Sunday Selections #672

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us.

some fast moving clouds while waiting for a bus recently

and further east the sun peeking through a tree

Lola doing what she does best

This is a council truck cutting down a tree branch that was hanging on the electrical wires - at 11.40pm!

the old white willow out the front had begun splitting some time ago

and split much further during the last wind storms we had

we woke up Tuesday morning to find the lower section hanging less than a metre from the ground

while the top of the branch was hung up on the wires, you can see how the one wire is being pulled downward, so Housing was called and gave their standard answer "we'll send someone out in 7-10 days"

Not good enough decided C and me, C phoned the local council who said they'd send someone first thing in the morning. Well, as you saw in an earlier picture, they didn't wait until morning, arriving and making quite a bit of noise very late that same night.

this is what we saw the next morning, branch on the ground and the electric wires all still safely attached to the pole.

waiting for the chainsaw and wood chipper to arrive.

this is where the branch broke away from the tree

Mr Gnome now has a new bright blue coat

and darker blue pants

Mrs Gnome will have a pink dress but I'm not happy with the shade

I want it darker like the scissor handle, so I will have to mix some of the pink with a drop of red.

here is one of the twins wearing Mummy's shoes


they love the baby trampoline, turn your sound up and hear them "talking" to each other

and the next VERY short video

is from their Disco Night. 


  1. I am so glad that you didn't wait for Housing to get their act together. Presumably if the power had gone out they would have said it wasn't their job - so the right people got onto it anyway.
    Love the twins. And your gnomes are coming along well. They are already looking MUCH better.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm glad we called the council too. Housing just has no idea really, or if I'm correct, not enough funding to get things done immediately when needed. I'm still waiting for action on the collapsed and useless drain that caused my neighbour's balcony to flood her flat.

  2. It must be a relief that the tree is safely down now. The twins are really enjoying their trampoline and sharing so nicely, and Mr and Mrs Gnome look very smart now. A brighter pink would look very nice.

    1. jabblog; it is a huge relief, a power outage from a downed wire would be awful with many tenants here relying on breathing apparatus at night. The twins share everything, even swapping water bottles to drink from. I think a brighter pink would be much better.

  3. Wow, this is quite a story with the tree! Glad it went well!
    Very cute Gnome-couple!
    Hehe, the kids are too cute, also!!!

    1. Iris; I'm glad the tree is taken care of now. The gnomes are waiting for their next coat of paint, but I need new brushes and have to mix some colours. The twins are very cute.

    2. Well, looking forward to see the finished gnomes! Will also check all documents and FINALLY send you the details. By golly I am bad with this stuff and can do this only when I really have no choice! I am sorry. I am so nervous about the journey as the trains are likely to get on strike here and I plain hate flying...

  4. It's great to see a pic of the lovely Lady darling Shama and her were such alike. Please give her some cuddles from me.

    This region has been looking like a war zone since the tornado on Christmas night heartlessly tore through it. I think the majority of the residents are suffering some form of PTSD...I know I am. It was terrifying...and the destruction devastating.

    And, as always I love seeing photos of the beautiful girls. Have a good and safe week ahead, River. Take care. :)

    1. Lee; I will give Lola cuddles when she comes inside, she is currently sleeping in the carrier I use to take her to the vet,went in voluntarily and fell asleep.
      I hope your area soon starts to look more like it used to, though I know it will take time.
      The girls get more beautiful every time I see them.

  5. 7 to 10 days for an electric wire problem? Were they waiting for someone to die first?

    1. Mike; it is subsidised/public/government/whatever/ housing and the housing offices just don't get enough funding to attend every fault or complaint. Possibly they also didn't realise how serious the situation was, but they didn't even send someone for a look-see!

  6. Good for C, being the squeaky wheel and getting something done before 7-10 days! I love the Mummy's shoes picture, and also think the darker pink like the scissors will look good on your gnome.

    1. Val; C and me tend to think alike with things like this. That was Ana in mummy's shoes, though Gen did have a turn too. I think the darker pink will look better on Mrs. Gnome.

  7. The twins are so sweet. Love the videos.
    Gosh could have been nasty that tree but rather late in the night to do repairs on the tree..awkward.

    1. Margaret D; Late at night was fine with me, far better than waiting 7-10 days like housing suggested. And now we are all safe with no downed or broken wires. The videos show what the girls do best, sharing and having fun.

  8. Well, I guess it's better that the council responded (even at an inconvenient time) as opposed to just leaving it for 7-10 days! I like the picture of the council truck through the trees. It's like a Mondrian painting.

    1. Steve Reed; found you in spam and rescued you. I am very glad the council acted quickly even in the middle of the night is fine with me. The weight of that branch may have brought the wires down if left much longer. I don't know what a Mondrian painting is but google will show me.

  9. Downed trees are not a joke, I'm glad the council took it seriously and got after it.

    Your gnomes are looking nicer and nicer.

    What delightful videos! I believe the girls are actually talking to each other, I could swear I heard one say, "I did it! A big one!" right after a large jump.

    1. messymimi; i thoght I heard "I did it" too. The whole tree wasn't down, just one big branch, about a third of the tree. The gnomes are proving a little tricky.

  10. Good that you decided to do something more about that branch! But it's such a pretty tre. The twins are adorable as usual. Re the gnomes I agree on a darker shade of pink.

    1. Charlotte; I am glad the tree is now fixed and the branch has been eaten by the wood chipper machine. The darker shade of pink didn't turn out as expected but I like it anyway. The twins grow more adorable every day, but they have learned to climb onto the dining chairs now so they need to be watched in case those chairs tip over!


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