Musical Monday # 124

Musical Monday

I was introduced to Musical Monday by Delores who copied the meme from another site.
I think it’s a fun way to show off some of the music we like and brighten up our Mondays at the same time. 

I’ll be finding my clips on you tube, so will simply credit that site since there are often so many versions of everything and I wouldn’t want to accidentally credit the wrong artist.

Today’s clip is: Mungo Jerry

In the Summertime

and the lyrics:

not that you'd need them, you all know this, right?


  1. Hi River,

    Sadly, on the North side of the planet, it is now Autumn.

    But I like the song anyway - reminds me of the 70s.




    1. Plasman; I like autumn, but here in Aus. autumn isn't much cooler than summer until the last few weeks, then our winter is more like autumn, until the last month of it.
      It's a great song for background music at a barbecue or someplace like that.

  2. I remember it well and it is still heard on Musak music tapes.

    1. Andrew; just as a coincidence, I heard this on radio just yesterday, for the first time in years.

  3. Yes. Even my musically ignorant self knows this one. I would have struggled to remember the group though...

    1. Elephant's Child; the song is far more well known that the group itself. I was quite surprised to see what Mungo Jerry looked like.

  4. A fun song that always brightens one's mood. And a good one to start of the week. :)

    1. Lee; it is a fun song, great for times when you want boppy background music; a picnic or barbecue perhaps. Or a seventies themed party.

  5. Oh no River you have changed my life. I love this song but never saw Mungo Jerry therefore life was good. Now I will see him when I hear this song and not be as happy...strange looking group! LOL!

    1. Granny Annie; my life was changed then too. What is seen cannot be unseen. But I still enjoy the song.

  6. The words and music of the song came to mind without hearing the clip - it's the right sound but how come I don't remember that face or sideboards lol

    1. Cathy; I often hear this running through my head when summer begins approaching, but I'd never seen the group until I found it on youtube.

  7. Margaret-whiteangel; I don't think there's many who don't know this. Well, maybe those under thirty.

  8. I've always liked that song. Our autumn here is still feeling very summer-like. Unseasonably warm.

  9. Cheryl; we're having similar unusual weather, our spring is cool and wet. We did get one hot day last Saturday, shorts weather, then fuzzy slippers and dressing gowns again the next day. Brrr.

  10. I know the song very well....a great foot tapping tune.... but can't remember the artist. Maybe someone else used to sing it years ago.
    Prefer not to be thinking of summer as it is too close for my liking.


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