Sunday Selections #673

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us.

Recently I met up with family members at Brighton Beach>

where we saw this gorgeous little red car

walked along the jetty and watched the waves rippling in

marvelled at the changing colours

according to water depth and sun angles

imagined living in one of these homes

or even way out on the bluff, if I am correct that is way down where Marino begins, that's where the boardwalk is that I keep meaning to get down to again.

we saw this drawn onto the sand, it reads "ABIGAIL WILL YOU MARRY ME?" and right after I took the photo someone walked through it dragging a thick tyred beach wagon until his wife noticed and called him off to the side. (she said yes)

the real reason for going to Brighton was to see the new Sculptures, literally hundreds of them along a stretch about a kilometre. I loved the mother and child dolphins

the bench seat with pelican sides

"the couple"

he had a bow tie and she had a flower brooch

the eagle

with his strong talons

this one is not new and has been here as long as I remember, right beside the jetty

this colourful bird is on a lawned section near a playground

where we let the girls loose from their pram, they loved this little seesaw.

as soon as they were unbuckled, Gen took off running, with me following close to steer her away from several dangerous items, "no-one" had Ana with her by the slippery dip (slide)

here daddy J helps Gen walk down the ramp

they finally got tired enough to sit still and eat some lunch, then we headed back to the bus stop.


  1. I'd love to take that red car for a spin to the beach! Glorious photos!

    1. Bob; isn't it a gorgeous little car! Thank you.

  2. The water is a beautiful color. And Abigail's artwork (or artwork FOR Abigail, I suppose) is amazing. I especially like the bird shadows flying across it. I like the dolphins too!

    1. Steve Reed; most of Adelaide's beaches are like this unless it's winter and stormy. I loved the artwork for Abigail, a wonderful way to propose. The dolphins were the first thing I saw, many of the other new sculptures are made from rusted metals and don't stand out like the dolphins did. A couple were very shiny like chrome, I'll show those next week.

  3. The sculptures are wonderful and the sea looks so inviting. Abigail's now fiance has a lot of patience, as well as talent. I'm glad she said 'Yes'. It was a lovely day out for the children - and the adults, of course.

    1. jabblog; the sea always looks inviting to me, even during storms I love to stand and watch the crashing waves and lightning. The sculptures are great and I can admire the talent and time needed to create them. The twins had a great time once we let them loose.

  4. "someone walked through it"
    Sometimes I wonder how much attention people are paying to the world around them.

    1. Mike; this was an older man who was head down, trudging back to his car I think and just didn't notice, it really can't be seen properly from ground level only from up on the jetty and his wife heard several of us up there pointing it out, so called him off to the side.

  5. That looks like a WONDERFUL day - for everyone. Love those sculptures and oh, to live somewhere with a sea view...

    1. Elephant's Child; it was a really lovely day out, seeing so much talented artwork. Like you I would LOVE to live with a seaview, but at least I live close enough to get to the beach when I need to. Or want to.

  6. Great beach pictures. I love the sand proposal, but am not a fan of "the couple" heads. Looks like the girls had a glorious day out.

    1. Val; Thank you. I liked the "couple" but not everyone did. I think I'd like them in my garden! I may have to look around for odds and ends and see if I can make something similar. Next time we go I'd like to take the girls down onto the sand, but their mum can't walk on sand with one artificial leg. Much more planning would be involved.

  7. The colours are all glorious , oh I need the sun

    1. John Going Gently; they are glorious colours and you're welcome to come downunder and share our sun anytime.

  8. I don't know why but I think the car might be an MG.
    The sculptures are all good but I really love the eagle.
    Keeping twins together can be very difficult when out in public, as I've seen. One of them will be a bolter.

    1. Andrew; you may be right about the car, I didn't think to look at any logo on it. I love the eagle too, he's so real! Almost. You're right about the twins too, Gen took off running the minute her feet hit the ground, she went all the way around the playground three times with me close behind, while Ana was happy staying close to "no-one" and climbing up the slide. With four of us adults we managed well enough.

  9. An interesting array of pics....I can't get to the beach, but I think I might spend the day sitting under a cold shower....I will do so if today becomes as hot as yesterday was.

    Have a good week ahead, cuddles to lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; I thought of you when I heard about the latest cyclone up there, but it's too far north to affect you I think. You could sit under a cold shower and look at my beach pictures if that helps you keep cool, you can imagine the sound of the waves and gulls.
      Lola loves your cuddles, I rub her head and tell her "this one is from Lee" and she purrs.

  10. Great sculptures. Can't believe that fellow went right through the sand drawing. Some people can be so dense.

    1. Joanne; I think he just saw it as disturbed sand from ground level, it was only properly visible from up on the jetty. "Abigail" had already said yes anyway, it was on the news the night before. I think the drawing was fenced off until she had seen it.

  11. Looks a good place by the sea R. The twins are looking good there enjoying themselves.
    All the photos are lovely and it's good to see them...thank you.

    1. Margaret D; it's Brighton Beach, one of my favourites. Thank you, I'll have more sculptures next week.

  12. That was a fun day. I like the sculptures and it looks like the girls had a grand time.

    1. messymimi; it was a very fun day, the sculptures seemed to go on forever and then we saw more on the grassed area by the playground, altogether I think there were 250 pieces. The girls had more fun once we let them loose.

  13. The single head looks like there watching every little thing, sort of creepy.

    1. Dora; I wonder if that was intentional by the artist? People do go to the beach to watch don't they as well as have fun.

  14. Wow to that car! A beauty!
    And the ocean, soon, very soon!
    Yes, to have so much money to live by the water...
    Cute way to ask for a marriage! How can one not see it and walk through?!
    Was that Sculpture by the Sea?
    We´ll go in March to Cottesloe, I look very much forward to that!
    The girls sure had fun! When I was that age I was on a "leash" - I really still remember that. Glad this is not done anymore!

    1. Iris; yes, Sculpture by the Sea. The sand art is easy to see from up on the jetty, but when you are down on the sand it probably just looks like disturbed sand, maybe like a kid was drawing something as kids do. Some people do still use a leash for kids, especially if the kid is prone to just take off in any direction and there may be cars on the road close by or something similar. It isn't very common though.
      I hope you take lots of photos at Cottesloe and show them on your blog.

  15. Adorable little girls. How they have grown and I love their summery dresses! I also love the beach sculptures and the colours of the ocean. Thanks for sharing Grandma!

    1. I am not a petrol-head but I believe that the red car is a 1953 MG.

    2. Eh? What happened to my first comment? Gone to Spam?

    3. Yorkshire Pudding; yes, I rescued you from spam. I wondered about the car but not too much, it's nice to know that it is an MG. The girls are adorable and learning fast now with their speech, about ten new words a week. When they are at home they talk all day unless they are napping.

  16. My dream car as a teen was an MG-td or tf (I think) anyway that little red job looks very much like the old 50's MG's, though it seems just a little different so may not be the MG brand...still love it's classic look. Ended up in '64settling for a '58 MGA, cool car but not as classic looking.

    1. joeh; I never had a dream car, I have dream houses instead and I'm surprised by how much the dreams have changed over the years. I don't know the difference between many car styles, for me an MG is an MG the td of tf or anything else means nothing. I'll have to google images of a '58MGA.


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