Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Elephant's Child and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. antique 3. celebration 4. journal 5. expressive 


1. a little bird told me 2. cat got your tongue? 3. every dog has his day

Also including Charlotte's colour of the month which is Water Blue for April.

Here is my story:

“Nudge nudge wink wink”, said Marlene as she elbowed Kathleen gently in the ribs. “What? What are you on about?” “A little bird told me you have a secret,” said Marlene. “Come on, you can tell me, we’re best friends remember?” Kathleen stared as if she had never seen Marlene before. “Cat got your tongue?” Marlene asked.

Taking a deep breath, Kathleen turned her startling water blue eyes to Marlene and said, “I don’t know where you got this best friends idea, we’ve known each other exactly two weeks, and if I had any secrets at all I wouldn’t be telling you. I’ve seen and heard how you gossip.”

Marlene looked shocked and hurt, her gossiping habits had never been so cruelly exposed. She apologized to Kathleen and asked if they could still be friends. “Casual friends,” said Kathleen. “And there will be no secrets told by either of us.”

“I’ll try to be a better friend,” said Marlene. “Can we go on this tour together at least?” “We can,” said Kathleen, “but you have to put away that camera, the guide clearly stated no photography is allowed inside the castle.” Marlene grimaced, but put the small camera in her pocket. “What are you most interested in?” she asked.

“The antique furniture mostly, but I’m looking forward to seeing Lady Margarethe’s daily journal, apparently her writings were quite expressive for the times she lived through.” “You want to snoop in some old diary?” said Marlene.

“Not a diary, a journal, there’s a difference,” said Kathleen, “and there’s no snooping involved, the journal is open and inside a locked glass box, so we can only read the two pages, but I’m sure it’s interesting.” “Huh,” said Marlene. “Why is the castle open today anyway?”

“They are having a celebration in honour of the one hundred years since Lady Margarethe died and left the castle as a museum, after the inside tour there is a small garden party on the lawns by the lake.”

To herself she admitted “and I will never, ever, tell a gossip like you that Lady Margarethe was an ancestor of mine.”


  1. So intriguing, River. I like this one a lot. And it is also the second time I have heard the name Marlene today, which I don't think is that common.

    1. Mr Shife; thank you. i knew a woman named Marlene when I was young, we lived next door to her elderly parents and she would bring her kids to visit them. But never another Marlene since then.

  2. Ooh, does she have a claim on the property? I do hope so.

    1. jabblog; the property is now a museum, left to the county in Lady Margarethe's will, so I don't think Kathleen has any claim there. But she may be entitled to be a Lady herself, the ancestry will have to be examined.

  3. This is great. And Kathleen sounds like a very sensible (and forthright) person. A secret not told cannot be spread.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you. Kathleen has her head on straight, unlike the more flighty Marlene. I myself have several secrets that will die with me.

  4. I love a story with a plot twist at the end!

    1. Kathy G; thank you, me too, but that twist usually leads to more story and I'm not sure how to go on with this one.

  5. River you do an excellent job with these!

    1. The Happy Whisk; thank you, sometimes they just write themselves once I get the first sentence in.

  6. Kathleen? Funny, that´s my friend´s partner´s name, too! And I meet my friend today (her name is Kartrin, fK) - both are from East Germany, where "American" names stood for the only freedom they could imagine!
    And none gossips here...
    Great story!!! (well, as expected ;-)...)
    I sadly have no story, but as you mentioned gossip I am glad even!
    I hope our castle opens again, too, and then I will "fight" my way towards the real Henry! Last time big people blocked my way and only Ingo could snap a pic of him, and yes, pics were allowed.
    I had a diary. My Mum read it, I found out (I was a teenager, it was a terrible thing to find out!). And I blog openly - crazy, huh. It is a bit of an open diary? But no, it is a journal!

    1. Iris; Thank you. Kathleen is more an Irish or Scottish name, more than American, there were two Kathleens in my high school and my youngest sister-in-law was a Kathleen too. You will have to find out when your castle opens and be first in line! I never had a diary nor a journal, I always preferred to read more than write. Your blog is definitely a Journal as you tell true stories of your life there.

    2. East Germans also used names like Mandy and such, thinking it means freedom of travel.
      Aren´t true stories especially a diary? I sometimes think twice, hmmm, too personal or share and help others? I mostly decide for the latter as long as no one gets "hurt" in public.

  7. As always I love your story. Gossips are a pest.

    1. Charlotte; thank you. Gossips are a nuisance, but when you know who they are you can be careful what you say around them.

  8. I loved your story!! Gossip really does hurt.. you used words very creatively!

    1. Katerina's Blog; thank you. Gossip can be very hurtful.

  9. Ooh! Withholding good gossip! At least Kathleen is giving Marlene a chance to be a casual friend. Maybe Marlene means well, but just doesn't know how to make friends. Thus she gossips, hoping to have something to get attention from others that might lead to a friendship.

  10. Val; spot on with Marlene, that's exactly how I pictured her. She remains friends with Kathleen, but learns to change and gossip much less, though she never does learn Kathleen's secret.

  11. I also wrote my story and framed it with an image made with AI, the link: Enjoy

    1. Katerinas Blog; I read your story, it is good.

  12. Kathleen is very smart. Good story!

    1. messymimi; rescued from spam, thank you, Kathleen is smart enough to avoid gossip at least.


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