Sunday Selections # 686

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

beginning with photos from my brother's road trip, but he sends so many I have forgotten which photo goes with which area, so to start we have some of the signs along the way:

Making the most of cracks, (enlarging will help you read them)

A patchwork of colour, I believe this is the North Wall of Kings Canyon

Survivors from a wetter time

somewhere in Kings Canyon?

cracks and layers of rocks

a view from the top

the walkway to get down and of course back up again

the man himself, brother R

and sister-in-law V

the two of them together

in other news, I had to buy a new mattress, this is the cheapest one I could find, it came compressed in a box and blew itself to full proportions when the plastic wrap was cut off it. I have added a waterproof cover,

and here is why. Lola looking so innocent, (doesn't realise what she did,) still reeking slightly of pee.
She'd had one of her migraine headaches and as always stayed under the covers sleeping for a few days, but this time instead of just sleeping, she peed in the bed several times, usually she will crawl out in the dark of night and use her tray but this time she didn't. When I pulled back the covers to crawl in beside her, I found all the layers soaked, upper as well as lower and into the mattress. There was a LOT of washing (laundry) done that day!

in far better news, "no-one" has taught herself to make chocolate Babka, doesn't that slice look delicious?

I dragged my slow cooker (crockpot) out from its hiding place and cooked a batch of beef casserole

it's a tiny machine, seen here by my coffee mug for size comparison, the beef casserole turned out well, but it's missing that "something" that can only happen when it is baked in the oven.

Niece G and her son E out for lunch for her birthday

The trees along my street are looking pretty

Turn your sound up for this next very short video:

Ana getting impatient while waiting for her mum's prosthetic leg to be adjusted.


  1. Just looking at the walkway makes my back ache!
    I love the video. It takes a lifetime to learn patience - some of us are still learning.

    1. jabblog; I LOVE that walkway and would happily be climbing down and up. I have done similar at the coastal boardwalk along the cliffs down by our Marino/Hallet Cove beaches. The twins are usually quite patient, it helps that there are two to distract each other I think.

  2. I'm sorry she's been out of sorts and it caused her to pee. New mattress looks good. So does the bake.

    1. The Happy Whisk; Lola gets these migraines about three times a year, I used to take her to the vet for a shot but it got way too expensive, so now I leave her to hide and sleep in the dark and just coax her to drink when I can, usually by the third day she is fine again.
      "no-one" has been quite experimental with her cooking and baking in the last few years, this is a girl who used to be able to "burn" water when left in the kitchen alone.

  3. Love your street with the fall colours. And I still sound like those girlies when I lose patience :D

    1. Wisewebwoman; the street is pretty right now, but it doesn't last long. I also sound just like that when I'm waiting for pages to load on the screen here.

  4. holy cow , that trail going off to infinite distances makes me dizzy...I want to jump! That is how heights effect me. Trees on your street look amazing. And so the world turns- Autumn down under and spring, or so they say, Up here. It still feels winterish.

    1. Linda Sue; heights don't faze me at all when looking up or down, but looking up between skyscraper buildings in the city have my head swimming a bit. We don't get much autumn colour down here, much more in the hills areas a short bus ride away, but I almost never go there these days. It's beginning to feel winterish here now, though you would feel quite warm at what we call winter.

  5. Poor Lola. And poor you.
    That looks like your brother and sister in law are having the trip of a lifetime.
    Love the autumnal colour - and the twin.

    1. Elephant's Child; poor Lola indeed and there is little I can do except coax her into drinking a little water after a couple of days, she actually backs away from it if I try too early. My only suffering was to have the washer and drier going all day!
      R and V are indeed having the trip of a lifetime, though they have also been to places around the world in the past. I am enjoying the autumn colours too, my garden patch is blanketed in yellows and reds from the trees. Ana is a cutie. Gen is a little more laid back.

  6. Yum! My mother in law used to make delicious babka every Friday afternoon.. light and delicious. But I haven't seen it since she passed in the 1990s.

    1. hels; every Friday? Yum. "no-one" tells me it is a bit difficult, the dough is soft and messy to handle, but it turned out well so she will make it again, but probably not every week. My mum used to make apple strudel every week, for Sunday desserts.

  7. We certainly have some interesting sites in this country of ours.

    My special cuddles to lovely Lady Lola...upsetting for you her uncontrollable bladder. She has a difficult time at times...very sad.

    I hope the coming week treats both you and Lola well, River. Take good care.

    1. Lee; our country is filled with wonderful places and I want to see all of them, but first I need to win lotto. Lola is fine again now and doesn't usually have bladder trouble even with her headaches, this is only the second time, the first wasn't in the bed, she was hiding under the desk behind some boxes that time about two years ago and I didn't know where she was until I saw the yellow puddle spreading across the floor. She is fine again now and eating as I type this.

  8. Vacation road trips. Those were the days. All those wrinkles in their shorts aren't from walking, they're from sitting! Poor Lola. I hope the migraines abate.

    1. Joanne; yes, sitting in the car wrinkles! But they don't mind and they're doing a lot of walking and climbing while seeing our beautiful outback. Lola's migraines usually happen with the season change so they will continue and we will manage.

  9. Photos are good, never been to Kings Canyon, wasn't interested even though they say it's beautiful.
    Those street trees do look great with their autumn colours showing.
    Slow cooker, well some things just don't taste right unless they are cooked in the oven..

  10. GRIMM... butt crack... and then you come around the corner with cracks, LOL!
    Make the most of that! (Shield them)We just ran through Mereenie in 1999 - so sad, we just didn´t know there were "gems"!
    I still have a pic of a who probably tried to threaten me, but to me it looked like he was waving hello.
    If Ingo was healthy... I could so see us back there after we retire!
    Thank you for sharing that, your Brother and SIL live a dream! Wonderful!

    Uh. Our matress is like.. very old, LOL. But still OK! We still have my Brother´s youth bed. The room is small (as are we).
    Poor Lola!!!! Migraine is bad. We are all beings... Acupuncture did take mine away. Can that go for cats, too? It is very bad. I didn´t pee but puke a lot.

    Hehe, no. I really had to laugh, but no. You would not have to share the Babka with me ;-)
    But the casserole... YES!

    Ack. Autumn hit!
    Interesting about the leg. Wonderful what can be done today!!
    Brain scan tomorrow here....
    Have a great Sunday.

    1. Iris; butt cracks should never be seen in public. Mereenie, I dodn't even know where that is, but brother has worked in many out of the wat places and knows his way around, so they are following a map and finding all the interesting places. You can still visit after you retire?
      My mattress was about 14 years old and I wasn't ready to buy a new one but then Lola had her "accident" with the whole bedding getting soaked and the mattress would have been stinky, so it had to go. The new one is okay, but cheap and no side support so when I sit there to pull on my socks, the side sags in. Acupuncture is too expensive and I wouldn't try it with a cat anyway. She gets the migraine when the seasons change. Let me know about the brain scan.

    2. I SO agree, but I see many a butt crack here!! People working, driving the push bike - you have to shield your eyes - if you are fast ;-) - I am not. Buhhh.
      I am bad with orientation, Mereenie is in the middle of really lovely nowhere!
      I HOPE we still have money to visit after we retire ("we" - Ingo is 8 years older).
      Ah. So, our mattress is still super-ok.
      Sorry about Lola and that the new mattress is "giving in". I know what you mean. I leaned onto the wall to put on my socks! Or.. well, sit on the bed! "We can get old or die" - The first, right? Scan here soon. Will let you know, but reckon that will take a while for the result. But thank you for caring!

  11. I love the pictures of the canyon. Not because I think I could ever walk through there, but because I used to teach geology, and like seeing the real thing compared to just reading about the formations. Poor Lola, glad she's feeling better. I'm sure she didn't know she was ruining your bed, and that she'd be sorry if she did. Heh, heh, Ana is voicing how I feel when standing in line at a convenience store while somebody is trying for the third time to make their card work!

    1. Val; I think geology is interesting and it's nice to see actual formations like these. I don't think cats know about sorry, they just live. I feel the same when people can't make their cards work, though sometimes the machine is at fault.

  12. Most of our rocks in my area, granite.

  13. Where were these photos taken? Stunning. I feel like I have walked into someone's house which kinda looks like mine.

    1. Susan Kane; these photos are from the north areas of the Northern Territory. Australian "Outback"

  14. Wha a wonderful miscellany of photos - apart from poor Lola and the mattress of course. You live in a beautiful place.

    1. Charlotte; the outback is a beautiful place. When people hear "desert" they think of just sandy areas with nothing of interest. But when you drive around out there you see so much!

  15. I would enjoy seeing those places in person, your brother and his wife must be very active.

    Poor Lola, and poor you, having to buy a new mattress.

    The trees are so pretty.

    It's hard to wait, and the younger you are, the harder it is.

    1. messymimi; it's also harder to wait when you areolder as time is shorter then. Brother and his wife have worked in physically demanding jobs for decades and have finally retired and can enjoy a long holiday, both are younger than me. Lola is fine now, until next time.


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