left on my clothes and towels!

    1. Val; they were the cutest cupcakes I have ever seen. And tasty too. I get a lot of lint in my dryer if I have been washing towels or blankets, but with regular clothes or sheets I can leave it until I've done several loads. The summer rolls around and I don't use the dryer at all for about 6-7 months.

  8. Wise words from your fridge!
    Especially the "pretty much"! My T had to work with that horrible colleague for two days, and boy, he fears Monday again. But maybe he is thankful in having me, who perfectly understands....

    Uh-oh. Our fridge is huge (we bought the kitchen like it was. I am afraid of what´s behind there! Reckon it´s at least 20 years old...)
    Now... that explains why the young woman was so loud in the kitchen with the "heating"... We have no carpet, think there was a lot of dust in there, too.... Ahhhhh...

    Your porch and plants look great! Good luck with the potatoes and tomatoes... oh, and the magpie!!! I love these birds (outside their "season") such sweet, intelligent guys.
    Big Wow on your cupcakes! Even though I would keep them for decoration only ;-)

    No, I cannot see a difference with the babies. I heard of parents who painted toenails in the first months to not mix them up!!!

    1. Iris; here in Australia most houses don't come with a fridge, you have to bring your own. same with washing machines and dryers, you bring or buy your own and take them with you when you move. My fridge is 20 years old and my washing machine is 25.
      The cupcakes were made by a professional baker I think, although people attending the baby shower also brought plates of food to share.
      Painting toenails is a good idea for identical twins. Even just one dot of colour would be enough.

    2. Yes, in all other apartments we had to bring everything, too.
      Here we found a kitchen cabinet, Ingo does not like it.
      We needed to get a new oven as the pre-owner... can you believe that: They had one daughter, 14 years old when they moved out, one kid! The mother was not working and always made convenience food! What the heck did she do all day? The oven smelled that bad from these dishes (here they mostly have garlic in them) we had to throw it away!

      Well, they were not the brightest candles on the top of the cake, as my Brother says...
      The husband had installed strong, energy-(and money-)eating lights Ingo threw out the next day, LOL.

    3. Did you get a new kitchen cabinet? Something you both like? I like strong lights, I like to see what I am reading and eating. The new energy-saving bulbs just aren't good enough and as they age they aren't as bright as when they were new. LEDs are okay but finding the right "lumen" number that gives me enough light is hard. With the old style incandescent bulbs I had 100 watt globes in the kitchen and living room so I could SEE! Less wattage in the bedroom, because I only sleep in there. But now everything is dimmer and I'm not happy.

  9. My granddaughter Hope loved to get under things when she was a baby and she also loved to get inside things like a cat. She could curl up in a cardboard Box amazingly.

    1. Granny Annie; none of mine ever got under things on purpose, although the older boy did learn to crawl backwards and get stuck under the couch until he learned to move forward and get out again.

  10. I need to pull out my fridge, it on my to do list this Wednesday.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; I don't have a to-do list, I just do things as I see them needing to be done.


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