Sunday Selections #661

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look. Wisewebwoman has also been joining us.

Lola knows the best places to sleep

sauteing vegetables for soup: onion, garlic, carrot, celery, turnip

waiting to be added: chicken stock, cabbage, dried parsley

and pearl barley

"no-one" sent me this picture of a rainbow lorikeet, she said there were dozens of them flittering about.

not sure what this lily is, but it smells delicious, possibly one of the ginger variety.

Meg got brave enough to try riding the dragon. "nothing to it, told you it was easy," said Riley

Jordan comes over to see

Gillian, "wait, Jordan your ponytail is coming undone!"

"how this? I asked Mum to fix it"

"Much better"

"I'll hold him steady while you climb down again."

Ana gets the hang of the old fashioned telephone

Gen laughing herself silly for some reason known only to her.


  1. Lovely hearty soup hits the spot. It's nice to see the Redheads enjoying themselves. I love hearing children laughing, especially when they're laughing at the sound of themselves laughing - very infectious.

    1. jabblog; I made another pot of soup today and will make a different kind tomorrow, I'm re-stocking my empty freezer. Children's laughter is very infectious.

  2. Red heads are both cute and clever. Even dolls.

  3. That lorikeet is amazing! So much brighter and more colorful than the non-native green parakeets we get here in London. (Although they're colorful too, in their own way.)

    1. Steve Reed; I wish you could see them in person, they're so colourful and noisy when they're in the trees. Perhaps on you tube?

  4. I have the urge to gently push Lola away from that prime spot, and pull up a chair to toast my knees. Pretty bird! Nothing like a dragon-riding session to keep those gals busy. The twins are growing up so fast! Even though we see them every week, they look a little more mature each time. Maybe it's because I still think of them as babies.

    1. Val; I have the urge to push her away so she doesn't get toasted, but instead I turn off one of the bars instead. The redheads got tuckered out from dragon riding and are all snuggled up with the monkeys. The twins are growing up too fast.

  5. Cats OFTEN find the most comfortable spot in the house. Love the red heads and the twins. I am pretty sure that is an eastern rosella rather than a rainbow lorikeet. Both are beautiful.

    1. Elephant's Child; now that you mention it, I am sure you are right about the bird, but I can't be bothered amending my text. Lola is comfortable in the middle of my bed right now.

  6. Cats aren't stupid...they know where all the best spots are. That's why I loved sharing their bed with my two....they kindly let me join them there. I believed, seeing they spent most of their time there, it must be a good place to be! :)

    Have a good week ahead, River. My cuddles to lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; Lola spends a lot of time keeping my bed warm too and I don't mind, she'll get her cuddles when I join her there later tonight.

  7. Those red heads have the hang of dragon riding, I see. Your granddaughters are charming.

    1. Joanne; the redheads are fast learners and the dragon appears quite tame. The grand daughters are charming and get a lot of attention when we visit the shops.

  8. Animals are not at all keen on heat that blows but they know a radiator is like a fire, just nice and warming. I'm surprised Ana even knows what to do with a landline handset. Gen laughing is much better than the alternative.

    1. Andrew; you're right, Lola moves away from the heater if I turn on the fan part. I'm sure someone has shown Ana what to do with that phone. Laughter from either one is always better than the alternative.

  9. I do like beef barley soup.
    Coffee is on.

    1. Dora; I like beef barley soup in winter, but in summer I have just the vegetables.

  10. We had soup weather for a few days, but it's gone now. It will be back eventually.

    Those giggles got me, baby giggles always do.

    1. messymimi; our soup weather is gone now, the temperatures here are climbing towards summer, but soup is quick and easy when you get a single portion from the freezer on days you don't want to cook more complicated things. I love baby giggles.

  11. All are good to look at. Cats always amaze me, if they could sit on a fire or radiator I'm sure they of my late cats used to sit so close to the fire you could smell the fur singe.

    1. Margaret D; I haven't smelled any singeing fur yet, Lola moves herself away a bit when she gets too warm, though sometimes I step over and turn off one of the radiator bars.

  12. I'd be bootin' Lola out of thee way.

    1. Mike; not necessary, the room is small and the heater is very effective.

  13. Our stock comes in glasses. And I think it´s very lovely you have the Aussie-flag attached. I think I never saw that on a German product other than on a unpacked pepper when it was European or world-soccer-games!
    Hehe, Gary Larson: "Don´t eat parsley - just for good looking!" ;-)
    Soup-weather here for sure. 9C, cloudy.
    Love the rainbow lorikeet (of course).
    Hehe, the girls are sure brave and have fun!

    I still have a phone from the 1970´s. Niece was maybe two, she knew at once what that thing was!
    Laughing for only you yourself know why is priceless! But reckon you all joined in?

    1. Iris; this is liquid stock, we also have stock powder and stock cubes available, but none in glass. Most things made in Australia have the Aussie flag or a shape of Australia on them. I always eat parsley, it's rich in iron so it's good for you and in soups etc you can't taste it.
      The bird is actually an Eastern Rosella as EC pointed out, they have the pretty wng markings.
      The girls are brave, Ana tries to climb EVERYTHING. Gen climbs where she knows it is safe.

    2. Well ours, if liquid comes in glasses. Super-dangerous!
      I love parsley! And that joke, too. Wow, always have an eye on Ana, then!

  14. That Rainbow Lorikeet is in fact an Eastern Rosella - equally appealing, however,

    1. David M. Gascoigne; yes I have learned from other comments and should have realised by the pattern but I can't be bothered amending my text.

  15. Replies
    1. Authors with Advice; dragon riding is popular around here, all the little dolls want a turn.

  16. A new story of the four redheads and a dragon! Brave girls. KI like it, and the twins of course, that goes almost without saying.
    It's soup weather here too. I made mulligatawny soup yesterday. My stock are either cubes or powder. We can have liquid (in glass containers) , but I think it tastes yucky. I like my own stock best.

    1. Charlotte; I will have to get the redheads outside soon now the weather is much warmer. It isn't soup weather here now, but I will eat it anyway, it's a quick and easy dinner. I have stock cubes and powder too, but the carton of liquid I buy tastes just as good and is already the correct amount.


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