Sunday Selections #670

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

this is the t-shirt I wore to the twins Christmas lunch, some of you may remember seeing it last year when I tried to hold both girls on my lap at once.

the palm of Ana's hand, she reached up for the camera just as I tried to photograph her face.

here she is learning to step up, but not managing it just yet, she stood for quite a while wondering how to lift the other foot, but eventually dropped to her hands and crawled up.

playing with the new building blocks, 200 assorted shapes similar to Duplo, but far less expensive.

the youngest of the older brothers, S collected as many paper crowns as he could.

meanwhile back at home, the girls had heard about a safari

where they could play with and ride the dinosaurs

"they've come to meet us!"

Riley: "I think he likes me 😀"

"Uh-Oh" 😮

Meg: "just hold on gently" to Gillian.

"I think we're doing alright now"

Daredevil Riley: "I can ride two at once!"

this is the January page of my 2024 calendar, I have it blu-tacked to the wall to help support the weight, so can't show you the front cover.

and my 2024 Lunar and Seasonal Diary for writing birthdays, appointments, special events or even just thoughts, though I am not the journalling type.

Someone left this statue on my concrete garden edging, most of the paint is worn off and it was quite grubby,

I gave it a good scrubbing

and will leave it to dry for about a week

before I begin the repainting. It's going to be fun 😀


  1. Lovely selection of photographs, River. I like your Lunar and Seasonal Diary. I think you must be known locally as the Garden Gnomes Lady. You're going to have such fun painting them.

    1. jabblog; thank you. Many tenants here have gnomes or other statuary in the gardens, I have shown quite a few over the years.

  2. All cute, all fun, but I am dying over Tree Rex!

    1. Bob; thank you, Tree Rex is great isn't he!

  3. Hey. River....I hope 2024 treats you well. Seeing the beautiful girls lifts my heart. Thank you for your good wishes. I've sent you an email.

    My cuddles to lovely Lady Lola...I hope the coming week...and year...are kind to you. :)

    1. Lee; thank you, I read the email and hope things are looking a bit better for you now.

  4. Red hair really stands out on children, but even more so on your dolls. I love it.

    1. hels; I love my little redheads and will one day pass them on to the twins, who I love just as much.

  5. How fun that you got a new gnome to rehabilitate!

    1. Steve Reed; it's going to be fun bringing them back to life, but I discovered many of my tiny paint tins have dried up so will have to buy new.

  6. This is a lovely happy collection - and your anonymous donor definitely knew that the gnome would be very well treated by you.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you, I have an idea who left the gnome, but don't see her often.

  7. I still have some "American Bricks" from when I was a kid.

    1. Mike; I don't know what American Bricks are, are they the same as Lego or the log cabin kind? You'll have to show them on your blog one day.

  8. It is fun watching toddlers thinking about things, such as how to get up a step.
    Your calendar is interesting.
    Gnomes in love. Do show us the end result of the restoration.

    1. Andrew; it is fun watching them figure things out and when they do it they get such a happy look on their faces. I will definitely show the result of the restoration and probably the inbetween steps too.

  9. Anna considering steps is wonderful.

    1. Joanne; Ana is usually the one who does something first, but sometimes Gen copies so fast. Being able to step up and down is a big confidence booster I think.

  10. Oh my gosh! A safari, AND some blocks! I don't know which I would play with first. The girls are going to love the red-heads when it's time for you to pass them on.

    1. Val; I will wait until the girls are old enough to not wreck the dolls hair and rip off their arms and legs.

  11. The dolls look like their on Jurassic park adventure.

  12. Lovely selection of photos R. Watching little ones beginning to walk is just amazing..

    1. Margaret D; thank you. They have been walking a long while now and can run too, but stepping up and down into and out of the sunroom is what they are learning now.

  13. I LOVE tree rex!!! As I also love the movie series "A Night At The Museum" with Adam Sandler and Rexi....
    Tgis is what I´ll watch today :-) Have it on DVD.
    Oh, this is such a cute age - the step must be huge for Ana!
    Oh, I remember the paper crowns!!! You don´t get them here.
    Such nice dinosaurs! Next week I go to the city to get calendars for the hall and bedroom (I hope!).
    A cute couple you "found" there :-)
    Have a nice Sunday!

    1. Iris; I love the tree Rex too, but the red colour "runs", so I have to wash it by hand. Last year I washed in the machine with other things and a lot of items came out pink.
      I have A Night at the Museum on DVD too, also the next two movies: NATM, Battle of the Smithsonian and NATM, Secret of The Tomb. All good movies.
      The paper crowns come in the paper "crackers" you pull apart at the Christmas dinner table.
      I hope you can find good calendars, maybe one with dinosaurs.
      The gnome couple will start to get painted tomorrow.

    2. LOL, Ingo when young did that, too... clothes came out pink!
      Yupp, I have them all, too, the DVDs.
      Yes, we´ve been in your country three times around Christmas and always bought the fun crackers! Sweet memories!
      -3C, no idea if I will go to the city today, brrr... Snow at this time of the year is unusual...

  14. I like the gnome couple. There's no place like gnome.

    1. northsider; I like that, no place like gnome. Maybe I'll make a sign for my garden. I have a gnome with a sign that says "there's no business like gnome business" and he needs painting too, so do most of the other older gnomes that used to be in my garden. I'm going to have to buy more paint.

  15. All those paper crowns, he looks like he has a good sense of fun.

    The girls are beautiful.

    I'm glad someone thought of you when rehoming the gnomes.

    1. messymimi; S does have a good sense of fun and likes to play with the twins as well, so that's a big help. The girls are learning to say his name too and they call me Nan-Nan.
      I'm glad the gnomes found their way to me too.

  16. Somebody sure knows where gnome home is. Lovely addition. And the safari is great! Thanks for playfulness and colour and prayers.

    1. Charlotte; gnome home is in my back porch, with only one left out in the garden, but she is hard to spot so hasn't been stolen.


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