Living on The Fringe

 Recently, "no-one" mentioned an actor who sounded familiar, so I asked her to please remind me who this is. She said the actor played Special Agent Olivia in  "Fringe".

I have watched Fringe, but so long ago that I don't remember any of it.

So I dusted off the zippered storage bags

and pulled out the boxed set

five seasons, a total of 29 discs.

"Explore the ever-shifting line between science fiction and reality, where hybrid mosters tear through sewers, thieves walk through walls and portals open to parallel universes, in this complete collection of the acclaimed, mind-bending series. Unable to police a world in which science has advanced beyond our wildest dreams - and nightmares - Special Agent Olivia Dunham enlists eccentric "fringe" scientist Walter Bishop and his jack-of-all-trades son, Peter, to investigate paranormal incidents that defy human logic and mystifying events that threaten our very existence on a universal scale. When the unimaginable happens, it's their job to stop it."

I'll get started right after I finish "Buffy- The Vampire Slayer"

Or maybe tonight.


  1. I've never heard of 'Fringe', not that that's surprising. Many things pass me by . . .

    1. jabblog; I don't remember how old the series is, but I wouldn't have known about it either if not for "no-one" who watches everything and tells me about things I might like.

  2. I have never heard of this show, but for some reason it made me think of one of my favorite series, "The Lost World." Not that they're anything alike. The boys and I used to watch it every morning before leaving for school. It had some jungle girl named Veronica, and a couple professors, and a spoiled rich woman, and a young newspaper reporter. Of course there was a handsome dude for the gals to fight over, but I forget his name and profession. They were lost in the jungle, and had a crisis every episode, including some supernatural happenings.

    1. Val; The Lost World sounds vaguely familiar, I don't think I've seen it, just heard the name. I might ask "no-one' if she has it on a hard drive.

    2. It was an Australian TV show in the late 1990s/early 2000s. We saw it in reruns here several years later.

  3. Like jabblog I hadn't heard of this series. And equally know that a lot of things pass me by.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm betting you don't watch nearly as much television as we do and "no-one" watches a LOT more than I do.

  4. I've heard of it, but not had the pleasure. Yet.

    1. messymimi; perhaps you could find it on Netflix or similar.

  5. I've heard of it but have never seen it and I don't know why.

    1. Bob; look it up and watch a couple of episodes to see if you'd like it. I must have liked it enough to buy the boxed set, I just can't remember any of it now.

  6. That sounds like cheerful viewing.

    1. Andrew; it does and I hope to enjoy it as much as I must have the first time.

  7. Replies
    1. Dora; it seems many of my friends haven't heard of it.

  8. Fringe was a good show. Was it that long ago that you have a VCR boxed set?!

    1. Mike; it must have been, the bags I keep box sets in was quite dusty.

  9. Buffy- The Vampire Slayer? My grand daughter loved it :)

    1. Hels; so did my kids, but at the time the grandkids were a bit too young.

  10. I've never heard of 'Fringe', maybe I should look it up, R.

    1. Margaret D; you can probably find it on Netflix

  11. Like so many others here, I've never heard of "Fringe." I know John Noble, though -- had to look up his name but I know his face -- and I remember Lance Reddick from "The Wire" and "Bosch."

    1. Steve Reed; John Noble is from Port Pirie where I grew up and I went to school with another Noble, probably a brother. I remember Lance Reddick from Bosch too.

  12. I wonder where I can find Fringe. I will look on Amazon Prime and/or YouTube

  13. I found it on amazon prime and i'm watching it for the first time.I think.

    1. Granny Annie; I'm glad you found it, let me know what you think.

  14. Always interesting to meet characters in another series. I can´t recall his name he played in Fringe (loved the series) but he also popped up in Sleepy Hollow! There he plays the "Son" of the main character and it was confusing.
    Am still at "LOST".

    1. Iris; in Fringe he plays scientist Walter Bishop and since I began paying more attention as I watch shows, I'm surprised by how many faces I now recognise from other shows.


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