Words for Wednesday

On Wednesdays, Elephant’s Child has been putting up a selection of six (or twelve) words which is called “Words for Wednesday”.
She had taken over this meme from Delores, who is gradually retiring from the blogging world.
This month the meme continues here, at Drifting Through Life 

Essentially the aim is to encourage us to write.   

Each week we are given a choice of prompts: which can be words, phrases, music or an image.   What we do with those prompts is up to us:  a short story, prose, a song, a poem, or treating them with ignore...

Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog.  I would really like it if as many people as possible joined into this fun meme.  
 If you are posting on your own blog - let me know so that I, and other participants, can come along and applaud.
I’m hopeless at poetry so I always do a story.

It’s a fun challenge…why not join in?

This week's words are:
 1. hideous
2. antiseptic
3. feeling
4. gamble
5. opulent
6. sandbox


1. column
2. yourself
3. network
4. quell
5. inset
6. jug 

have fun, let those imaginations loose.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It was a GAMBLE I knew, but the OPULENT design on the curtain fabric in the main bedroom, although perhaps considered HIDEOUS to some, in my opinion could very well be the key to selling the property.

    It was a gut FEELING I had, and I always heeded my inner voice. I think you should always listen to YOURSELF.

    I think people were getting tired of a lot of the current, supposedly modern house designs. Too many were just ANTISEPTIC brick and concrete square blocks with no heart.

    As was my practice I grabbed a sheet of paper and ruled a line lengthwise down the middle. The left COLUMN was for the “Pros” and the right COLUMN was for the “Against”.

    An INSET on the floor-plan showed there was a children’s SANDBOX in a separate, safe play area off from the huge, covered, tiled patio.

    The securely-fenced in-ground pool with its Bali-style gazebo was enough to QUELL any doubts I felt. I could easily imagine myself sitting out there with a JUG of freshly-made Mango Daiquiris at hand.

    I’m sure I could gather together a NETWORK of clients who would feel similarly. After due consideration they'd be beating down my office door wanting to purchase the property.

    1. Ooh. I can just see that property. And its agent.

    2. A Bali-style gazebo by a pool would do a lot to quell my doubts as well. I love this!

    3. Wow, what an incredible story this is, and so believable I was hoping you'd pour me one of those delicious Daiquiris!

  3. I have lurched to the dark side this week.

    Ron smiled at the young mother bending over her son in the sandbox, dabbing antiseptic onto a small scratch on the boy's knee. Nice jugs he thought. How I would love to drag them out of that tight top, clutch at them, feeling their weight in my hand... And then bite. Hard. Blood and boobs and screams. Bliss.
    Appearances are deceptive. And a good thing too Ron said to himself. HIs friends all knew him as a 'lovely man'. He gambled on them never, ever seeing into the hideous thoughts he didn't make any attempt to quell. Opulent fantasies of blood and sex and death and pain. And power. All his... Thoughts he hadn't acted on. Yet.

    1. Elephant's Child!!! Oh! Dear! Eat your heart out E. L. James...EC has arrived on the scene. "Sixty Shades of Red" is about to hit the bookstores! :)

    2. Good fiction evokes emotion, and you had me feeling quite repulsed by Ron!

    3. So was I repulsed by Ron. And a little worried that his voice found its way into my head.

    4. Have always known there was something hidden in you...

    5. Yet! Oh my. Dark side and all, I so enjoyed this sandbox view, especially with this list of words it's an incredible twist of thoughts! Bravo.

  4. Lee; great story. You're right about the modern houses, all glitz and no charm, no character, no colour. Neutral from one end to the other. The latest trend for darkish grey/brown cabinetry is appalling. I like the sound of 'your' house.

    Elephant's Child; woo-hoo, you sure did go to the dark side with this one. He's not distantly related to Dracula is he? Perhaps he's an escalating serial killer? Scary. And well written.

  5. Hi River,

    Being lazy, I just come on over at see what has transpired in the comments. Terrific efforts by Lee and Sue. Okay, that's it. Must try and get some sleep. Good work.

    Gary :)

  6. klahanie; thanks for checking in.

  7. Antiseptic sandbox,
    Hideous feeling.

    Opulent babe,
    Don't gamble your sandbox.

    And hey....
    RH sang
    For two poofs
    In Footscray hospital.

    Whack this one with the rolling pin girls!

  8. Good selection of words. Haven't got my thinking cap on tonight..

  9. Hi missed last week, sorry! Have incorporated them into my blog post today. Bloody sandbox was awkward, I really had to stretch to include that in a food related post!

  10. I agree with Craig - sandbox was the word that tripped me up a bit this week... but finally got it. My latest chapter with the words is on my blog today. Thanks River!

  11. interesting words this week. A sandbox of the tiled living area? Actually, I think that would be a good idea.
    My own Wed.Words will be up on Friday at my site. Hopefully. My brain is hurting today.

  12. Oh gosh, it's late Wednesday evening but I just got mine posted, and will read everyone's tomorrow! Here's my link

  13. R.H. antiseptic sandboxes and singing in a hospital, interesting memories you have.

    whiteangel; I've lost my thinking cap altogether, I really should look for it.

    Craig; you're allowed to miss a week, this isn't compulsory. but I'll pop over and read yours in a minute.

    Susan F; I wondered what to do with sandbox too. I had a couple of options in mind and went with a child's sandbox as you will see on Friday.

    Susan Kane; I'll be sure to read yours on Saturday which is your Friday. I hope my words aren't the cause of your brain hurting.

    Karen S.; there's no hurry, it isn't a school assignment, but I'll come over and have a read. Thanks for playing.


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