Are we readers or are we writers?

I wrote this many years ago and think it deserves another airing: 

books, reading, writing

the words are on pages, visual, tactile.

descriptions, emotions, drama, happiness, passion.

sublime blissfulness plummeting into despair.

the wanting, the needing of a certain someone, without whom you will be forever empty.

actions taken, roads not travelled.

stories woven into tales of unexpected happenings.

each open to personal interpretation.

new beginnings, sad endings, happy endings.

confrontations, welcomed or not.

challenging adversities; drifting on seas of contentment.

gazing into the eyes of a newborn.

days, nights, or both, when that newborn will cry as if heartbroken and you won't know why, your own eyes will spill with tears, your own heart will break, until finally you both sleep, the deep sleep of exhaustion from which both of you will wake refreshed and ready to start again.

there are words of lives lived; real or imagined?

fiction based on truth? biography? fantasy?

we'll never really know, with the author perhaps unavailable to tell us one way or the other.

the lure of the words, the writing of the pages. falling into the story.

escaping, however briefly, from our own reality.

this is what makes an author, and this is why writing will never cease, as long as mankind has readers, because surely, eventually, a reader will write and the cycle will continue.

casual readers of fiction, others thirsty for knowledge, still others voraciously devouring book after book.

we think we are all readers. we don't "have a book in us", we don't have "a story that must be told", for we are 'only' readers.

yet here we are, on the internet, on blog pages.


for readers.


  1. This is a blueprint for writers, River - brilliant.

    1. jabblog; thank you. I think I wrote this years before I started writing the Friday stories.

  2. Replies
    1. Iris; definitely yes. For me anyway. There are still readers out there who don't write.

  3. Reading that makes me want to write! Well done. You hooked me with the eyes of a newborn.

    1. Val; excellent! so now you will write even more! I remember the newborn eyes filled with trust that you will keep them safe.

  4. I am a reader. A reader who sometimes dabbles with writing.

    1. Elephant's Child; I remember writing this soon after I discovered how much you read, you are one of the "voracious devourers of books", and you write very well with the W4W challenges.

  5. A would-be writer who never had the guts to go off and live in a garret in Paris to try full-time.

    1. Tasker Dunham; I think going to a garret in Paris is completely unnecessary. If a person is driven to write he or she will do so anywhere.

  6. Nicely done and quite thought provoking.

    1. Andrew; thank you. I wonder if you read this the first time years ago? I don't remember who my commenters were back then.

  7. I like what you wrote, we are readers and writers. I feel connected to many bloggers as we share our words and photos and parts of our stories.

  8. It is a search for recognition. We all have all those people who told us, "Oh, that's a book. Why don't you write it?" And yet, here we are, all these years later, just blogging. For free. I find it sad, especially because I am one of the greatest offenders. So it goes, as Vonnegut used to "say".

    1. Catalyst; yes, I have been told before that some of my stories could become a book if I tried hard enough. Yet I still haven't managed that.

  9. Replies
    1. messymimi; happy tears? I hope they were happy tears.

  10. Replies
    1. Dora; me too, but only blog writing, I don't write books. Yet.


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