Sunday Selections # 710

 Long ago, Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

Theme for today is "Raindrops on Roses"

but first:

King Charles is beginning to appear on our coins

Some of the flowering gums are flowering, this is a pink variety, there are also reds and yellows

this red rose has a few unexpected white patches

now, as promised, raindrops on roses.

There was a rain shower just before I left home to go to the shops

not a rose, obviously, this is a bottle brush bloom, also shimmery with rain drops

almost positive this is a sago palm and it's a lot taller than those I see in the city, this one is in the parking lot of the local Woolies shopping centre

Roses hanging over a fence, I didn't even notice the buds forming on these and suddenly there they were!

More roses hanging over a different, taller fence, these are supported over a sturdy arch

Bejewelled with diamonds (raindrops)

times two

a bit hard to see the raindrops on these ones

easier on this one

this delicately coloured beauty is my favourite

Remember how grown up the girls appeared last week?

Here they are in their "big girl" beds

No more baby cots in this house.


  1. Moving from cot to big bed is a rite of passage. The roses are beautiful - I love them with raindrops on.

    1. jabblog; I remember each of my four being very proud to have a big girl/boy bed for their first birthday. They already knew how to climb in and out of my bed, so why wait?
      Raindrops on roses always seem prettier than on any other flower.

  2. Love the roses. You are ahead of us here. And how I wish we had some of the rain. It was promised to us, but largely didn't happen.
    Yay for big girl beds. I am a bit surprised that they don't join each other.

    1. Elephant's Child; I wish you could have rain and roses too, they're a match made in heaven. The girls beds do touch each other now, head to head in a corner of the room like a big L, they are just mattresses on the floor right now and they use them as trampolines.

  3. Good morning, River. The flowers are lovely, especially the roses.

    I bet there is a lot of bed swapping going on, too! :)

    Have an enjoyable week ahead...take cuddles to Lovely Lady Lola.

    1. Lee; no bed swapping, the girls always lie on their own bed to sleep, but during the day they sit on either one while playing and jumping.
      The roses especially are very nice this year, I've never seen so many at once. Lola is going overboard with her demands for cuddles.

  4. The roses look super, and you don't even have to do the hard work. Thank you neighbour :)

    1. Hels; thank you several neighbours, these are in six or eight gardens on the way to the shops.

  5. You have the best climate for roses. Just water them and t hey grow beautifully.

    1. Andrew; that's true, Adelaide does roses very well.

  6. Lovely roses, especially the last two.

    1. Joanne; the last one and the first two pale orange/yellow ones are my favourites.

  7. My the girls in big beds, good on them, how time flies.
    Those roses are beautiful, and you captured them so well, R. love the last one.

    1. Margaret D; they love their big beds and use them as trampolines, luckily for now they are just mattresses on the floor. Adelaide does roses really well.

  8. Amazing.
    Australia is still THAT connected to Great Britain?
    I think I still have one with Queen Elizabeth. Or two...
    Ohhh, such beautiful pics, with the raindrops especially.
    Woolies. Miss this store (and the cheese, formerly Coon - we really do not have anything like that - btw we went to "Comet", it was awful (Russian, Turkish, no German... but Ingo got his fish) and I found no Vegemite (but I have some in the fridge still, as Marmite!)).

    Boy, you turn around and the girls have their first boyfriends. That´s how it is here. Niece Mia is... like an adult!
    Enjoy the "young years", have a nice Sunday, dear River- thank you for the pics, Ingo gave me two "heatings" but what happens... my legs burn off and the rest is cold! (Could be worse).
    Tomorrow 07:30 they´ll fix the heating. Ingo bought mulled wine, maybe I ask for that later!

    1. Iris; yes we are still connected to Great Britain and it doesn't bother me at all. the raindrops are beautiful aren't they? You can't get good cheese? What kinds of cheeses do you have there? And you still didn't find vegemite? Marmite is awful stuff. I hope you will be much more comfortable when your heating is fixed. It's not fun having only one part of your body warm while the rest is shivering.

    2. We have many sorts of cheese but not this one! Maybe it´s the memories attached? I miss it. And next time I´ll take some home, as Vegemite :-)
      I was astonished how much the British Royal family was on TV on channel 9.
      As to why Trump & Co are on our TV in Germany. I am not allowed to vote, tell me the result but not all the dumb stuff?
      Yes, brrrr. My stripey Tiger needs to visit the microwave. I wonder how Ingo manages with only one mini-heating! Watching your Spring-pics helps :-)

  9. Nice flowers. I haven't seen any coins or notes with old Charlie-boy on them yet. He's still in Australia at the moment, isn't he?




    1. Plasman; yes he is and Queen Camilla too, but only in Sydney, they are not coming to other states, perhaps a full tour is too much at their age in our summer.

  10. The girls look quite contented in their new beds. I am not familiar with your money, but to me it seems odd not to see the Queen on the coin. I suppose the paper money will be next.

    1. Val; the girls love their beds, they can get in and out without help, with the cots they had to be lifted in and out, so this is freedom for them. It is odd not seeing Queen Elizabeth, but so far it is only the newest $1 coins with King Charles.

  11. What a delight to see all the blooms, and the girls!

    Yes, that looks like a sago palm to me, too, we have them here. The one pictured has been trimmed properly so it will grow up and not out.

    1. messymimi; I knew you'd be happy to see the flowers and the girls, both are a visual delight. I didn't know about trimming methods for palms.


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