Sunday Selections # 663

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also occasionally been joining us.

a really nice fence beside the bus stop where I catch a bus to visit the twins

my local shopping centre has its Christmas decorations up, this is a ceiling wreath

festoons? banners? the same old decorations

but the tree looks better this year, I think they added more white baubles

I finally painted the plain wooden stool that lives in the bedroom

I found a can of paint in the shed labelled "Riviera Blue" and shook it, heard a little slosh in the bottom and hoped it would be enough

it was plenty, there is still a bit left in the can.

here it is back in the room

while it was being painted, Harry took over Lola's chair and watched a few days of NCIS episodes

here he is back on the stool with his little buddy Winston.

looks good yes? I like it

Cookie Bear wanted his turn watching TV, and what did he watch?


Lola got her chair back eventually

I did a little baking, a veggie frittata, but forgot to grease the pan so cleaning that took a while

meatloaf with grated carrot and zucchini ready for the oven

and ready to slice and freeze for sandwiches

the girls discovered the box of Christmas baubles

oooh, shiny!

Genevieve showing off her new sunglasses

Anastasia being very blase eating vegemite toast, they love their daily vegemite

This is a very short video:

Ana's reaction to seeing the lights in the backyard.


  1. I don't think I've ever seen a ceiling wreath before.

    1. Mike and jabblog; many shopping centres here have them every year.

  2. Vegemite is so good - all that vitamin B.
    I like the stool and its various occupants, especially Lola:-)

    1. jabblog; most people who aren't Australian seem to hate it. The stool only has Harry and Winston, Lola owns the TV recliner.

    2. People from Great Britain love their Marmite and can fight for it over Vegemite (I by accident started a discussion at Maccas 2006... was very "funny).
      No Christmas-decorations in stores yet (thankfully).
      Love the stool´s new color!
      Hi Cookie Bear, remember watching Columbo in Braunschweig? (as I´m not that much of a fan it was on the oldie-channel in German, though!).
      Love the DVD-box!
      And Lola, so sweet.
      The frittata makes me hungry (but I´m too lazy to eat, November pulls me down a bit today and meatloaf rather reminds of the Rocky Horror Picture Show!).
      Cute dino with sunglasses and the fence sure is a typical Aussie-one, too!

    3. Iris; now I know why Cookie wanted to watch Columbo, he has memories from before :)
      I tried Marmite once and thought it was awful, Vegemite is better! I'm very happy the way the stool turned out, I worried there wouldn't be enough paint. The frittata was delicious and I made a similar one last night with veggies leftover from the day before. I cooked extra on purpose.
      I like stone work and fancy iron fences and wish I had one.
      The girls are cute in their sunglasses and they are learning early to protect their eyes.

    4. Hope Cookie understood it all!
      We bought James P. "Sulley" Sullivan from Monsters Inc 2015 after the movie was on the plane to Perth. A friend´s son LOVED him.
      So, when we saw Sulley here in Germany, we bought him and two years later brought him back, telling the son Sulley learned German being with us (it was a pressie for the son).
      Ingo had to write down every sentence Sulley said (about 5 or such) and explain, it was too cute. The boy is an adult now...
      We still have the English-speaking one...

  3. You have been busy baking.
    Our stores Christmas decorations have been up for a while now.
    The twins make me smile - but probably not nearly as much as they make you smile.

    1. Elephant's Child; the frittata didn't last long, two dinners and it was gone. The meatloaf will last longer. Our city decorations are up too and have been for a while, I think they all went up the day before the Christmas pageant. The twins make me smile so much my cheeks hurt.

  4. I love that Riviera Blue color -- the stool came out looking great! I've never seen a "ceiling wreath" before...

    1. Steve Reed; I like the colour too and it comes out differently depending on whether an under coat is used or not and if that undercoat is white or grey. I didn't have any undercoat this time. Ceiling wreaths are quite common here.

  5. Someone wants to get out. Remember the days of glass baubles to decorate a Christmas tree. Kids could not have access to them.

    1. Andrew; she would love to get out there. I remember glass baubles and how sharp the shards were when they shattered. The girls Christmas Tree is up on a cabinet so they can't reach it. I remember putting up the old playpen around mine when I had crawlers and toddlers.

  6. Boy! I've had so much trouble this morning trying to post a comment. Why this was so, I have no idea...but, here I am...finally!

    The girls must be loving all the colour and glitz of Christmas. They're of the age now when the wonders will be delighting them no end.

    I hope you have a good week ahead, River...take care. My cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola, who, indeed, is lovely. :)

    1. Lee; the girls are learning so many exciting new things now, their speech is progressing quickly too. I'll give Lola your cuddles later, she is asleep on my bed right now.

  7. Love the blue stool; great color. I've never seen a ceiling wreath.

    1. Joanne; I love the colour myself and would love to do my kitchen cabinets, but I'm not sure I'd be allowed to, it's a rented place. I could ask...
      It seems Australia is the only place that does ceiling wreaths.

  8. The stool turned out to be quite lovely.

    Christmas decor is starting to be put out here, too. It's quite cheering.

    The girls are prettier every week. Wow says it all.

    1. messymimi; I'm happy with the stool and very happy with the girls. There's no Christmas decor here in the suburbs yet, but then there aren't many kids around here. Maybe closer to Christmas there will be yard or fence decorations.

  9. Wow, she says - the twins will be delighted to see all the Christmas lights this Christmas, I'm sure.
    Lovely photos R. The stool is looking good, and it's a handy one know doubt.

    1. Margaret D; I think they are going to love it all and wonder if they will remember next year. I think remembering usually takes longer. the stool comes in handy if I need another seat, but mostly it just fills a gap between pieces and the stuffed toys hide the crack in the wall.

  10. That stool looks great. This will be a wonderful Christmas for the girls. So fun to watch their reactions at that age.

    1. Val; it is going to be great, I can hardly wait, but first there's a wedding to get through. my grand daughter is getting married next weekend.


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