Sunday selections #709 another week has sped by, at this rate it will be Christmas tomorrow.


Long ago, Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

Beginning this time with the girls because I know you are all dying to see what they are up to:

manicure lessons from mum!

Well, fun with nail polish at least

pretty pink

trying to do it themselves

Fun times 😊

this is my big old atlas, bought in 1972, 18 inches (46cm) by 12 inches (30.5cm) closed

24 inches (61cm) wide when opened. I have it on a folded towel so it doesn't scratch the surface of the chest which already has enough scratches.

it contains extensive information on world food supplies, which is likely no longer relevant since the world has changed so much since then.

also world climate which may or may not still be relevant in some areas at least, with climate change

more on the climate and food potential. I imagine this would be vastly different now with rain forests ripped out and good farming land being built over, rivers diverted etc,

the Universe, I wonder how many of these stars still exist and how many new ones have been found since 1972.

our solar system sun and four of the planets

this page shows types of vegetation in different areas. There are pages on the moon, various satellites, weather patterns and so much more. I use the Atlas mostly to look up places I'm reading about either online or in novels.
It has many, many tiny towns and some countries that no longer exist with the changing or borders etc.

a young blue-tongue lizard, he lives in that drain right next to him and is rarely seen. This area used to have quite a large colony, but many have died from eating slug and snail pellets in gardens or from being run over while basking on the driveways. 

The local magnolia tree again

and the seed pods that form once the flowers are finished

I took these seed photos years ago and told myself I would gather some when they fell and try to grow them

and then I completely forgot. 

a couple of broken tiles pieced back together and on display in S's garden

two of the redheads snuck outside

and had fun climbing trees. Meg and Riley.


  1. Great photos as always River. And lovely to see Meg and Riley again, our on adventures.

    1. Wisewebwoman; thank you. The redheads have been wanting to get to "the big outside" for ages. I may take them to the beach.

  2. I love the lizard! I hope he prospers in his home in the drain. We had a magnolia tree like that in our yard when I was a kid. I imagine the star map in your Atlas is still accurate, and the solar system (unless it calls Pluto a planet, because that's changed back and forth a couple of times) -- but everything else is surely long out of date by now! Google Maps will give you current maps of anywhere in the world, you know. :)

    1. Steve Reed; I love the lizard too. some of the newcomers here years ago thought they were snakes and would scream when they saw one. The Atlas does still call Pluto a planet because it was in 1972. I know google can help out, but when I read of tiny places some of my blog friends and neighbours come from I like to look for them in the Atlas. I really should keep an eye out for the magnolia seeds this time.

  3. The twins look like they are enjoying their manicure. How did they go, putting on nail polish themselves?
    Our Atlas is well out of date too.
    Nice to see the redheads enjoying their time outside.
    I hope the blue tongue survives and thrives.

    1. Elephant's Child; I don't think they made too much mess with the nail polish, probably S didn't load the brush very full. Out of date Atlases come in handy for finding out of date places, like tiny European towns/villages.
      The redheads had a great time "we're up SO high!" they said. I may take them to the beach. I hope the blue tongue survives too and that's why I'm not using snail bait to protect my seedlings which have suffered quite badly now. I may have to bite the bullet and buy beer so the slugs and snails can drown themselves.

  4. The baby granddaughters are not babies any more. See how they have grown! A fifty two year old atlas - many things have changed but a lot of things have stayed the same. Had Australia been discovered by 1972?

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; hardy har har! Australia was discovered and I was already here too. the girls are growing so fast and learning girlie things, I really can't call them babies anymore, just like your Phoebe.

  5. I still have an atlas....goodness knows how old it is. And, I also have a very large, framed, glossy map of the world hanging on a wall near where my desk and computer are.

    The lovely little madams are enjoying themselves from all appearances. :)

    Have a good week, River...take good care.

    1. And my cuddles to Lovely Lady Lola!

    2. Lee; I have two Atlases, but prefer the big one over the small, and I have a world map jigsaw that I would like to get done and have framed one day. i would love to have a large size spinning globe in a stand but haven't got room for one. I may buy one for the girls when they start school.
      The girls had loads of fun with the nail polish and the lip balm too. I'll cuddle Lola for you later she is sleeping right now, which is a relief because when she is awake all she wants to do is get cuddled.

  6. Having a daughter and granddaughter would be wonderful for mum and grandma. My boys were wonderful boys, but they were never interested in nail polish, hair cuts, looking well dressed, studying literature or looking after puppies. You are blessed.

    1. Hels; perhaps your boys will give you grand daughters in time. I do feel blessed having so many grands, four girls, two boys and a great grandson too.

    2. I am blessed with lots of granddaughters and grandsons :) So are you!

  7. Some children don't like having the nails cut, so a good way is to reward them with some pretty nail polish.
    It's nice see 'Bluey' out sunning itself.
    Your atlas sounds like it is full of interesting information, even though much would be out of date. In that way, it is an historical record.

    1. Andrew; the trick with nail cutting and pretty much everything else, is to start very early so it becomes a habit once they are used to it, like toothbrushing which ideally should begin, without toothpaste, as soon as the first tooth cuts through the gum.
      I have seen "Bluey" twice since I took that photo and always make sure there is water nearby for him.
      The Atlas will be passed to my youngest son who often used it while at school and hopefully will be treasured and handed down again to the twins.

  8. The girls grow up so (too) fast! To having fun!!!

    And yes. The world has changed. Yet some things change too slow for us, which is good.
    We stopped for a blue-tongue lizard in... 1995. Ingo wanted - did - take him of the bitumen road, boy was he mad!!!! He showed us his blue tongue for sure.

    Beautiful flowers and yes, girls, snug outside. Bet it´s warmer than here... Happy Sunday!

    1. Iris; the girls are growing up now and I can't call them babies anymore. They loved the nail polish and lip balm too.
      "Blueys" like to get warm by basking on the roads so probably Ingo should have left him there. But then maybe a huge road train would come along and squish him which is what happens to so many lizards, even around here on the winding driveway when cars go too fast.
      The redheads loved being outside and want to go again. I may take them to the beach.

    2. Yes to both. They are no babies anymore. Niece - aged 14 - is like an adult!
      Second yes: Next car/road train would have ended the Blueys life for sure - we nearly did...
      We saw all the animals who loved the warmth of the bitumen and got hit by a roadtrain. Eww.
      Looking forward to the redheads by the beach!!

  9. Every week I think the same thing, what a fun selection of photos! It's always true, too.

    1. messymimi; thank you, I always enjoy your photos too.

  10. The twins are having fun by the photos, bless them R.
    The magnolia, husband cut ours way back very hard in winter, didn't think it would grow but it has a few shoot, thank goodness.

    1. Margaret D; the twins are loving life that's for sure. The magnolia here was full grown when I moved in 13 years ago, it's just a few steps from my flat so I really should remember to collect seeds when they fall.

  11. Old atlases are fun, like old encyclopaedias, just to see how things have changed, and to reminisce.
    Nice to see the little girls enjoying girlie time with their mummy and I'm sure the redheads appreciated their time in 'the big outside.' What fun!

    1. jabblog; they are fun and have plenty of information on how our world once was, so there is history in there as well as geography.

  12. My old man had an atlas just like that. I've no idea what happened to it.




    1. Plasman; welcome back. It's a shame he didn't leave it to you.

  13. Girls will be girls! A cute little "lesson" for the twins. I like the seed pod pictures, but I'd be leery of a lizard that size showing up around my house. As for Meg and Riley climbing trees... redheads will be redheads!

    1. Val; I like the twins learning little girly things. Just not too much too soon. The lizard isn't huge only about 12 inches long from nose to tail tip and he won't get longer, just older. We do have smaller lizards, the geckos and droptails, but many are larger, like the frill-neck lizard, and the goannas of course are very large
      The redheads want to get outside again. The love all the space out there.

  14. I've got a few giant books like that. They get out of date fast these days.

    1. Mike; I have severl giant books, not all Atlases, but about the way things were back then. I have one which is all copies of pages of a newspaper no longer printed and another titled Chronicle of the 20th Century. I will leave them to the youngest grandchildren eventually.

  15. That old atlas souns good. The towns are still - mostly - in place. I remember you finding one of my ancestral towns in it, and I was impressed!
    Nice to see the redheads on an adventure, and I hop they tag along to the beach.

    1. Charlotte; I remember finding the town but don't remember the name of it now. I also found a small town where a neighbour was born and she was quite surprised. The redheads will be excited to see the beach I think.

  16. Replies
    1. Dora; I know you have the little anoles, but don't you have anything larger? I know you have snakes that get quite long, but maybe there aren't any near your home.

  17. Those babies! Our gr-daughters loved to do my nails with a bright blue glitter polish. What a grand time.

    1. Susan Kane; bright blue glitter would be fun.


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