Calendar Tuesday # 10

**I was SURE I had this scheduled**  :(

okay, here we go:

today is Tuesday October 4th, the first Tuesday of the month, which is, as we all know by now, Calendar Tuesday.

first today is the Country Home Ideas picture:

for me, the chandelier is a little over the top, something smaller would suit me better,  but I do love a decent sized coffee table. My own is long enough, at 120cm, but a bit too narrow to suit me, 58cm, although given my lack of space here anything wider would have me inching sideways around the room everytime I wanted to come or go.

Second is the Violent Veg image:

"I've never seen a bruise that bad before"  poor apple, they do bruise easily :)

and now the one you're waiting for, Suzy Toronto!

"Boots Don't Count When He Says You Have Too Many Shoes

I never tell him he has too many tools, trucks or golf clubs.
So why does he think I have too many pairs of shoes?

Actually, it’s not my fault. It’s a genetic predisposition carved deep into my DNA.

And to make matters worse, those insensitive shoe manufacturers prey on my disability, making such temptingly adorable shoes that I simply can’t resist. I’m telling you…it’s out of my control.
Ok, so I have a few pairs of shoes…all right, maybe more than a few.

But cute shoes are my therapy, and I must have them to survive!
(Besides, boots don’t count when he says you have too many shoes!)
So, yes, as a matter of fact, I do need another pair!"

I like Suzy's way of thinking! Maybe I'll go boot shopping :) I'd have to find flat heels though.



  1. I agree on the chandelier it is way too big even for a large dinning room, especially not for a living room.

    And yes, shoes are women's equivalent to a man and his tools.

    1. joeh; glad we can agree. women's shoes and men's tools are the same thing in my opinion too. Neither should complain about the other's purchases of these items.

  2. If you like it or enjoy it. Then you don't have to many.
    Coffee is on

    1. Peppylady (Dora); I'm not one for buying lots of shoes, but I do have a few more pairs than I used to. Still only six pairs though and one pair is slippers.

  3. I don't care for a chandelier that size anywhere but a castle and then only maybe. Years ago, we had an old library table with the legs cut down - perfect coffee table!

    I have a couple pair of shoes ...

    1. S.J.Qualls, the only thing I like about chandeliers is looking at the glittery prettiness. I would never have one. I'd love an old library or dining table cut down, but I simply don't have the space.

  4. Shoes don't float my boat. I have more than enough earrings to compensate.
    Love the Violent Veg. Chandaliers need cleaning. And it wouldn't be an easy job either.

    1. Oops. I can spell, really I can. Sorry about that. I will be in the corner typing chandelier 100 times.

    2. Elephant's Child; shoes aren't my thing either, but I do own four backpacks and two handbags, plus a small rolling suitcase. I'd rather collect DVDs and books.

  5. Replies
    1. ME!! I prefer going barefoot.

    2. Merle; I like them, just don't see the need to have more than four or five pairs. I have sneakers (new), winter shoes, summer shoes and sandals plus a pair of slippers. That's it. I'd love a pair of boots, but can't get them to fit, my calves are too big. I also like going barefoot, but it isn't easy outside.

  6. More shoes the better I say...and more colours, too. Styles and colours to suit all occasions even if you have to make up occasions!

    1. Lee; you'd rival that Filipino woman whose name I can't...aha! Imelda Marcos! You have as many shoes as she did?
      I just wear the same old things until they fall apart, then buy a new pair


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