Back to the Beginnings

I think I have only a couple of readers who would remember these posts from when I first began, so I thought I'd repost a few, maybe one a week. But finding them is a bit of a problem, the best way to search is by the title I used and I can't remember them. 

Anyway, this one is from July 2010

A hobby of mine is painting.
Painting furniture to be exact. (I can't paint pictures)
I love colour and since I live in a rented unit and can't paint walls, I paint furniture.
Like this secondhand chest of drawers and the new mirror I bought to sit on it.

This "ye olde" kitchen cabinet was snapped up at a garage sale for only $50, it was a pale beige colour.
We, (well, he) sanded for hours, some paint stripper was involved, then we chose colours. Well I chose colours.  He wanted the whole thing done in pale blue. Ha Ha. Silly man. She who pays for the paint gets to choose the colours.

These colours are all represented in the floral pattern of my kitchen curtains, so I thought they'd look good. And they do. To me anyway. Everyone else who sees this cabinet says Hmmmm. Most of this was done with rollers, with a little hand painting around edges and on the knobs.

Below is the cabinet as it stands in my kitchen. I still love my colour choices even now, 5 years later. The three doors along the bottom of the cabinet are a lavender shade called "Captivated" by Dulux. I have a photo of that part but forgot to put it in here. If anybody really wants to see it, let me know and I'll post it.

Here, below, we see the finished chest of drawers and mirror. I like these strong colours in my bedroom, once again, I'm the only one who does. The trim on this looks blue in every photo, but it's actually a deep teal called Sea Change, by Dulux. The mini chest of drawers is the first piece I painted years before, while living in Semaphore.

The bookshelf and the other piece to the left of the drawers were odd pieces from other rooms that I painted to match. The bedside cabinets are the same colours, but in different combinations. Red top and sides, green (teal) drawer fronts, red knobs. The same gold trim. All hand painted, no spray cans involved. For me, it works, I love my room.


  1. They're certainly bright and cheerful!
    And who cares what other people say, they're your furniture, not anyone elses :)

  2. Doing up old furniture is hard work. You've done an excellent job. And I like bright colour, always have. Everyone likes it but few will admit it. Poor RH always tells the truth (except to the police).

  3. Jayne; that's exactly what I say to those who question my choices. They don't have to live with it.
    R.H. Truth? What be this truth you speak of?

  4. I love love LOVE the kitchen cabinets! Who wouldn't want to linger for another cuppa (and chocolate?) in that room!

    The bedroom cabinets are bright too - I'm guessing that you'd have a quilt cover with the same colours?

  5. Your creativity has found its true expression. I'm sure the kitchen cabinet pleases you every time you look at it or open a drawer. Who wants to live with 'tasteful' beige?

    1. Me again! I'm looking forward to reading your earlier posts. There's so much to read from years ago.

    2. jabblog; Thank you, I'm not a fan of beige either. I hope I am able to find enough of the old posts.

  6. That's a good hobby for you, so you can use your creativity to customize the furniture to your liking. Having it around you makes that place yours, all cozy and relaxing, not just a rented space.

    1. Val; that's the idea, make it all mine so I feel at home.

  7. Very professional-looking! I do love the color, though I'm a natural wood finish person myself.

    1. Steve Reed; I like the natural finish too, also highly polished pieces, but many of my pieces were from secondhand shops and didn't match up, so I painted.

  8. I love your colours. And admire your painting skills. I don't like to paint and don't do it well.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you, I enjoy painting things, but can't paint pictures.

  9. Better than beige. At least you have a theme to your furniture.

    1. Andrew; way better than beige and I do like the themed look as long as it is broken a bit by another colour or style.

  10. I'm impressed. Can't wait to see your work.
    Coffee is on.

    1. Dora; thank you, not all of the old posts are about painting furniture though.

  11. You do beautiful work on the furniture.

  12. I recall the post, and love the colors yet.

  13. Joanne; I wasn't sure if you were a reader that far back, it's been a while. I still love my colour choices too.

  14. Next time you are in Melbourne, I have an excellent job for you :)

    1. hels; as long as you don't mind visible brush strokes and the occasional blob that dripped from somewhere else.

  15. I very much like the colors you chose! What would life be without bold colors?
    I built a shelf over 20 years ago, over ten years ago painted it a light green and we sprayed the walls in green, orange and red (and white). Reckon you´d like it here :-)

    1. Iris; I think I would too, though I don't like light green so much. I prefer darker greens. But any colour is better than none.

  16. They do look colourful, I like them. Have you ever tried doing folk art that's if you like it.

    1. Margaret D; I do like folk art but it has its place and that's not here.
      I actually have several books with designs to copy and how to use the brush to get it right, but I don't have the patience for fiddly work.


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