Sunday Selections #633

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

"no-one" spotted this Happy Easter chalk drawing near her bus stop

autumn leaves are falling here now

landing on the jade (crassula)

getting caught between the leaves

covering the philodendron leaves

filling the cups of the aeoniums, I'll soon be sweeping up bucketfuls to dump into the garden as mulch.

the jades are all showing dozens of flower buds

here's a close-up where you can see the pink tips of the starry flowers to come

both pots of swedish ivy (as I know it, may have a different name where you are) are flowering

Meanwhile, inside:

Gillian keeps an eye on the front door, waiting for the postman, she knows I am expecting a book.

she has discovered the bright and shiny things and wants to wear all the hairclips at once

here they are all deep in serious discussion about winter time activities

this is Ana making faces against the porta cot, where she is kept safe while dinner was prepped and cooked last week, she is speedy and needs to be kept away from the kitchen

Gen watching Saturday morning cartoons with Dad

here is Ana munching on a barbecued rib

and Gen with her barbecued rib. 

These girls have good appetites and aren't at all picky with their food. 


  1. Coincidentally, I was just taking care of my jade plant today. I love seeing yours on the other side of the planet!

    1. Steve Reed; jade is one plant that would grow just about anywhere. Mine are almost five feet tall and I trimmed them down just a few weeks ago so the rest of the garden could get some sunshine.

  2. Jade is a plant I have never had much success with. The autumn leaves are falling here too. Lots and lots of mulch.
    Love the girls (those that are growing and those that are not).

    1. Elephant's Child; it might be a little too cold down there in your hollow. I love the girls and they'll be running me off my feet soon.

  3. You are scooting into autumn, as we prepared for a very hot summer. Trade you anytime. I am not sure how to trim the Jade Plant. Your garden is wonderful.

    1. Susan Kane; I don't know if there are any rules for trimming the jade, I just decide how tall and wide I want it and start snapping of branches. Which I then have to throw into the green waste bin because no one here wants any more cuttings.

  4. HA! Ana, "Get me outta here!"

    1. Mike; that's pretty much what she was making noise about by the time dinner was ready.

  5. It's great the girls enjoy their food. They must have loads of fun when around all your bright, joyful pieces as in all your colourful "bibs and bobs".

    Enjoy your week ahead, River....cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola...I hope she is in fine spirits. :)

    1. Lee; they don't come here, I have too many breakables and no way to get them out of reach, so I go to their home and visit. Lola is hiding under the covers today, I think she has one of her headaches again.

  6. The Easter chalk drawing is very cute.
    It is a good start that the girls aren't fussy eaters. May it continue.

    1. Andrew; it will definitely continue, none of mine were fussy eaters, although each had one thing they refused. Peas for K, pumpkin for J, T couldn't have mustard once she became pregnant with Grand daughter #1, who now has baby B. M ate everything then and now.

  7. Those flower buds are a beautiful promise of things to come.

    I'm sure the girls and Jordan will find plenty to do.

    The twins are beautiful, and yes, at that age, they have to be kept out of the kitchen.

    1. messymimi; rescued from spam. I'm looking forward to all the starry flowers. The little redheads have informed me they wish to go outside and kick around in piles of autumn leaves. They'll need their boots on for that. Always wise to keep babies out of the kitchen until they are older.

  8. I like barbecue ribs.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

    1. Dora; I haven't had barbecue ribs in a long while.

  9. Thanks for pictures of the babes! And the colorful leaves opening the post were lovely, too.

  10. The prisoner is looking for an accomplice to help her escape! The rib-eaters are gnawing with gusto. Good selection this week. I love the Easter chick and fall leaves. My poor jade plant keeps hanging on, despite my neglect. This is a reminder to give it some water. Gillian might have to remove a few hair clips when it's time for winter activities.

    1. Val; the prisoner served her full sentence and was released in time for dinner. the ribs are helping with the teeth cutting and learning how to chew. Gillians's clips will be fine, they are bright enough to find if any fall out in the garden.

  11. That autumn leaf is a very pretty colour.
    The twins are growing, bless them.

    1. Margaret D; I thought the red/green combo was striking. The twins are growing fast and will be walking soon enough. In six weeks they will be one year old already.

  12. Happy chalk-drawing!
    Here it´s but hop-scotch and such.

    Ack for autumn leaves. Tree to my right has the first soft green.
    What book?
    Oh, I gave hairclips to my Niece.
    Winter. Not my fav time...

    Cute girls :-)

    1. Iris; when covid lockdowns were happening people aroound here did a lot of chalk drawings, mostly kids to get them out of the house a bit and they were fun to see. I love autumn leaves, probably because we don't get many here in Adelaide and the season is short.
      I ordered a new copy of The Diary of Anne Frank, my old school copy is stained and falling apart.
      I don't mind winter, but the very frosty days are hard for me, I am a summer baby, born in August in Germany.

    2. Yes, kids esp in COVID-times went out with chalk - but not that creative! One of the "family-RIOT"-kids planted the whole pavement with the number 1-30, again and again. Someone with a pram or wheelchair had no chance to not pick up the darn chalk.
      We live ground floor and I had to walk on the street... One neighbor put a blanket out front as sign: Wipe your feet here off the darn chalk.
      Family-RIOT didn´t get it, ever.
      Yes, to kids being creative (well.. 1--30 multiple times?!) but also rules, please! Think of others. Sorry, they drive me nuts in so many ways! ;-)
      Anne Frank. I cannot make myself read the whole book.
      Here you "stumble" ... there are so many "Stolpersteine" of where Jewish people were tortured and died. I certainly saw the movie. I read Schindler´s list. I hear it all from "my W".
      Lucky you with "summer". I was born in German January, brrrr... where were you born in Germany? If you want to give that away.

    3. Tiny town near Hamburg, Bergedorf, but Hamburg was where I was registered I think.

  13. A lovely post, as usual. My jade plant is an indoor plant. I don't think it will ever reach 5'. Maybe I'll give it a summer holiday outside and see what happens
    Toddling twins will be enormous and exhausting fun.

    1. jabblog; there are many types of jades, some will grow to full size if planted in a garden, those in pots will remain smaller. Does yours flower?

  14. A lovely post, as always. Toddler twins are going to be such fun - and so exhausting!

    1. jabblog; thank you. More exhausting for their mum which is why I visit a lot.

  15. Oh my gosh, River. What a great collection of photos to look through today.

  16. Even your auumn leaves are pretty, Greet all the good-natured little ones from me.


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