Coming to you from the past: June 2010 :: does this make me a Masterchef?

We've been asked to wear these aprons at work.

I wasn't at all keen, until the Boss handed me one and said "put this on".

Anyway...we each get two and I managed to lose one already.

Hung it up in the locker room while I fiddled around organising my stuff in my locker, then forgot it completely and went home. Next morning, it was gone. Yay! Then the boss handed me the second one. Sigh.

I was going to individualise it with miniature utensils stitched across the top. You know, spatula, whisk, etc, but couldn't find any tiny enough. I wanted doll's house size, about 1 1/2 inches long.

I settled for "mini" utensils from K-mart, whisk 15cm, spatula 18cm. But they are awkward, banging on the checkout, getting caught on the bag rack, so off they came and now they're in the kitchen drawer. They'll probably never see the light of day again.

Many customers have asked me what my specialty is. I tell them toast with your own choice of jam. 
I don't dare tell them my real specialty, (chicken schnitzel, sshh), because they might all rock up for dinner and I only have three chairs.


  1. Haha. MY very own choice of jam! Wow. Count me in. :oD

  2. hi Melissa, I enjoy your blog, it makes me laugh and I quite like laughing...

  3. You're a cheeky old sod! I *LOVE* the apron - I reckon it'll be a collectors' item one day.

    Off to eat some toast for my late breakfast right now......

  4. Will that be tea or coffee to go with your toast, ladies?
    We have a range of marmalades Jayne, orange, lime, english breakfast...

  5. Perhaps you could hang the miniature utensils at the bottom of the apron, then they'd just bang into your knees. I like toast.

    1. jabblog; but they wouldn't be seen by customers then. And this was 13 years ago now, though I still have the apron.

  6. Toast is good. I prefer a savoury topping to jam or even marmalade though. And don't like vegemite.

    1. Elephant's Child; I prefer vegemite or marmalade, but currently I'm working my way through the tiny jars of jam from the advent calendar.

  7. I would have laughed at your reply to the speciality question.

  8. Toasted English Muffins with a slathering of butter and lots of strawberry jam is my choice.

    1. Susan Kane; I'm not a fan of muffins, toast or croissants for me.

  9. I've never tried to make a schnitzel.

    1. messymimi; they are time consuming and a bit messy, but worth it when you look in your freezer and see several meals worth. I tend to make them a LOT smaller than the giant ones we get as pub meals or even restaurant meals. I like food that fits on my plate and leaves room for vegetables or chips (fries).

  10. Looks a good apron for advertising R. Toast is good and you can't really do much to burn the toast!

    1. Margaret D; found you! Toast is good and can you believ my toaster has a setting number high enough to not only burn the toast to cinders but probably the house as well?

  11. "Hmpf! "!!! LOL! ..." Sigh." - you have me giggling here!
    Hmmm, chicken schnitzel - YUM. Count me in!
    I´m more the Woolie´s guy, but at one Coles they had a french baker and the buns were like German Brötchen. We stayed an extra day for that (1999, somewhere in the South).

    1. Iris; I shop at Woolie's because it is convenient, but more and more they don't have the items I want or like, for instance my favourite brand of unsalted butter, they no longer stock it and several other things over the years, so when I need those things I go to Foodland across the main road. I haven't been to Coles in years. The nearest one is in the city so I'd have to catch a bus.

    2. That´s not good news! I hope "our" Woolie´s hasn´t changed, quality-wise! We can walk there, so... Also.... there is, as far as I know, nothing else... no, wait! I think there is an ALDI now!

  12. Not everyone can make toast. My wife says it's when you add the butter at the right time. A "nice" cup of tea or coffee is also an art in itself. Can't say I am keen on my cooking.

    1. northsider; there is definitely a right time to add the butter!

  13. I'm a fan of Schnitzel and would have it at this Hungarian restaurant in Toronto with those splendid small noodles. But toast will be fine, with peanut butter and raspberry jam if you have it .

    1. Wisewebwoman; I'm all out of peanut butter, will regular unsalted butter do?

  14. Well, at least it was the kind of "uniform" you didn't have to pay for!

    1. Val; supermarket uniforms are generally supplied free unless you want more than two shirts, then you pay for them. Pants are bought yourself as long as they are black and not jeans. Promotional items such as these aprons and Christmas caps and shirts are given free.

  15. Spouse and I always wear aprons when we are cooking and serving, particularly in older age when our hands are shaking a bit. We still don't look like real professionals, but at least our shirts stay clean.

    1. Hels; I almost always forget to wear an apron, though I somehow remember when frying steak which seems to spit and spatter over half the kitchen.

  16. Ha! Yeah, you probably don't need any uninvited guests! The aprons aren't too terrible but I can see why you'd want to give it a bit of personality. Maybe you can get some iron-on patch images of utensils, rather than miniatures?

    1. Steve Reed, I hadn't thought of iron-ons at the time and after all these years I won't bother.


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