heard on the TV news...

 ...last Friday evening:

In Sydney, for rent: 

an enclosed balcony with a bed on it.

$360 per week.

Three hundred and sixty dollars per week!!

Boggles the mind doesn't it?


  1. Accommodation everywhere is ridiculously priced, but someone will be desperate enough to take it.

  2. Crazy and getting more so! What is wrong with people! Just don[t try to live in Sydney!!

  3. Sadly that would be considered cheap in California. But here there would be a bed sitter in a room that is 10 x 10. Costs are $1000/mo. for studio, 1 bdrm is about $1500, 2 bed is about $1800. Grrr.

    We have so many homeless here. LA and San Francisco are sanctuary cities.

  4. It almost impossible to find a place for under $1,000 a month. In my area.

  5. And someone will take that!

  6. Ridiculous, isn't it. I would expect an overseas student would take it.

  7. They mention the weekly cost so as not to mention the 1500 a month cost.

  8. Renting out a closed veranda and bed reminds me of Sydney after WW2, once migrants were recruited from destroyed countries. Those poor lonely people were desperate then, and must be now.

  9. Sickening isn't it.
    I read it like you, and it was also on our news.
    Greedy people.

  10. jabblog; but who is desperate enough and can afford that amount?

    Linda Sue; I have lived in Sydney in the past but would never do so now. Even my own city is getting far too expensive.

    Susan Kane; your costs are monthly, so that studio would be $250 per week, larger and cheaper than that $360 balcony. The showed it on the TV, Just room for the bed and maybe a chair, that's it.

    Elephant's Child; very frightening. I worry about what the twins and great grandson will face 10-15 years from now.

    Dora; $1000 a month is still only $250 a week. Rents here are charged weekly not monthly.

    Bob; hopefully someone with no belongings because there isn't room on that balcony for anything but the bed and maybe a chair.

    Andrew; that's what I was thinking with parents in the homeland paying the rent while the student studies.

    Mike; all rents here are charged weekly, I don't know anywhere except the US that charges monthly.

    hels; far too many people are desperate now and you have made me think of those immigration villages like Bonegilla that were built with quonset huts to house the post war immigrants. Why can't the government do something similar for the many, many homeless? I landed in Bonegilla in 1953.

    Margaret D; it is sickening and they do it because they know someone will snap it up because of the housing shortage. Our government is failing our people.

  11. I won't even tell you what my grandson and his wife are paying for an efficiency apartment in New York City.

    1. Granny Annie; I bet it is hugely expensive, being New York.

  12. And I thought the housing costs were high over here! I think the balcony "suite" has us beat.

    1. MMM; thankfully it isn't listed as a "suite" it cleary states "balcony with bed".

    2. Which makes you wonder, who in the world is going to rent that???

  13. The same problem here in Greece.
    In Thessaloniki and Athens, apartment rental prices are now prohibitive!!
    I wonder where they will end up!!

    1. Katerinas Blog; possibly it will end with emoty apartments and everyone sleeping on the streets, which is a horrifying thought.

  14. We were kinda "clever" and bought this condo in 2011 - by now the price has doubled - how crazy is this????? How are people to afford to live in places other than a village???

    1. Iris; be glad you bought when you could. the cost of buying and just living have blown out of all proportion since covid. It just doesn't make sense.


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