Sunday Selections # 299

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.
I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week is a random selection taken in and around my home.

the big agapanthus bed which should begin blooming soon, although there aren't any flower heads showing yet.

usually I pass this unit and there are a dozen birds sitting right on the edge of the gutter, until this time when I remembered to take the camera :(

bright red bottlebrush against a bright blue sky

cheerful daisies

the front garden by the main road driveway entrance.

pink roses,

and white, lining the opposite side of that same driveway.

I opened a new bucket of honey and was greeted by this smiley face.

sleepyhead Angel, who woke up several hours into the night and threw up on this quilt,

which then needed washing (*~*),

leaving the patchwork quilt exposed.

It looks so much brighter when I turn on the light!

pretty, yes? The squares are silk, and a little fragile, the quilt being made from pieces of old Indian Saris and hand stitched with coloured threads as you see here. I bought this from a place called Eastern Silk, way back when I was still working, and I didn't want Angel getting his claws into it,

so I covered it with this crocheted blanket made for me by Jayne a few years ago. It's usually on the couch and Angel's favourite blanket.




  1. I love all the color in your pictures. We are cooling down and everything is looking quite dreary. Even the colorful trees have lost their leaves so quickly it hardly was time enough to appreciate their beautiful foliage.

    Angel is adorable. I currently am having to cover a great many things as my sweet Chantel is throwing up more often as she is now 17.

    Yes, the patchwork quilt is quite pretty. I see why you would keep it covered with it being silk.

    I have an afghan that I made that looks nearly identical to yours.

    1. Cheryl; I've read on other blogs that your country doesn't have as much colour this autumn, something to do with the summer dragging on and not enough cooler weather.
      Angel is very lovely and he knows it too! He's a spoiled cat, not quite three years old.

  2. You buy honey by the bucket? I just get a little bear bottle. LOL

    1. Granny Annie; just a small one kilo bucket, that's 2.2 pounds in weight. I use honey every day, a teaspoonful in herbal tea a couple of times a day.

  3. Replies
    1. Joanne; thankfully this happens rarely and this time was mostly water. I wonder if he gulped too much too fast on a hot day.Or perhaps there was something in the water he drank outside.

  4. I can't get my birds to pose for pictures either! ha ha ha Grayson says Hi!

    1. Angel says Hi right back. you won't believe this , the very next day when I went out without my camera, there were the dozen birds all lined up again :(

  5. awww...I need to get some daisies in my yard.

    1. Author R. Mac wheeler; daisies are so cheerful and there are so many different varieties and colours.

  6. Love this colourful selection. And your patchwork quilt.
    Jewel often throws up. She is never very sick - just a little bit sick in a lot of places. Which need cleaning.

    1. Elephant's Child; I love the quilt and would like to buy more, but I'm not working now and they are a bit too fragile to just put on every chair.
      Angel is very rarely sick, this is his third year with me and the third vomit episode.

  7. Poor Angel....hope he's feeling better. Love the quilt. I can understand you trying to protect it.

    1. only slightly confused; Angel felt much better immediately after; he curled up on the couch and went right back to sleep. I'm glad he doesn't knead the quilt before he goes to sleep as some cats do, because I've discovered he does sometimes sleep in between the washable quilt and the silk. He wriggles up the side of the bed to get between them.

  8. I love both quilts. I am not really fond of crocheted things but Jayne's quilt is brilliant.

    1. Andrew; Jayne's rug is lovely. The pattern was in a magazine years ago, but I can't crochet, so bought the wool and sent it to Jayne, who had never done a herringbone pattern before and was happy to learn on a rug for me.

  9. Ahh....the joys of our cats getting rid of their fur balls etc. Part and parcel, I guess.

    Lovely patchwork certainly to be cherished.

    I hope you have a wonderful week, River...cuddles to Angel. :)

    1. I meant to agapanthus haven't begun to bud yet, either. I must take note when I go out next to see if those along the way have started to bloom.

    2. Lee; no furballs here, Angel is on a dry food that has "improved digestion and hairball control" on the packet and has never hacked up a hairball. This vomit was water, and one last year was something stinky and fishy that he'd eaten somewhere outside.
      Do you have the regular purple/blue agapanthus or white? The big bed pictured here is purple, while a smaller row closer to home has white.

    3. The agapanthus I have growing just out from my back door are white. I thought, when I planted the bulbs a few years ago now, that they were going to be purple, but nope...they're white. All along Main Western Road...the road that takes me to our local supermarket etc., is lined mostly by the purple ones.

      When I was out just a while ago I took note and none are yet in bloom. And the jacaranda are slow this year, too. I noticed the trees along the way are just showing glimpses of lavender at this stage. It appears it'll be another couple of weeks before they're in full display. I love jacarandas.

  10. I like Daisy there always a cheerful welcome.
    Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora); I like daisies too, but some more than others. I like bright white ones that glow in moonlight more than any other.

  11. That quilt is gorgeous. I don't blame you for wanting to protect it from your kitty's claws. And ralph. (i.e throw up) One of our cats ralphed on our pool table last night. Our fault for not putting the cover back on after we finished playing yesterday. Luckily, there was only a little bit on the table, and the rest was on the floor. Naturally, I found it by stepping in it. :) The joys of owning... or being owned by... cats.


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