Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Alex J. Cavanaugh and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. cumquat 2. blubber 3. quest 4. limestone 5. furry 6. purple 


1. buttress 2. mammoth 3. fedora 4. harsh 5. snickerdoodle 6. overlord

also including Charlotte's colour of the month: mint green

Here is my story:

In his quest for the perfect cumquat marmalade, Sebastian had denuded every tree in the neighbourhood, and still felt he hadn’t got it quite right. He stashed the latest jars in the pantry, filling every last space left in there and carefully closed the door, making sure it latched securely. He couldn’t take a chance on that furry little overlord, Angel, getting in there in search of kibble and breaking any of the jars.. When did cats get so bossy? He wondered. Certainly none of the farm cats of his youth behaved as if they owned the house.

Shrugging into his mint green overcoat, he reached for his favourite purple fedora and prepared to face the harsh conditions outside the house. Feeling the coat a little tight around his middle, he muttered, “blubber guts again,I’ll have to stop making those delicious snickerdoodles for Craig. He only ever eats one or two and I finish off the rest every time.” Given his sweet tooth, Sebastian knew losing the blubber was going to be a mammoth task.

He reached the limestone fence surrounding the Botanic Gardens and leaned on one of the huge buttresses that supported the main gates. Sebastian thought about the jars of not-quite-right marmalade and wondered if a “lemonade stand” type sale would work for selling them. He could have an open jar and a pack of throw-away tasting spoons for those who might want to taste before buying. Should he apply for a licence? It seemed an excessive step for a once off sale.

“Wait!” he had an idea. A light-bulb moment. His neighbour Hilary had a stall at the local Farmer’s Market, the one at Lighthouse Village. “Maybe she would agree to sell the jars for me,” thought Sebastian. “I could help with the sales and maybe get to meet that Khoral Kai everyone talks about.”


  1. It seems a shame to let all that marmalade go to waste and it would be good to meet the inspirational Khoral Kai, so I hope Sebastian's plan comes to fruition.

    1. jabblog; it's a good plan so I think it will happen.

  2. This is lovely. I wonder what is missing to make the marmalade perfect - and whether Khoral Kai knows. I hear Sebastian on finding blubber hard to dislodge too.

    1. Elephant's Child; Sebastian is using his old grandma's recipe and she erased the secret ingredient (two tablespoons of whisky) before she died.

  3. Great word prompts and I liked your take on the story.

    1. Romance Reader; welcome to drifting and thank you.

  4. "mammoth task" is an understatement for me.

    1. Mike; me too, although I do know how to do it, I just lack the will power.

  5. I can only think of peanut butter with my marmalade.
    Coffee is on

    1. Dora; peanut butter with marmalade? I don't think that would work for me, I would have to use ordinary butter.

  6. I love marmalade. Have made some, it was pretty dismal. But there is some good British jam.

    1. Susan Kane; I like some marmalades, but have never made my own. I don't eat enough of it to make the effort worthwhile.

  7. Clever use of those words, I had not the slightest idea what to do with them!
    Ingo once made pumpkin-jam, not too sweet, perfect on a cheese-bread.
    Hope Sebastian met Khoral Kai!

    1. Iris; thank you, I also hope Sebastian meets Khoral Kai. I have heard of pumpkin jam but don't think I would like it.

  8. Good plan, Sebastian. I hope he and Khoral Kai get to meet. And that Khoral Kai can decipher that secret ingredient!
    Really good us of the words, and thanks for using my colour.

    1. Charlotte; thank you. I hope Sebastian gets to meet Khoral Kai and I think just by tasting Khoral might have some suggestions, but probably won't guess the real secret ingredient. But maybe there is someone else in Lighthouse Village that could help.

  9. Sounds like a good plan to keep from wasting the marmalade. Perhaps he could set aside one jar to offer as a prize in a free drawing. People coming to put their names in a hat might want to have a taste, and buy some marmalade anyway. Nothing like a giveaway to draw in traffic to the booth.

    1. Val; I think the sales booth will do very well, and will probably have a couple of jars set aside for free tasting so people know exactly what they are buying.

  10. I hope his friend does let him sell his jars there and he gets to meet Khoral Kai. I also hope he perfects his recipe.

    1. messymimi; I think Hilary is happy to have him sell his jars of marmalade and he will get to meet Khoral Kai who goes to every market day unless he is off travelling.


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