this one is for Murr

Some of you may know Murr, you see her listed on my sidebar about once a week, as murrmurrs. Maybe you've clicked on that and read some of her hilarious posts.

We've never met in real life and probably never will, but I enjoy her blog immensely and call her my friend.

Murr Brewster is a bird watcher and when I saw this cartoon in the Sunday Paper, I knew I had to post it here for her.

so here it is, just for you Murr.


  1. Replies
    1. joeh; she certainly is. I keep meaning to read back through her archives and I did start, but got sidetracked with newer stuff by her and everyone else I read.

  2. I follow (& LOVE) both you & Murr!!

    1. fishducky; I've seen your comments over there now and again :)

  3. Cute cartoon, and I follow Murr too.

    1. Terra Hangen; I hope she clicks in to see it; I did tell her it would be here, but she is still in Monday right now.

  4. Murr would like that. And add me to the list of her devoted followers.

    1. Elephant's Child; I hope she likes it. Her list of fans is quite long.

  5. Replies
    1. Karen S.; I thought so too and immediately thought of Murr.

  6. True.... some bird watchers have all the bad luck :-)

    1. Haddock; I've never been a birdwatcher, but I still see plenty of birds every day. This time of year the trees are filled with rainbow lorikeets and a few sulphur crested cockatoos.

  7. I just popped over from Grannie Annie's blog to see yours. This made me grin, it seems I'm missing out and must go and see Murr's blog too!

    1. LL Cool Joe; welcome to drifting. I'm sure you'll get smiles at Murr's blog too. Not only is she funny, she's an excellent writer.

  8. A fun one...and I'm sure Murr will enjoy it. :)

    1. Lee; I couldn't believe my eyes when this popped up in the Sunday paper. I thought of Murr straight away.

  9. That is a cute cartoon. I will go over and visit Murr as well.

  10. Cheryl; I was hoping Murr would drop in and see it, I told her it would be here. Maybe she came but didn't comment :(

    1. No no no! I would never do that! I was off in la-la-land the earlier part of this week (mountain cabin with no internet) and I plumb forgot. Yeah, that's me in the cartoon all right. I'm the worst. But I think if I lived somewhere with RAINBOW LORIKEETS I might be able to spot something! Dang! I've only seen them in the zoo. They have their own little enclosure and you can feed them from your hand. It always makes me want to slather myself in peanut butter and roll in some seeds and get them all over me. It would be an improvement over my current fashion sense.

    2. Murr; mountain cabin! The one I've seen on your blog? I'd prefer a cabin on a beach, but with shady trees too.
      If you ever visit South Australia, drop in to my suburb when the gum trees are flowering, there's no shortage of rainbow lorikeets, dozens can be seen each morning and evening as they squabble and feed.

    3. Australia's on my list. So be careful what you wish for!


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