Sunday Selections # 298

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.
I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week we're back in the park where E had his birthday party.

three photos of some of the play equipment

there was much more than this and some swings as well

the middle section of the oval where soccer and football are played; Australian football, where the only protection is mouthguards and proper footy boots.

a basketball hoop for practice

this fully fenced area encloses a skateboarding park, larger than it looks here. The gates were padlocked when we were there.

this is what the barbecue shelters look like.

there were seagulls as well as ducks and all of them very well behaved. Not a single one came running for food.

Mum and babies

this beautiful bird raised his head and gave me that "keep away" look
then lowered it again as I moved away, but kept his eye on me.

one final duck and that's it for this week :)


  1. Replies
    1. I AM a duck (sort of)!!

    2. Author R. Mac Wheeler and fishducky; I love ducks too. My mum sometimes cooked with duck eggs.

  2. Looks like a great place for critters and humans to be!

    1. Karen S; it really is a fabulous park, very well maintained.

  3. Replies
    1. Joanne; I can't tell one duck from another, thanks for letting me know these are mallards :)

  4. Those ducks quack me up. Well, somebody had to say it.

    1. only slightly confused; ha ha, I was waiting for that.

  5. Playground equiptment is much 'brighter' than it used to be. And more varied.
    Love that the ducks and the gull (beautiful things) didn't mug you for food.

    1. Elephant's Child; I love the bright colours and variations available now, so much better than the grey swings, slippery dips and monkey bars parks had when we were children.
      I was really surprised at the birds good behaviour. Clearly they are fed on a regular basis and know when feeding time is.

  6. Lovely park, nice place to spend an afternoon. The playground equipment looks a tad scary to me, I would never attempt. LOL!

    1. S.J.Qualls; I love the equipment, if I were a bit younger and less achy I would have been all over it :)

  7. I love kids playgrounds. Not to 'perve' at the children but just to see them enjoy themselves. They can usually come up with some novel ways to use the equipment.
    Joining in with Sunday Selections this week over at Still Waters. Sorry have to comment through blogger but link is below

    Cathy @ Still Waters

    1. Cathy @ Still Waters; I love playgrounds for the same reason: watching the kids as they enjoy themselves and think up new ways to use the equipment. I'll pop over and see your Sunday Selections. Thanks for joining in :)

  8. It looks like a fun place for both kids and adults alike.

    There is a family of wood ducks waddling around here nowadays...10 little ducklings...they're so cute.

    I hope you have a good week, River...cuddles to Angel. :)

    1. Lee; it is a great park with something for everyone. I imagine all the barbecue shelters would be in use when a sports event is taking place there. Angel is cuddled up right next to my elbow.

  9. Very bright play equipment. I wonder why the skate park was locked up? No wonder kids make a nuisance of themselves on the streets. Love the duck.

    1. Andrew; I'm not sure about the skate park, possibly keys have to be requested and a supervisor present so little kids don't wander in and get hurt. It may be open more during school holidays.

  10. I love the ducks. Our usual mates haven't turned up this year and I suspect it's the wind and storms. I'm looking forward to seeing the wanderers return.

    1. JahTeh; the ducks are beautiful, glossy and plump. I see ducks in quite a few of our parks. Do you have many around your area? I hope yours return soon. Perhaps they're nesting somewhere and you'll see ducklings soon.

  11. AWWW the duck pictures (and the seagull for that matter) Great shots.


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