Sunday Selections # 697

 Long ago, Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

Read this text before scrolling down please:

"Gen went up to J and said a heap of stuff in toddler language, then said ok? 
When he said ok, she said ok back and went off to hang the washing. 
She must have been asking if she could first."

It's a big job

but mum could use the help

this is fun

almost done

last one

In my garden:

the Jades (Crassula) are flowering

the aeoniums are so dense only one of the three planter pots is visible

my baby rhubarb has had its leaves eaten away

so I bought two packs of steel scourers

stretched them out as much as I could

and placed them around the rhubarb. Let's see if that works to keep the slugs and snails away. I read somewhere online they don't like crawling over wire wool, whic we call steel wool, and this is similar though coarser.

From "no-one" who went to see the "illuminate"  dinosaurs show at the zoo recently:

giant fish chasing a school of smaller fish

same fish different view

and again

coloured trees

pink pelicans

this was held at night to see the colours better, I didn't go as I no longer feel safe coming home alone at night.

dinosaue skull

dinosaur footprints to follow

flying fish?

it looks to have been a great show.


  1. Great post!
    What a cutie. My grandies are coming, and are teenagers. No more of that stuff!
    I like the steel wool trick.

    1. Jenn Jilks; my other grandies are all aged 20-30. The steel wool doesn't seem to be working. I'll have to put down more.

  2. Aww, Gen - bless her.
    I like the zoo photographs - how lovely, but what a shame that you don't feel safe out at night.
    I hope the steel wool helps. I've just noticed we've got a (first) flower on the courgette now that the slugs/snails have been discouraged. Don't suppose we'll get fruit now.

    1. jabblog; the twins love helping, but Ana prefers the kitchen, she loves her food and wants to help cook. I travel by bus and going home alone after dark just feels uncomfortable now.
      You might get fruit, courgettes are well known for producing truckloads at a time. Well mine did years ago when I had a decent garden.

  3. How much fun it is, and how interesting it is witnessing the beautiful girls progressing and learning life's steps....step by step...little bit at a time by a little bit. But the steps aren't little in the whole scheme of's wonderful and thank you for sharing some of those moments with us.

    I hope you have a great week head, River...take cuddles to lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; it is great watching the girls learn and develop skills. Lady Lola is being a true "Lady" and staying in bed all day and night.

  4. I am sorry that you didn't feel up to going to the exhibition. Huge thanks to no-one. Love the hanging of the washing. And envy your flowering jade.

    1. Elephant's Child; it was held at night, so I'd have been coming home quite late. I'll tell K you said thanks. The whole jade hedge is a mass of flowers now.

  5. It's very amusing to see Gen hanging the washing.
    I imagine the steel wire will keep the pests away. Let us know in time.
    It's rather amazing to see what can be done with clever lighting now. How far LEDs have come in a decade or so.

    1. Andrew; and she's having fun doing it. Ana likes to stir things in the kitchen, no surprises there, her daddy was the same. The steel wire doesn't seem to be working so I will put down more.
      The lighting was great and I wish I had gone, but it means coming home alone quite late.

  6. I had no idea about steel wool deterring slugs and bugs. Or that babies could do such a fine job of hanging the laundry. Nice pictures.

    1. Joanne; I had no idea either and it doesn't seem to be working. Gen did a great job didn't she? Thank you.

  7. Look at how much fun the girls are having, helping their parents! I wish I had had a daughter.

    1. Hels; daughters are great, I have two of them. Two sons also and they are great too.

  8. Oh how precious they are those little ones. So sweet and delight to see them.
    The photos are nice, shame about the rhubarb.

    1. Margaret D; aren't they just the best? I'll figure something for the rhubarb, I really want it to survive.

  9. Oh, boy, I remember those times when big Niece talked in toddler language to me - and when you´re an Auntie that visits only seldeom and have no kids - that is a challenge!!!

    Ack for our fruit being eaten by others, hope your method works!

    Great night pics! We have a Light-Parcours here, too, come better weather I´ll go!

    1. LOL, just told Ingo you have that light-thingy. Ingo; " We have that since 20 years - but the weather is too ###..." I am really so glad we could visit you and Perth and had a summer. 16C here now. In "summer"!

    2. Iris; none of us understands the toddler speak, so we mostly just say okay or yes or "that's interesting". When they want to show something they take your hand and lead you.
      The illuminate show has been for several years now, but always at night to see the colours better, so I never go.
      We have only 14C today so I have the heating on since 11am already.

    3. And I thought parents understand toddler speak. I think I did it all wrong back then...
      Yes, we´ll go when the days get shorter to see the places in the dark(er time)...

    4. Iris; only toddlers understand toddler speak :)

  10. She is being taught the steps of life!
    Loved today's photos, something different!!
    Thank you so much,
    have a lovely week!

    1. Katerinas Blog; letting them help is the best way to teach, I did the same with my kids. Thank you.

  11. Such an adorable little helper! The dinosaur exhibit looks fantastic. A ring of salt would stop those slugs and snails, but I suppose you wish to be more humane.

    1. Val; it is winter here, a ring of salt would be washed away by overnight rain. I don't care about humane when it comes to slugs and snails, I hoped the steel wool would help, but it hasn't, so I have to try something else.
      Both twins like to help and we always let them, it's a good way to learn skills.

  12. Those big girls helping! Good for them, and if they keep talking in their "toddler language," they may just invent their own language as I've seen multiples do. The parents can't even understand what they say.

    Your garden is beautiful and I do hope your remedy for snails works. If not, I understand they are attracted to beer in a bowl and fall in and drown.

    The Illuminate show is beautiful, it makes me sad you can't go. Could you go with "no one" and plan to spend that one night over there and come home early in the morning?

    On my blog, you asked about the "dropless" cataract surgery. Instead of the eye doctor requiring you put drops in your eyes four times a day, two capsules are inserted in with the new lens and as they dissolve, they release the meds needed. It means the doctor is not relying on patient compliance with a complicated and very interfering schedule of drops, and it's much easier for the patient.

    I do know not even all the doctors here use it, although I don't know why, and I have no clue if it's even available where you are. I hope so, for your sake if you ever need the surgery.

    1. messymimi; the twins do speak to each other all the time and no one knows what they are saying but they seem to.
      I don't have any beer handy, my house is alcohol free, and any I put out would be so diluted by overnight rain it wouldn't work anyway.
      "no-one" and I live on opposite sides of town, I'm happy enough to stay home and get photos from her.
      I'll ask about the dropless method next time I get the cataracts checked to see if they are ready. I'm noticing more blurriness in my eyes lately.

  13. Omgosh. Savor those helpful moments because the teen years are right around the corner. Lol. Have you tried cinnamon in your garden? Also. Copper wire works. It gives those bugs a little zap. Ha!

    1. MMM; I'm not wasting my cinnamon in the garden, I love it on my porridge each morning, with brown sugar. Copper wire would get stolen in a jiffy. It fetches good money when being sold and thieves have been know to strip wiring at vacant houses or new builds to get the copper for selling.

  14. I love the helping toddler. She so reminds me of my own, and helping is indeed the best way to learn. I'm sad to hear that steel wool does not work - it would have been an easy fix. Those illuminated animals and stuff looks great, I would go there if it came here - your place is a bit far ;)

    1. Charlotte; I remember the toddler days of my own children, they learn so fast when they are young enough to think helping is fun.
      There are different types of steel wool and I will go to the hardware store for the other kind and see if it works. There is not much left of the rhubarb now :(


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