Sunday Selections # 671

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us.

remember my new gnomes?

the painting has begun with a bright red cap

and a green cap. These are oil based paints,

not so easy to clean up when the paint runs where it shouldn't. I over-loaded the brush 😟

many of my other gnomes also need a little touching up where they have faded from being in the garden years ago, I need to buy more paint.

a fence nearby still has its Christmas look

and I was cheered to hear the whistling of this blue budgerigar (budgie)

a red flowered gum tree in full bloom

here is a closeup of the flowers

and a local snail-creeper vine is also in full bloom, I've heard these are very hard to get started from seed or cuttings

a closeup shows why the flowers are called "snails"

a bright orange rose

and a painted garden box on a footpath

meanwhile in "no-one's" garden...

her dwarf apple tree is producing delicious granny smith apples as well as the red delicious from last week's showing, it is a multi-grafted tree.

"no-one" has bought a chilli plant and will be learning to make her own chilli sauce

her unused bed has a random self-sown tomato growing strongly.

here is Genevieve on her bouncy caterpillar

and looking quite solemn out in the yard

watching the bubbles floating around

they have a bubble making machine

here is Anastasia chasing bubbles

looks like great fun

Gen on her bike

and Ana on hers.


  1. It's lovely to see sunshine and flowers and little children enjoying playing outside. The gnomes are going to look very smart in their new clothes.

    1. jabblog; the twins get outside for a while every day now the weather is warmer, usually late afternoon as the sun begins to go down. I'm enjoying choosing colours for the gnomes.

  2. The twins are show stealers. As usual.
    Your gnomes already look MUCH better, and I loved the garden shots too.

    1. Elephant's Child; I had different twins photos planned bu forgot which folder I had them in. The gnomes look happier too if that is possible.

  3. Those gnomes are going to look fantastic, judging from their hats. The plant pictures brightened my day, as I sit looking out my kitchen window at frozen Poolio, with my toes chilly in my Crocs. Once again, it's great to see the girls having fun. Bubbles and bikes and a bouncy caterpillar. That's the life!

    1. Val; chilly toes need socks as well as crocs. I think the gnomes will look great once they are finished. Bubbles and babies are always a good match.

  4. I like your gum tree flowers, they look lik some fantasy, Good work on the gnomes, and the twins are adorable.

    1. Charlotte; there are also yellow flowering gums, I think EC showed some a week or two ago. The twins have great fune when they are outside. The gnomes have a few weeks yet to be finished.

  5. The gnome slow reveal. Love it.
    I've forgotten what noise a budgie makes.
    Ask any forty year old Asian or Indian person for advice on chili growing and sauce making and much information will be shared.
    How quickly the girls are growing up. What happened to those babies.

    1. Andrew; like a reverse strip tease :) You'll have to visit youtube and listen to some budgies. what happened to the babies indeed! Even the great grandson will soon be one year old.

  6. Replies
    1. Dora; right now you are too cold, but in summer it should be warm enough, but maybe they don't grow where you are.

  7. There are still Christmas lights up around here.

    1. Mike; I have seen a few, the twins home still has lights and tinsel all over the front porch and the tree was still up when I was there last Thursday.

  8. Your gnomes are looking up. More paint is needed.

    1. Joanne; much more paint and a trip to the hardware store for a couple of colours.

  9. Having tried many times, unsuccessfully, to post...I hope finally this gets through.

    Blowing bubbles was such fun when we were kids. I might have to take it up again, to help alleviate all the stress!!!! :)

    Have a good week ahead, River. My cuddles to lovely Lady Lola. Take care...

    1. Lee; you made it here! I have a big bottle of bubbles and a wand to blow them, all ready for celebrating the day I win lotto. I'll probably take it to the twins. Lola thanks you for all the cuddles.

  10. The gnome and their painting, looking great.
    The twins are beautiful, always good to see them and how they are growing, nice to see a dress/frock.
    The plants and fruit do look good and coming along nicely.

    1. Margaret D; I enjoy painting gnomes and seeing them come back to life. The twins have many summer dresses, but they grow out of them so quickly.

  11. I am surprised the red flowered tree is a gum. The flowers look far too delicate and beautiful for gums.

    1. hels; the leaves look like gum leaves and there are yellow flowering varieties too, once the flowers finish they will become the gumnuts (seedpods) that drop to the ground and annoy people who prefer a smooth walking path.

  12. The Lion jumped into my eye! Beautiful, is that glass?
    The gnomes would get lost in our kitchen (it is red-green).
    Our neighbour still lights up his (or her?) orange star, such a nice sight when I enter the living room.
    A Wellensittich :-) I had a friend who had such a blue and a green one. Cute.
    I hope the gum tree in the Caravan Park is still there!!! Oh, my, we´ll meet soon (I´ll send you the details via mail)
    I must say... "snail-creeper vine" is some name!!! Beautiful garden box.
    Hmmm, need to put the apples outside (it´s 3C, I like them cold).
    Yay to chilli! Maybe pop in Wednesday for that :-)
    The tomato made me laugh.
    The twins grow up sooooo fast!
    I wish you a happy Sunday!

    1. Iris; no, that lion is metal, same as the dragon I showed a few weeks ago. (months?) The gnomes are quite big so maybe wouldn't get lost, their clothes will not be red and green.
      I'm sure the gum tree is still there, they live a very long time. the snail creeper vine has another name but I don't remember it. I like my apples at room temperature. The twins are getting taller now, they can't stand under the table anymore.

  13. How lovely those girlies are, thanks for sharing their rapidly growing personalities. And those trees are magnificent!

    1. Wisewebwoman; thank you. I'm noticing Gen is the quiet one and Ana is a teeny bit more adventurous.

  14. Those gum tree flowers are beautiful. That's not what I imagined a gum tree to look like, though I know in Australia "gum tree" means something different than in North America or Europe.

    I imagine you'll be able to conceal that little paint drip on the gnomes easily enough. :)

    1. Steve Reed; there are so many different types of gum trees (eucalypts), many flower, some do not. The paint drip will be concealed easily enough.

  15. Those gnomes will be their cheery old selves very soon with your ministrations.

    All of your selections today made me stop and smile and appreciate them.

  16. messymimi; Thank you. I love bringing gnomes back to life with a bit of paint.

  17. Replies
    1. northsider; the bees do too, there were dozens buzzing around in the flowers.


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