Sunday Selections # 698

 Long ago, Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

blog friend Iris posted recently about the colours of the 70s with all the oranges, lime greens and sunshine yellows, so I hunted up this old photo from 1977, with the orange curtain, the orange bedspread over the orange sofa (much easier to wash a bedspread than a couch) and the orange and pink and white cushion. That's my older son M.

this beautiful clock which I saw in an episode of "White Collar" has some orange

and this huge sandcastle from the same series also has orange tones. I began seeing orange everywhere, lampshades, cars, some of my socks are orange...

you all remember "no-one's" lettuce that seeded and fell over and the seeds grew?

she managed to separate and pot up about thirty, I now have four of them and hope they survive and grow

"no-one" also went with a friend to the nursery at the big green hardware shop and bought these flowers

and this plant stand to hold her mini succulents

most people put tiny divers and tiny shipwrecks in their fish tanks, "no-one" has a dinosaur skull

a rainbow caught by her after work recently

became a double a few minutes later, the second one is up to the left and quite faint

saw this online and have to agree it would be a good reason to not play scrabble

here I am havng a fabulous time painting with the girls

their hair was in ponytails to keep the paint off

I don't remember what I said to make Ana smile at me like this but I love the photo

almost finished, running out of paint now

Gen tries out a new "hat"

Ana tries out Mummy's glasses

This is me again, keeping warm at home. The heating was turned on, but on low as the cost of electricity has ruisen THREE times in the past year. That's one of my beanies, a scarf crocheted by "no-one', three layers of clothes topped by my old ski jacket.


  1. The lettuces are a win, definitely. The little girls have lovely smiles and how lucky they are to spend precious time with their grandma.
    With so many layers on, you may be warm, but do you manage to move enough to do anything? A price rise three times seems excessive.

    1. jabblog; I haven't planted the lettuces yet, it's way too wet, but when I do I hope they grow.
      I manage to move quite well with all the layers. The price rises here aren't confined to electricity, EVERYTHING is up.

  2. Isn't it wonderful to get down and dirty with the grandkids? I love the balance of colour in those great shots! I hope your lettuce thrives.

    1. WWW; I love playing with the twins and the painting day was great fun. I went home with multi coloured dabs on my shirt and didn't mind a bit. I hope the lettuce grows at least enough to eat some.

  3. My parents had orange and green patterned carpet in our family room, in the house they built in the early 70s! At least it was the short indoor/outdoor variety, and not shag carpet! I love the pictures of the budding artists (and their mentor!). Wishing warm thoughts for you. Prices are outrageous everywhere these days!

    1. Val; I remember shag carpet and I'm glad I never had any! I've never sen orange and green carpet, though I have seen orange and green everything else. My first dining setting had orange vinyl chairs. I sometimes wonder where the rich people will get their profits when the poor people can no longer spend. Thanks for the warm thoughts, I even bought 80s style leg warmers to help keep my shins and ankles warm!

  4. Orange is a colour we don't have much of. I don't think. I will have to pay attention. Power prices are wicked aren't they?
    I love the series of photos of you and the twins.

    1. Elephant's Child; I don't have much orange these days, a qick look around shows a few orange Tupperware containers and my set of measuring spoons, plus a few book spines are orange.
      Power prices are ridiculously high, remember when the utilities were government owned and controlled and everyone could afford them? Privatisation was/is the worst thing that can happen to such things.
      I love the photos too and may eventually frame a few if I can find space to hang them.

  5. The oranges and yellows of the 1970s seemed full of life back then, and very different from our parents' post war modesty.
    Thanks for the photo I would not be so keen.

    1. hels; things certainly were brightter back then and I prefer a bit of colour to the monotonous greys and whites that are in so many homes these days. Monochrome in any shade is so dull, to my eyes anyway.

  6. I like doing art with my Granddaughters.

    1. Dora; me too, it's fun seeing how they learn to use the tools and colours.

  7. It seems early for lettuce but I've never grown them, so take no notice of me. There is rather a lot of them. I am not a fan of the colour orange. Not too many people ever wear it. The skull in the tank is funny and the fish wouldn't know what it is. Very nice photos of you painting with your girls.

    1. Andrew; it is early for lettuce but it self-seeded so we hope now to get edible leaves. I used to love orange and my bridesmaids dresses were orange way back in 1971. I recall having an orange dress when I was maybe five or six and an orange bikini in my teens, but nothing since apart from some of my socks which i bought because they were cheap. There are no fish in the tank, just a few plants and the dinosaur skull.
      I love those photos, thanks.

  8. Play time with Grandma is always fun time. I bet the girls always look forward to it! :)

    I hope the week ahead has many good, happy time in store for you, River...take care. My cuddles to lovely Lady Lola. Keep warm! :)

    1. Lee; I don't see the girls as often as I'd like but they are always pleased to see me. Lola is staying warm by staying in bed, only comes out to eat.

  9. You look like me in winter! I simply do not like the temperature above sixty eight or so; I was raised that way. But now it takes a hat, gloves and lots of layers to stay warm.

    1. Joanne; my preferred temperature is in the 70s and low 80s.I grew up in the mid north of my state where summers were often 100 or more, but I lived near a beach and spent most of my days in the water. I have fingerless gloves to wear while I type here and a beanie on my head. The jacket goes on around 4.30 when the outside temperature drops.

  10. I'm glad the lettuces didn't go to waste.

    You have a beautiful variety of photos, and the girls are the capstone.

    1. messymimi; the girls are the best! Thank you. I'm hoping the lettuces survive. I have a mini plastic greenhouse in my shed which I will bring out and tie it somehow to the front porch railing so the winds can't blow it away. For now the seedlings are in my back porch which gets no sun.

  11. Replies
    1. mike; thanks, I like it. It's a real clock somewhere in New York I think, where the TV series White Collar is set.

  12. Hoping your lettuces grow well, I'm sure you will plenty.
    The little ones are lovely enjoying their painting with you.
    Keep warm, the government rebate on our last bill, fortunately we don't have to pay much for 3 months, it's under $50.00 the bill was, we have solar for the hot water so only service charges on that. Bit steep if the prices over your way went up 3 times this year.

    1. Margaret D; I hope the lettuces do well, "no-one" has been taking some to friends she works with too. My bills are horrendous here and mostly it's the supply charge, the only things that runs 24/7 here in my tiny one bedroom flat is the fridge. Even the TV doesn't get turned on until the evening news. I'm trying to keep the clothes dryer use to a minimum this year, by wearing some clothes for several days since all I do is sit at home, they don't get dirty unless I spill something.

  13. Awww, thank you, River, I´ll share the sofa we got! To the 70´s!!
    Oh, and some stuff from today, too!
    My planting went totally wrong,but reckon it was because of the weather...
    The Skull is so cool! We had a rainbow at our wedding in Joondalup/Perth :-) Brings luck, our friends said, so... to luck!

    LOL, that is a very normal German word .... ;-) My brother even went to such a place to gett one. Boy. We have a dumb language.

    Awww, looks like great fun you had with the girls!

    Oh,boy ,you wear a winter-jacket! 24C already, yesterday we had a BBQ at over 30C...

    1. Iris; I'd love to see your sofa and other stuff, I like seeing how others live. i asked where she got the skull and it's from the aquarium shop where she bought the tank.
      I had a wonderful time with the girls. They are always happy to try new things.
      I have had that jacket for 25 years now, got it cheap at Target when they had after winter sales. It is still very warm to wear. We have 17C today according to the weather girl on TV and it is sunny outside and warm if you stand sheltered from the wind. Tomorrow goes back to 14C :(

  14. It's hard to imagine it being so cold there! I love the photo with all the orange decorating. I do remember those years well. (We had an orange and yellow tablecloth, as I recall.) I could use a plant stand like "no-one's" to keep my dahlias out of the reach of slugs!

    1. Steve Reed; I could use a plant stand myself but there is not much room on my tiny porch, in the garden the slugs might just climb up anyway.
      The 70s were very colourful years weren't they? Bright and cheery. The current trend of shades of grey is so dull and uninspiring.

  15. Yuck, I always loathed my mother's kitchen with orange curtains and lamps. Luckily we were not forced to wear it, and our living room was sensible blue and sandcoloured hues ;)
    I've had lettuce survive the winter, so they'll probably do fine, good luck.
    Twins are cute as usual, and it's nice to see you in action. Thanks!

    1. Charlotte; I know many people who dislike orange and it can be overdone as my home was back then, but the rooms were very large so it wasn't so bad. I have the lettuce seedlings in a little greenhouse type structure now, they should be fine.
      Thank you too.


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