Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by and T. Powell Coltrin can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. artificial 2. sector 3. insect 4.lawlessness 5. midnight 


1. Wednesday 2. complaint 3. lake 4. biker 5. moon

Here is my story:

It was a Wednesday when the lawlessness erupted just before midnight. A crowd of noisy drunks spilled out of the Dusty Miner Pub chasing after the lone biker who had dared to show his face in a place where bikers were not welcome. He hadn't known this, being new to the area and just wanted a quiet beer before finding a place to sleep for the night. They began talking to him peacefuly at first but upon hearing he rode a Harley, the grumbles, quiet at first soon escalated into pushing and shoving with young Travis even spitting at him. The biker turned to leave, think he might just as well ride on to the next town, but the crew followed and once outside the real fight began. 

A frenzy of punching, kicking and stomping until the biker no longer even tried to get up off the ground. "Ha ha," laughed Travis in a high pitched squeal. "He's insect food now." Under the light of the full moon, they dragged the biker and his bike to the lake and threw them both into the icy depths. 

A month later, when news of the disappearance reached Fergus Lund's office, he called in his junior officer. "We have another complaint about sector 6" he said. "I don't care what the officials say, I think it's time to end the artificial intelligence programming experiment. Disable those "robots" and let real men back into those mines still operating. Lock up the perpetrators and schedule the removal of the chips in their brains. We'll probably get fired for it, but it has to be done." "I'll send the anaesthetic drones right away," said the junior officer. 


  1. Wow. Excellent story. Made me feel like I was watching. This had/has been the attitudes of small towns I know.

    1. Susan Kane; perhaps I should write TV scripts? Thank you.

  2. That poor biker. Definitely end that AI experiment. Yesterday.

    1. Elephant's Child; yes, end it immediately. Luckily (in my mind) this was the first and only town undergoing this experiment.

  3. “Wednesday night, another dang Wednesday”, Father Stephen grumbled. A complaint had come from St. John’s parish. An elderly priest, Father sighed heavily, “That sector has been in trouble since the late 90s. And, it is a full moon, almost midnight.”

    It wasn’t exactly lawlessness, but a night when parishioners would head to the lake and worship under the moon. “I know, Dear Lord, that this is part of their pagan history. Could you guide me in what to do next?
    A former biker in his civilian life, the elderly Father climbed onto his retired Harley and roared out to calm any religious riot. It felt good to hear the roar of the engine.
    He found them and was astounded. The nuns were holding hands and others held candles. Stairway to Heaven? Really?

    He listened for the words and was taken aback that the lyrics had been rewritten, taking out some words and inserting ones that were more in line with the Catholic Doctrine.

    Father Stephen turned off the Harley, humming along. The Led Zeppelin version was better with Jimmy Plant, but this one’ll do.

    1. Susan Kane; very nicely done. Have you posted this on T.Powell Coltrin's blog? She is supplying the words this month, I'm sure she would like to read it.

    2. I'd love to the revised version of that song ;-)

  4. I asked River directly, "What are the words that will be in this week's Wednesday's Words on Friday?"

    She was being rather coy as she finished yet another pint of Foster's. Then she looked at me and said, "Give me a hundred dollars and I'll tell you you pommie poofta!"

    With my wallet a hundred dollars lighter, River scribbled the words on a beermat. They were artificial, sector, insect, lawlessness, midnight , Wednesday, complaint, lake, biker and moon.

    I was so elated when I left the worst pub in Adelaide - "The Elephant British Pub". River was grasping the karaoke microphone, ready to sing her version of Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" but I had the words! And I was ready to craft a stunning piece of creative writing with them.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; a hundred dollars? you got ripped off mate! Although I'm glad you left before she sang, I've heard her voice makes flowers die and dogs howl. Thank you.

    2. Very clever - it made me laugh.

  5. Wow, thoughts to the prompted words were forming in my head but then I read your fab, yet very scary story and am off now, "LOL"!
    Maybe I´ll give it a go, though....

    1. Iris; just write it all down, all the thoughts and then edit it to make the story. You never know how good it might be.

  6. Small towns and their strange ways, eh? Incomers not welcome without a special brain chip!

  7. This really did read like a scene in a movie and/or TV show.

    1. Tha Happy Whisk; thank you, it sort of felt like that as I was writing it.

  8. Some people are slow learner. Like the biker.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

    1. Dora; these people were affected by a microchip in their heads.

  9. Wrong place, wrong time. But at least it shouldn't happen again...

  10. Some of my comments are coming through, and some are not. Is it blogger putting me in spam?

    I'm enjoying these stories, River, yours was scary and excellent.

    Susan, it sounds like things are well in hand.

    1. messymimi; yes, I found five of your comments in spam just now and published them.


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