Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Elephant's Child and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. foxgloves 2. summer 3. missing 4. event 5. south 


a sunset photo

NOT used is Charlotte's colour of the month: water blue

Here is my story: (something I was scribbling down on Tuesday night while I couldn't sleep and the words and photo fit into it perfectly.)

Tom stood on the cliff taking photos of the bay below as the full moon silvered the water. Hours earlier he had stood in the same spot taking photos as the setting sun added a gilded effect to the waves. He had thought back then to sunsets at the farm, vastly different to those he saw here along the coastlines.

The memory brought back other things that he hadn’t been missing until now. Vanessa’s prize-winning foxgloves surrounding a green lawn, the yearly summer event laughingly called The Royal Show, when there was nothing royal about it, being just a small town copy of the big city annual Royal Shows.

He shivered a little as the pre-dawn temperature dropped, thinking he should probably buy some thicker clothes. Winter had arrived at Shark Cove. The night was clear and a million tiny stars had twinkled overhead but now began fading as the moon slipped further over the horizon.

Tom took a few more photos then turned back towards The Scenic Retreat. He had been here such a short time and so much had happened. Robert and Vanessa had visited and gone home again, Stephanie had begun retrieving much of her lost memories, and Tom himself had learned a bit more about his own past.

Later today he would follow DI Stanley Grace along the south highway to the city where he would meet up again with Detective Irene Fargo and Stephanie. Bernice too, who had finally agreed to come with them after much coaxing to try and help solve some of the mystery from sixteen years ago.

“I should get some sleep,” Tom decided and packed his camera into the luggage already in his jeep before heading to his bed.


  1. This is lovely - and so well described. I was there with him.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you, I was there too when I was writing it.

  2. I´m looking forward to what´s up next in Tom´s life!
    Our summer festival has been canceled cause we don´t make money. fK and I wrote to the company to find ways like giving private money and everybody brings a salad or such - let´s see!

    1. Iris; I am looking forward too, but first I have to figure out where he is heading. I hope your summer festival gets resurrected.

  3. I always like anything that brings your story of Tom fruther along. I am still curious. ... do you have the story as one continuous tale somewhere on the blog?

    1. Charlotte; I did begin to write it as a continuous story, but haven't kept it up. What I have can be found near the bottom of the sidebar menu accessed by clicking the horizontal bars at the top left. I hope.

    2. I just checked and it is there, but only written up as far as "book two, chapter five"

  4. Another good write-up! Love that you're doing these. Seems like you're enjoying them too. Cheers, Ivy.

  5. Wonderful!
    You transported us so beautifully There.
    You used words so beautifully!!
    I will also try to write my little story this weekend, if I have time and I will come back with a link.
    Have a nice day🌷!

  6. Replies
    1. Margaret D; thank you, it mostly wrote itself.

  7. Daisy chains of memories are so enjoyable when triggered by something lovely.

  8. I'm also curious to read the whole story, once you've completed it. It's a good one!

    1. messymimi; I think completion will be a long time coming. I started this one way back in 2017.

  9. It's good that Tom is getting some memories back, and that Bernice has agreed to come to town to help. He might hear things he doesn't want to hear, but if it leads to closure, that's a good thing.

    1. Val; you're right, he might not want to hear some things, but he probably needs to so he doesn't spend the rest of his life wondering. Stephanie needs to learn what happened too.

  10. I succeeded and wrote a little story. I was inspired by the words and came up with a story about diversity!
    Here is the link:

  11. It had been a foxglove summer, Emma smiled at the rain clouds to the south. There was a huge summer fair event in the park by the church. Children chasing, women gossiping, and men smoking under the shade would be there. The only thing missing would be Emma’s country western band. She was the lead on the electric guitar, Grace on the piano, Linda on the drums. Doris and Peggy from the church choir were the back up voices. They were already booked for the VFW (veterans of foreign wars) hoedown at the local John Deere parking lot. Well, something had to give and the VFW won. They were also being paid. They would play until sunset and then enjoy some hard cider.


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